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Posts posted by outllaw

  1. twocoda.. can i insert once again leadership lacks. when years back the folks that decided to net swt clair carryweapons. when asked they stateed thats for whomever ttries to stop them. the rez wholesales smokes . they even shoot at passing freighters with deer rifles. ask the marine division of opp in essex kent. thats why i canot see without effective leadership f.nation folks get a black eye. bye no means am i a biased fellow. i have blood from generations past and thru marriage.. we cant have a two tiered system. theres plenty more i wont attempt to put on the net.. good luck i truly hope theres resolve.

  2. Its truly sad. the lay claim of the eath resources and the land. that concept to me and others has long dissapated. . the sustunence claims are far reached. sorry but when we see nets,rotting fish,unwanted animal harvest.. the canadian laws are abused. understanding natives claims to this.but the folks just seem to use this as a tool. sportsmen scream at wastage,ghost gill nets and suddenly goverments cut cheques. when the monies run out once again the carnage starts again. thats not media hype its fact. walpole has done this for years. the council or band leaders if i said that correctly either dont care or have no control..so in closing why should goverments bargain or negotiate when natives have the same story being told 30 years ago. no direction obviosly..sorry if this upsets folks..

  3. Well the other day I went to the food basics store to get some bread milk ect. Well I saw red hots on sale so I grabbed two packs my son loves them (yes George I know there not the good ones but get he nukes em not BBQ)


    Oh yeah my point here I just opened the pack and see I lost two wieners what is this world coming to selling packs of 10 hotdogs that's uncalled for So be warned they have figured out how to raise the price on wieners I guess it could have been worse they could have chopped the tip off all 12.

    mike dont worry those type of weeenies are like twinkies. they can stand a nuke blast. great to catch up on your sodium intake lol.

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