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Posts posted by outllaw

  1. Thanks so much Paul it has been awesome building a buisness that I never even thought of or dreamed of when I first got into building baits. I started at Christmas of 2005 with a starter kit from luremaking.com to build bucktail for myself and maybe some for friends to pass out and use. But with the support of family and friends it has grown leaps and bounds.


    My ofc family has been very supportive and that is awesome.


    Three of my biggest supporters are from here one is George Outlaw with out his encouragement and his wifes coffee (and support) Im not sure I would have been building them like I did he gave me alot of buisness smarts and passed info along of things not to do I try and listen to him all the time as he has been around the fishing world longer then most of the OFC family have been alive. (George that is not a Jab at your age jsut we have a young crew me included) I do listen but forget so we have to go over the lessons again I have never been a great stuident.


    Brian Slowpoke he encouraged me to take the baits to the market and sell them I was leary but he convinced me in2009 so in 2010 I did and it has been awesome ever since.With stores poping up and sales to OFC friends I know I would not have brought them out with out his constant encouragement that they were good enough for waht ever reason I did not think I could sell them the confidance was not there for me.


    Ron Ronnie is the thrid what can I say about him NOTHING as he has helpped me in so many ways if I start to list them I will miss something like George he has been there since the start and had a hand in almost every step of the way from crap one off baits that did not work to well the sky is the limit for his help. Thanks Ronnie


    With that said there have been so many OFC friends here who should be mentenoed but the list is so long you all know who you are and you dont go un noticed from myself we talk all the time or often either online or text or phone Thanks to everyone of you. The support is awesome.


    I guess there is one supporter who stands out over all that is my father he was so excited to see each step that I did he would come over and watch me build baits and always had pictures of them and musky that we caught. He would sit at McD's for coffee showing them off LOL Im sure every one there wanted to see them. He always told me to never cheap out or cut corners use the best componets you can get spend more to build a lure and dont worry about what you make on them as the quality will sell its self.Well he was right I always think of him when I get them emails from new customers who are eacited when they get there lures in the mail and love the quality that is what its all about. Thanks Dad



    Tyler thats all good I have changed things alot since startup alot of trial and error so yes yours would have been a one of a kind.


    I did not know you felt so bad about it that you were holding so much guilt that you actuall named your first born after me that was killer awesome of you and happy 1st B-Day to your little man Parker LOL.


    Will Do G

    Got it and sent ya one back

    mike. you have the qualitys to go far. as we have conversed over the years. be honest,youve done that. you have a great family,great demeanor.,and a great bait. . staying postive treat folks the way you would wanna be treated,,,now go bend some wire lol

  2. we have been involved for over 30 years. as a member of mci belle river chapter we also do the belle river sunsplash 250 kids yearly along with kidscps and canadian tire. also as a big brother years back. as a manufacturer ,we love to see dads and moms bring the young guns into the outdoor world. guys remember taking time will ensure your fishery and your grandkids outdoor adventures. from catching a frog to fishing.. as i read these posts i was very happy to read ron reyns post. theres a guy thats stood up to be counted.

    thanx ron.

  3. vhs. it will strike when the waters are normally in the 40degree mark. . when we had it strike in st clair it affected thousands of gamefish. we lost over 30,000 muskies.

    funny thing was that year we had a very large spawn from muskies. . nobody knows when and where it will rear its ugly head.

  4. hi. i highly recomend large board and mast system.yes muskys hit boatside but motor noise spooks fish off to the sides.big boards run midship,not back behind.small boards have that tendency when lure loaded.here another tip. you can run and depth control a deeper diver by line out from clip. many many big fish cruise hi feeding on bait.i have run boards from the ottawa to st clair my home waters. scotty makes great clips. many guys use cheep caebiner clips for holding/sliding down the main tow line. boards are deadly on salmon/walleyes and mooskies. .also good running boards will not dive in waves like small boards. personaly boards outfish boat rods 5-1.boards were introduced here in the great lakes in the mid 70,s..they came from the west coast salmon trollers.....hope this helps...

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