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Posts posted by cisco

  1. Lake's full of thievin' whitefish. They love taking minnows off jigs. Try using tiny hooks with little or no weights and let the minnow squirm around on bottom. When you get a strike, let em take a minute or so to ingest the bait.


    Mmmm! Panfried whitefish!


    I don't generally fish where another hut has just left. For one, he left for a reason, probably to do with poor fishing. Second, the fish left are now a bit thinned out and what's left is probably there since able to thwart angler antics.


    Sorry you didn't catch anything. Always next time.

  2. If the police get involved they will likely try to con you into leaving, since they usually take the easy way out and in this case would be leery of defending your rights against a marina who may get politicians involved to complain about them.


    Since the police are the ones who will enforce any trespass bylaw regulations, I suggest you call the Municipal Office and ask about any bylaws pertaining to the marina waters.


    Also, consider contacting the MP's Office for the area since the Feds will also have an account of any special rules at the marina. Put your tax dollars to use.


    To me, it does make sense that a marina would be granted some degree of control over who wanders around their boat slips under the guise of 'fishing', and any rules that may be set in place are likely all encompassing.....the same for winter vs summer, even though the winter scenario with a few icefishermen close to vacant slips is really a different thing than guys in fishing boats casting around expensive yaughts in summer. So you may be treated the same in winter as the summer crowd re trespass regs which are set there via bylaw. My $.02 anyhoo. Good luck! Keep us posted on the outcome.

  3. The amswer is not hard to obtain.




    MNR via transfer payments from the Feds enforces the Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) regulations.

    Remember that the Federal gov't has the mandate to manage fisheries and the MNR only has the mandate through legal contract with DFO. Makes sense right? I mean, why have the Province enforcing wildlife regulations when they can at the same time help enforce DFO fisheries regs.. No sense having federal fisheries officers wandering around along with MNR's CO's for wildlife reg enforcement.


    The Ontario gov't also has the final say re whether and to what extent it choses to enforce Federal regs.... take for example where the Provincial gov't has decided not to enforce the Fed firearms regs so the MNR nor the OPP will do the dirty work of the Feds by charging anyone with not having their sporting arms registered.


    Anyway, back to the issue.


    Call Head Office MNR in Peterborough or email the MNR Minister's office clearly explaining what you want an answer to.

    They will email back or maybe telephone to give you their position on the matter. On an issue such as this, it is best to get a written position.


    Keep this position on hand and no CO or Enforcement Co-ordinator will mess with ya. And even if one does, the letter will vindicate you if the matter does go to court. Crown will drop it like a hot potato since the issue would meke em all look inconsistent.


    Quite frankly, many DFO regulations aren't upheld by the MNR except under certain circumstances.... namely, when MNR feels it needs to enforce in order to nip something in the bud, or to discourage someone from abusing the resource.


    Bottom line, the laws are only as strong as those who choose where and when to enforce them.

  4. Pure ingenius! Congrats!! Like Kerry says, have the middle pole on the inside so's the wind pushes the tarp against it rather than away from it. Takes a real outdoorsperson to go forth with a piece of tarp and a vision...... which you did, and you SURVIVED!!!! Keep the ideas a comin'!

  5. The Gretsky era will be hard to top. He alone attracted players to skate with him. He coulda made Tie Domi a 50 goal scorer as long as ole Wayne could see the stick blade to bank a shot off of! Wayne packed arenas wherever he played.


    What's happened is they've made hockey into a form of entertainment. All for the $$$


    The salary cap is gonna even things out even more. Gone are the days when the team with the most $ has a better shot at the cup. Gone are the days when the Canadians got 1st pick of the Quebec up-and-comers.


    Now there's foreign players that I can't even pronounce the names of. Less and less of the "that player is from my hometown where we played shinny together!"

    No more stacked teams means more shootouts and stuff to decide outcomes from games which by league design will likely end in a tie.


    I'll watch the playoffs a bit, but now enjoy my viewing time staring at real stuff like guys rebuilding cars or creating motorcycles. To me, the closest thing to reality TV is the loopy family on Orange County Choppers. :thumbsup_anim:


    People are loyal to things they like. That's why the NHL Board keeps Bettman on, and why some fans are leaving, and why some committed fans want to get things back to the way they were.


    Taking shots is one thing, but let's also hear of what can be done to get back to the old days.... while still maximizing profits for the groups who own/control the teams..... like wasn't the Teacher's Federation somehow owners of the Leafs a short time ago?! Like they care about anything more than the payout!! :lol:


    I don't see how we can get there from here. :dunno:

  6. That's a really nice offer! Big pike seem to be caught close to islands. Right tight to the town of Callander has some beauts close to the islands there.


    As for someone guiding you a bit, just seems a tough job without a snowmobile or ATC since where your hut's gonna be is not within easy walking distance of any other hotspots. Talk to the operator since they seem more than helpful in relocating you to another hut that more fish seem to be coming out of... if any are empty for a day.


    Hope you guys have a great trip!

  7. Sounds like maybe a bitta misleading advertising. Sorry you got dinged.

    I stopped by there a few weeks ago and on the advice of a friend, inquired about the Helly Hanson one-piece float suit that many here recommend, and got it (XXL) for $262.19 taxes in, and there was probably also a small jiggin rap included in the VISA. I think I got a deal.


