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Posts posted by outllaw

  1. dogs on a leash. not in an area there allowed to be worked. i have trained dogs for 35 years. this is an area within that allows no hunting.im not looking for a debate. i love to hunt?fish myself. in fact i just got back in and i destroyed 3 more snares. the idiot marks them with floro tape. i cant wait for the next snow. i will walk the whole line with a pair of side cutters. if your a legit sportsmen do harvest. this guy sells walleyes, dont wanna work. the mnr have him on there list here.

  2. funny this came up. i run my dogs daily. last week my dog got caught in a snare. . last year my other dog also. i tore the snares out. i went to the sportsman club, gave them to the bartender. told him to tell the poacher that they all knoow to quit. seems that did not work. its sad when the riverside sportsman club in windsor knows, of a member doing this. nothing has been done. the mnr are strapped.. so in closing please be carefull on or near the gnatchio trail in windsor.

  3. coyotes are everywhere here in essex county. a fellow lost his labrador to a late season pack last winter. the windsor star ran an article on cats dis-appearing. i have found cat remains several occasions. they are cyclable . if theres game theres yotes.. mange is the norm. if there,s a problem they need to be controlled. one group 2 years ago shot 234 of them in one winter. my friend a veternarian saw a coyote run by with a cat in its mouth 4 blocks from my house. . if controls needed so be it. .

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