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Everything posted by tknohpy

  1. I am fully geared up for the cold!
  2. Hopefully fishing Superdad I would be happy with spending my Birthday out on the boat with my grandpa
  3. that is the quintefishing.com g2g as well that weekend so I will see you guys here
  4. Hey Gerritt, I have a trailer at Perfect Vue, what weekend are you guys coming?
  5. That would be great! I fish mainly for walleye all year so new experiences would be good
  6. on the mountain off Mohawk near Ancaster
  7. i will be making trips every couple of weeks myself
  8. what species are you fishing for in those areas?
  9. Hey Guys and Gals I have moved to Hamilton recently. I am at my trailer on Hay Bay April to October but am looking for places to fish November to March. Any suggestions are appreciated.
  10. Fishing has been pretty slow, try them in deep water, 25-40 around the yellow buoy at Thompsons and in front of Mallory Bay. Any fish I have seen caught are still on spinners.
  11. palomar
  12. quintefishing.com
  13. Hey Frankie65 I am in the market as well, thanks for starting a great thread!
  14. ofah.org/faculty
  15. what about that course ofah is sponsoring, check their website
  16. I have a trailer at Perfect Vue...anyone ever looked into staying there?
  17. I caught my brothers ear fly fishing, thank god the hook was barbless!
  18. Why are you excluding BOQ
  19. Shermans Launch is at the end of Bayview Road off of County Road 9 http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=bayview+road,+napanee&sll=49.891235,-97.15369&sspn=46.570406,79.013672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Bayview+Dr,+Napanee,+Lennox+and+Addington+County,+Ontario+K7R+3K8&z=16
  20. Thanks for the suggestions guys. I am not great at these things but will give it a try.
  21. Can you tell me how I would go about testing the grounds?
  22. Hey Guys I have a Lund Pro-V with a panel that runs my bilge, livewell, nav lights and interior lights. Was fishing last Saturday and all was working well...came back Monday and nothing on the panel would work. Changed the main fuse, nothing. Took the panels off and tested that I was getting power to everywhere, all looks good. Anyone have any ideas as to what might be my problem? Thanks in advance!
  23. Perfect Vue resort may have some, we are on Hay Bay just outside Napanee. www.perfectvueresort.com
  24. 3M adhesive remover. You can pick it up at a car parts store. It is expensive but man does it work!
  25. We used to fish pckeral all the time there 30 years ago! My grandparents had a trailer on the lake.
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