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Posts posted by outllaw

  1. Truly a small amount of justice. These guys hopefully will pay much more for defence lawyers also. one of them has been doing those deeds for decades.. the sad part is that their hunting rights were not removed, as he will continue to harvest animals. i could press on with true stories and gory details, but i wont. i pray justice has been served.

  2. hi. chipped paint will not make a crank run un-true. if you want a fast strip on redfins. hit them with air. the paint will blow off. remember guys use an etch paint on plastics for primer. i have painted a few over the past few years... also use green painters tape for lip masking. its a neater relese.

    hope this helps a few folks out.

  3. I had 4 cranks(2 rapala HJ-14, One Ripplin Redfin, One Bomber Long A) that wouldnt run true due to chipped paint. So i stripped the paint off and hit em up with some flourescent orange and black tiger stripes, painted some eyes on and game them 2 coats of envirotex.








    Here is the contraption i put together so i could coat 4 lures at once and not have to buy anything...made from a broken salvaged shoe rack and some dowels. Works great!





    Here is some more i finished up today...tried some varied painting on thes ones...cant wait to try 'em out!!




    Another ripplin redfin



    Bomber Long A



    Rebel "blank" (anyone remember the name of this rebel crank?)



  4. Sadly canadian goverments sold canadians oil rights to u.s. based entitys..Between that taxation up the ying yang. to think. if goverments with their wisdom, why is there no infrastructure. mass transit is non existent in canada. oh well sorry for the spelling. my hands shake when the goverments have me bent over

  5. the majority of active muskies are in the top of the water column.. we fall fish muskies up to 40ft. water temps are the same here from top to bottom... if your truly want more action fish the top 12 ft for this water is normally the warmest. preferred temps are different for skies other then salmonoids.

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