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Posts posted by cisco

  1. Strangehow they all seem to be along one row. Maybe the worker put in the wrong/weaker rivets. Don't they use weaker ones for certain areas? I know the aluminum is thicker on floors than the sides... so maybe the rivets just need replaced with the proper strength ones. Resetting crappy rivets will not solve the problem as well as new rivets. Just my opinion. Good luck with it! Wayne will fix you up properly. Generous offer too by the way Wayne!

  2. I tried the regular propane and it didn't work. Couldn't get the rod to melt. The plumbers torch worked fine but for a long weld on thick material like a boat hull it wasn't very good in my opinion.


    Regular glass will work. Use a few layers laid in different directions so the fabric strength is evened out over the repair area. Just remember to use EPOXY resin and to STIR it for the time recommended.... 3 to 5 minutes. You have at least 1/2 hour working time with it befoe it goes off, so don't rush the job.

  3. I bought some and tried it off that Ebay guy. You need a plumbers torch which is different than a regular propane torch. The Plumbing torch burns acetalene which is slightly hotter which is required to melt the crap. I did it but wasn't impressed and laid composites over it anyway. LOL! The Ebay guy didn't really explain the acetelene torch part very clearly.... and not many guys have access to one...... which maybe explains why it is left unclear to potential buyers.

  4. I'd predict the left side will encounter the same stress crack in future. Wayne gives great advice as always. An old boat like that can also be fixed strong by getting a few things from a marine supply store. I'd get a small amount of reducer along with a 1/2 pint of epoxy resin and hardener (combined volume when you mix both for 5 minutes to get it to activate. Composite material should be what the store recommends, but one layer of 5.5 or 6.5 oz Kevlar (yellowish-gold coloured cloth) is more than fine. Cut two pieces of Kevlar, one for each side of the middle keel there to fit between the keels and remove/sand the loose stuff off the aluminum. The repair side looks pretty clean now, but I'd do the other side just in case. Unlike polyester resin like you get for car repairs, the epoxy stuff is both an adhesive and is waterproof. Do the job under warm conditions, say, 60 degrees F using worklight heat or ? this time of year. Wipe the area down with the reducer until rag is clean so contaminants are removed, then using a cheap dolla store small paint roller wet the area with some mixed resin. Then lay the cloth down and roll on some more resin till air bubbles are removed. I use disposable surgical gloves cuz the stuff gets a bit messy.


    Some places sell small repair kits containing all the stuff needed for a small repair. Check the marine supply store to see what they have. Shouldn't cost much depending on minimum volumes/amounts you must buy. $30-$40. my guess.

  5. 150 is more than enough for any size moose. But get a decent bullet. Nosler partition bullet or the Barnes brass deals hold together great and will punch through both shoulders without a huge hole. Now the standard manufacturers are playing catchup on loading thess better bullets into their own cases. The manufacturers like Remington and Federal and Winchester have also improved their bullets so they hold together better. Ya get what you pay for and with the internet you can find out what hunters say and what the gun experts say about various commercial rounds.


    Me, I've dropped a few moose with the Noslers in handloaded cases of different calibres and have done some tests shooting everything from gel blocks to .... nevermind and have never been disappointed in their performance. Never shot the Barnes but have heard nothing but good about them from gun gurus.


    Have a safe hunt 'Killer'. LOL!!!

  6. Costs around $10,000 for a patent. First a lawyer does a patent search to ensure it isn't already patented. Once that is done and things are a 'go' then lawyer gets to write up a description along with diagrams to file the patent. Whole thing takes months and lawyers don't like to clearly tell you anything in case they're wrong. That's what I kinda know.


    But in your pal's case she has to be careful since once she told others about the thing ... especially a manufacturer..... especially without a non-disclosure agreement (lawyers can do this writing also for some more $$$) then she maybe isn't able to get an international type patent or even a patent for Canada or the USA since the lid's off the thing she invented.


    I'd say her best bet is to approach a company that does manufacture the kinda stuff she invented and try and get a non-disclosure contract that would allow her a royalty and distribution rights for the things she comes up with which they feel there's a worthwhile market for. The idea to register-mail yourself a written description of the invention THAT REMAINS SEALED isn't a bad idea, but some say it isn't good enough in court. That approach is probably only maybe adequate if you are fighting with someone you say stole your idea. But if someone else patents it, your SOL so to speak.


    I ain't no lawyer, but that's my $.02

  7. Very enjoyable read fellas! Congrats on several fantastic accomplishments and excellent pictures to capture the trip!


    Funny how weird stuff jumps up to try and counter a perfect trip. Imagine someone being loopy enough to do what that dummy on the road did! Good for him you're still young and still have quick reflexes and a good set of wheels, eh Wayne!



  8. Thank heavens everyone made out OK Wayne. Temagami Lake has always been a bad mistress. Although you folks have only been up there a short time, the lake has already shown its dark side a coupla times. Always have a backup plan pending weather. Never have to be somewhere, 'weather be darned'. You're a smart man and boatsman. Good job Wayne on gettin' the job done! :clapping:


    NEVER let that place lull you into a state of complacency. All the stories I've been told from guides/trappers/hunters/MNR about that place leads to the conclusion that Temagami Lake is within a wilderness region that can be a real killer on occasion.


    Take care bud.

  9. :clapping: Fantastic accomplishment! Congrats to you both on nailing a +54 casting! Especially nice to see father and son gettin' er done!


    I didn't know you had a 9fter available. I better check that out on the BPS website. I stuck a twilly tip onto the end of my PM 8'6" extra heavy telescoping rod and she's reely sweet for wire line on big chinooks on Lake Ontario.


    Take care and all the best to you and your dad.... and to cover all the possible bases...and to Roy too what the heck!! :P

  10. To try and straighten out relations with the .... no doubt.... vindictive "idiot" manager, for sure get a doc to give you a note for work. Docs charge $20 -$40. to get a letter for you typed up, but in this case do it and politely offer it to the creep and say how you don't wan't any hard feelings over the matter, but you had no choice due to the pain.


    Hopefully the jerk will mellow out and learn a lesson over it. Do NOT c.c. the guy over his head.... that's up to the jerk if he cares to do it (probably not). But keep a copy at home in case at a later date you need to correspond with the President over other problems the jerk has caused you.


    Hope you're feeling better. So what was the problem anyway..... too much possum-pie leftovers you snuck from Granny's root cellar?

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