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Posts posted by outllaw

  1. i have had dogs for years. raised draathars, cocker did the field trial circuit and shows for the american cockers. fast forward. i am on my 2nd labrador. he is incredibly smart. i run him on birds daily in the mornings. theres not a better family/hunter suited dog better.

    mind you you will get what effort you put into any dog.. .

    the more people i meet the better i like my dog.. we also have a jack russel. if you get oni guarantee you will lose 20lbs and have grey hair.

  2. yotes here in essex county. i had a problem with 1 yote. he would challenge us every day. 5ft away tail tucked ears back.i called mnr. they said shoot. but i am in windsor. called police they said cell phone us. i dont have one. called humane society. they wanted to tranq him. .i resorted to fire crackers. since he,s had pups with 2 females there were now 8 including pups. since that last year theres 7 dead ones rotting in the field. someone took care of all bur 1. the 1 yote left i see is living good.i see arabbit kill every day in the field. beware running dogs in yote area. they carry lots of disease thats transmitted to dogs

  3. anywhere on the great lakes its low. i remember the 1960,s. we were in the same situation. then water levels went up. flooding occured. history repeats itself with different cycles. l.st clair is low. commercial shipping will soon scream. as for canada has anyone noticed. the federal harbour commisions have given municipalitys hundreds of waterway property to townships. sorta downloading. dredging then becomes county problems.

  4. here its stennosssis and herniated nu.5. no surgery . docs wanna shelve you if your over 45 in ontario. had all the epidurals 3 sets,flacett injections,and such. shacky legs,cramps and walkless days. after 14 years now my r.hips wore out. if they have the technology and theres no permanent nerve damage. go for it.

  5. pretty obvious a society flaw.folks have the belief they can not be protected by the system. they arm themselves then this issue happens. sadly its the american way..when and where i grew up society solved their problems thru parenting,and a decent society background..lews correct on his post.

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