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Everything posted by Ziki

  1. Don't waste your time yet. I checked 11 southern Ontario streams and they are all running extremely low. I did not see any salmon but did see a few suckers and some emerald shiners. We need a continued drop in temps and large rainfall to start the run! Tightlines Ziki
  2. good thing about carp fishing is you don't need to worry about people stealing your spots.
  3. who, the guy always looking for a fight? wont be missed here
  4. Due to the town of Oakville banning public fishing in some areas Tony has decided not to continue his rehabilitation work in Oakville. PS great fish Tony!! Which boat are you going to keep?
  5. At first I thought you got her a new dog, but this is a far better gift. Good going G!
  6. Not surprising this is the first result when googling "paving permit" $127 paving permit called cash grab
  7. Thank you Brian, I am glad someone has their eyes open.
  8. You are ignoring common sense. My extra foot of driveway space isn't bothering anyone now more than it was for the last 5 years. This is a blatant cash grab. $400 so a committee of seven can ponder if I can have an extra foot of driveway width on my property.
  9. Are you really surprised I didn't listen to your suggestion? Not the ending I want for my story.
  10. It isn't a driveway if it has grass on it, and there is nothing wrong with parking on your lawn. BUT if you pave it so you don't have a dirt patch on your lawn your breaking the bylaw. Refer to title
  11. Well I'm off to the store to buy some indoor outdoor grass carpet I'll let you guys know how well it works out.
  12. The driveway was put in by us when we moved in by the same people who did all the renovation on the house. Due to a rogers cable box on our lawn the only way to accommodate a 2 car wide driveway was to put the extension on an angle. Due to this angle the driveway is now too wide for zoning regulations. Now my problem is that I don't have $400 to give to a special committee of seven, to explain this to them and then HOPE they understand and approve my application. Can I wait for the MLEO to take me to court and then explain myself then and there? TC1OZ what happened with your unplated car?
  13. I am going by the date they numbered every page with. Some of them say "revised" so I can only assume the ones that don't are the date the bylaw was passed. Here's a link http://www6.mississauga.ca/onlinemaps/plan...-%20RM1-RM2.pdf
  14. The date on the by-law is June 20, 2007 so certainly after the driveway was put in. Who do I take this up with? The MLEO himself?
  15. Anyone ever had to deal with a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer before? Turns out my driveway is too wide for the zoning laws. Wasn't a problem for the 5years I've lived here, but it is now. Anyways he said my options were to re-do my driveway, block off the extended area with a 4" barrier or take it up with the Committee of Adjustment. The scam artists at the Committee of Adjustment want $400 just for an application to have my case looked at. The guy says he will take me to court, but is that even possible for a by-law? Has anyone tried ignoring them and getting them to move on. Also do Municipal Law Enforcement Officers have the right to trespass onto my property to measure the length of my driveway or should I call the real boys in blue next time. Thanks OFC, I know there is a wise group here that can help me deal with this.
  16. wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, jim?
  17. The credit card doesn't need to belong to the person writing the test, not surprisingly.
  18. Thought some might enjoy this video as much as I did. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=ae5_1250597651
  19. try lake aquatine in meadowvale
  20. Good stuff, I remember the excitement when I got my first car. Drive safe
  21. Great news man, happy to hear everything went well!! this thread is a needed reality check Thank you
  22. californication, not for with the kids
  23. What about the charter?
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