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Posts posted by outllaw

  1. competition is fine. dumping from asia is not. i will buy here in canada, if not available or built here i buy u.s. products. as for border crossing that is a stopgap to appease peasant shoppers. goverments and corporations are controlling masters..as for quality for dollar value i am still laughing. i dont put any value in the dollarama,s lol.

  2. it started here on st clair. species were affected then mother nature corrected the issues. as for fishing walleyes /muskies,,planer boards are a definate plus. sight feeders exploded. as for the statement on commercial netters theres plenty of blame to share. while commercial netters get 99.04 per-cent of quotas, anglers get .06. sports fishing has never achieved theres according to mnr stats. netters will tank nu.2 fish to achieve max dollars on nu.1 fish,,,more money per pound.

    the true issues lie on walleye spawning grounds. pollution and loss of habitat. just look at the thames walleye spawn. it is near non existent in the last 3 decades. london ont and bad farming efforts have created a toxic non spawning soup. these are facts folks not just thoughts. maybe we should be asking what goverments can do,,, oops i am sorry their broke, they gotta keep up their great pension plans and perks.

  3. first,,remove yourself from any family commitments.

    get a line of credit.

    begin taking anti-psycotic drugs before fishing..

    find a partner thats hard of hearing.dogs are great..

    from there you can invest in using every waking moment chasing big slimey,stinky fish.

    as for tools the guys filled that part in very well..

    in 1 years time if you arent talking to yourself,you have missed something.

  4. lure lips that are metal are normally much costlier. as time went on plastics and lexan is the norm.. theres a huge difference between plastic and lexan for lure lips.

    as for the storm lures hoten-tot and wiggle warts. the actual plastic the lures were built with created changes.. re-cycled plastics does not carry the rattle effects as virgin plastics.

  5. Sadly, vhs will make its appearence in most waters. We rant and rave,but the true lawbreakers are.

    goverment,shipping, . Invasive species we have are to many to type. Here where i live in southern ontario,we have watched, diseases and different species invade. just think.With global warming,inaction from goverments,whats to come.. if one looks for laws on the books from our own mnr,a kid could do better. in lsc you can use canadian minnows, but u.s. visitors cant use them if there purchased in michigan, even if there dipped from the same lake.

    we need folks that actually understand biology, not pencil pushers.

  6. TJ.. Sadly the vhs, among a whole pile of things will creep across canada. When we tried to deal with the goverment factions, they just dont listen. Policticians have short life cycles 4yr. they reallynever concern about our future. Unless there making money..From birds carrying disease to fish migrating,to ships ballast dumped. Sadly resources in canada seem to have lo values. to us guys its priceless.

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