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Posts posted by outllaw

  1. wow.

    if a canoe was going down the road, and one of its wheels fell off.

    how many shingles does it take to roof a doghouse?

    5 why.,,, because theres no bones in ice cream.

    that makes more sense to me.

  2. name='Roy' date='09 May 2010 - 02:36 AM' timestamp='1273386989' post='464540']

    Buy them from luremaking.com. An Ontario company with great customer service. Download their catalogue from their site if you like...bonus is that they sponsor this community of ours.

    lure making has a fast efficient customer service. if your into hobbyist building, dont hesitate. . as ROY said they sponsor and are canadian based.

  3. very true outlaw. Its quite common for comercial fishing boats to harvest $1000's of dollars of fish over their quotas, then get slapped with a $2000 fine... and making a large profit on their over harvest.


    Just wonder what the fishery would be like without comercial fishing

    the facts are the commercial industry ,paying a royalty to the goverment funds mnr. my biggest concerns are the over netting of other species. lake smelt have been decimated. speaking years back to a mnr biologist. forage must be kept high to feed these species we want. .trying to feed the world from lake erie is far from feasable. commercial netting quotas are 99.4 per-cent of quota. sportsfishing is allowed 0.6 percent of harvest.. as you mentioned commercial netters sometimes over quota. till the time the courts judicial system actually understands the values of these fish small fines will be the norm. there are some bright points though. the mnr and goverment has a program of installing gps trackers on the commercial tugs. at least then monitering netters to stay in their licensed areas.

  4. turbines. unproven lasting technology. here on st clair its not wanted. as of past results turbines have shown no long term factors. . to top off the deal most turbines are built in offshore factorys..this is an atempt from private industry to capitilize crown waters and lands for their gain. at a township meeting in lakeshore there were opp crusers and many upset folks.why is is the general publics money is squandered, thru this attempt of greed.

  5. bass pro is a generality store. greaty to explore. as guys specialize in species its normally a regional thing. local sporting goods stores do specialize in knowledge. finding out the hot info of...where, what their biting on, weather reports is priceless.. big box stores do not carry specialty items.theres many quality products that fishermen seek that the walmarts, bass pro,s dont carry.

  6. my best thoughts for musky must haves. all release equipment. a decent soft tip trolling rod.AND knowing where to run my baits. tunining a lure can greatly increase you odds.a few old creek chub pikies, some woodies on the planer boards and were good to go. getting caught up into internet hype is a far cry from experience on the waters.

  7. with becoming a huge automotive manufaturing industry the re-calls have come. engineering failures are a standard fact in industry,s. asian marketers have found out the hard way. being secretive till their hand was forced is the issue at hand. a free car wash or oil changed would not change my thoughts. its not the engineering defaults that scares me. its the denial

  8. last year. 80 year old woman has to mortage her home. she needed money to pay for doctors treating her husband. after losing him,and yes claiming bamkruptcy. does pay or die u.s. health care work. only if you have the funds.although canada,s system may have flaws or waits, its more superior. unless you believe in the theory . eat or be eaten.

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