    The folks running it do have to pay overhead compared to Pete on the lake....unless gov't has figured a way to charge him rent on his floating store. :lol:


    Maybe you coulda saved some money by just getting a one-day fishing licence. $10.. according to the MNR Regs booklet. That way you get to keep the limits of the regular licence, but don't get hit so hard when you forget your licence. Unless the guy there doesn't have the one-day licence. Did you try that angle?


    I didn't buy much besides the floatcoat, but that store sure does have Simcoe-specific tackle. There also was a coupla dudes who seemed like pals of the guy running it who offered some good advice on where to go and what to use for the whities. Too rough to fish there, but a laker broke surface beside us as we checked out the spot.


    I buy minnows and just have em put into my pail, so I don't get hammered re the air/bag/box thing.

    In winter the minnows use less oxygen so as long as you keep em cold and are gonna use em within a coupla hours I think they'd be good to go. I toss some snow in during the day so when it disolves it gives off oxygen. Just be using a scoop to nab minnows you aerate the water. A cheap styrofoam cooler does a great job keeping the water from freezing on cold days.


    Like you, I consider the joint to be a "convenience store" Getting stuff there is insurance against not finding the stuff lakeside. Especially the licence bit since I don't know if Pete sells em. I like stopping in there to get the fishing lowdown and by getting minnows there it makes for a less stressfull trip having all the stuff I need before getting to the Zoo.... I mean the lake!

  8. Having occasionally fished Simcoe through the ice since the 60,s I have seen it get to be pretty good. MNR has almost achieved the objective of ridding the lake os the rainbow smelt which they disliked for some reason. MNR got a whitefish hatchery going so folks generally can nail one or the two fish limit if they know the fish. Smallmouth bass appear quite regularly around the 6lb mark.....perch seem easy to catch to the point of folks complaining they get a coupla hundred but are still dissatisfied since not enough are over the 9 inch jumbo minimum.


    Friends who know the lake that go out from Jackson's Point do quite well on the lakers in previou years....


    And it pisses me off I can't go tomorrow. Oh and a pal reported one of our buds caught an 8lb walleye off the Talbot River within the past few days.


    I think the outfitters are hurting more from the portable huts and flashers and ATCs that get guys out there without needing much help.

    Minnow sales will also reflect the new baits folks have found which catch perch.


    Oh, and finally, internet sites like this one tell folks what works and sometimes even where to go. Yet the fish are still plentiful.... to me anyway.


    Go back in time to the 60s and 70s and you'll see the average guy needed an outfitter to get much of anything. LOL!


    The MNR Simcoe Fisheries assessmant unit/plan has done a pretty good job to me anyways. I doubt a few less COs will have much of an impact.


    I forgot there's even some beauty black crappie there now available to the keen nighttime angler. And a new possible carp record just recently fell there too!!!

  9. Fished it for quite a few years, and found you need to fish either weed edges or clearings in the weeds. Best is definitely before/at dark and on overcast days. Lost count of the jiggin raps lost to musky jiggin raps in the dang open on the sand flats......


    I used for set lines those walleye rigs with the two hooks on snells stickin out with a weight on the bottom . Set it up so the line was straight down to the weight with about 6 inches of play on my tipup so when the walleye would hit and go sit on bottom it wouldn't feel any resistance. Walk over, gently lift the line and set the hook.

  10. Good article to reflect the feelings of the average angler in Ontario!

    Next time I hope all the folks with cameras spend the time to take pics of stuff MNR can use to aprehend the poachers. Shots of vehicle licence plate and boat registration along with clearer shots of the illegal lines they were said to be using and their faces. Otherwise it's a waste of scarce enforcement dollars.

    We have to self-police. I have my camera with me now on all trips afield and will take the needed time away from my joy of fishing or hunting to get the evidence.


    To be clear, we must get photos of stuff that help MNR to easily track down the accused and gain a conviction/plea bargain on.

    Vehicle ID gets MNR to the door where the guys say it wasn't them or their lines were legit. But photos of their mugs and of the extra lines gives MNR the edge they need.


    Please donate the extra time needed to gather this vital evidence, or else don't get upset if MNR can't do anything.


    I bet considerable MNR resources went into that particular investigation......... just because a few close well-thought-out shots hadn't been taken by all the folks with cameras there who didn't know any better.


    It's up to all of us folks!!!!! Let's use our cameras better!

  11. Watched a TV documentary on that country a while ago. The head honchos there have decided to use all their dwindling oil reserve revenues to build the worlds foremost tourist destination. I recall the show saying that an apartment building/skyskraper is completed about every coupla minutes or so. Their even building a connected tourism-focused island complex that is so huge it's easily picked up by satelites.


    "Build it and they will come". Any idea how many rich/middleclass folks haven't experienced snow?


    A guy I know just returned from there. He was staying at a pal's condo and different beautiful 'girls' would knock on his door in the morning. Kinda like door-to-door salespersons..... he says their rates weren't bad either! LOL! :rolleyes:


    I bet lotsa big executive types will enjoy holding their annual meetings there due to such perks....

  12. :thumbsup_anim: Makes my day to hear the great progress report! Maybe during the next week or two we can get together. GT and Chuckles have been buggin me re your recovery status. I'll lettem know and maybe we can all go drown some worms on Simcoe together! :Gonefishing:


    Hey TJ, I bet Big Chev has pushed bigger guys than you out of the way TO GET INTO A GOOD FIGHT! :lol:

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