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Posts posted by outllaw

  1. glad you had a great trip and weather. l.s.c. my home water does produce some quality fish. from smallies to muskies.theres always a place to fish iregardless of weather.,unless its sandy with hurricane winds. well moosebunk we do enjoy your skills of putting a story for all to see. well its back at it time to paint guess what....musky baits lol.

  2. last year. we had a young student charged. he put moose horns on kiijii. the co came to his house and ticketed him. the student purchsed the horns in huntsville ont, at an antiques shop for a prop in a play. the charge went to the court system. the judge threw the charge out of the courtroom. it was in the windsor star and on the radio stations.

  3. funny my best draathar was my wifes shadow. in the field she was a machine. we trialed her in michigan and used her for 2 blinds at st lukes bay. at one time i had 20 burger burners in the 70,s. buying chow 1,000lbs at a time. one thing with gun dogs. there loyal and will give everything they have for you..i work my blk lab every morning including christmas day. ,and yes he curls up on the couch.dogs are kids you dont send to college lol.

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