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Posts posted by cisco

  1. As far as where he fishes most........we get asked that question all the time! lol The boat dealers at the shows all asked me that too! Seems like a strange question to ask for some reason to me. I/We plan to travel around and try a lot of different lakes. When I was at the trailer park or if someone had a cottage on a particular lake, it would seem like a logical answer. Other than that, we are vagabonds! I dunno, just seems like an odd question to me!

    Like GWB says.....

    If the guy fishes Simcoe allot and the Kawarthas (kinda on the way if your boat's on south end east of Cooks Bay) I would have offered up my storage guy by Simcoe. That's why I wanted to know where he fishes. Since your 'fishing vagabonds' you could offer to split the storage cost with him to get his rent down.... if you are constant companion. A buddy I take quite often has offered but I decline. Nice gesture of him though. Makes me feel even better about taking him out fishing. Lots out there who want a free ride.

    A boat dealer should ask the question in order to help fit the proper boat package to the seller. Extreme example is a guy fishing Lake Ontario for salmon can't get by with a 12 footer as safely as a guy who fishes pond crappie.

  2. Get a hydrofoil to attach to the cavitation plate if you want to economically get on plane faster and stay there at slower speeds. Also the place in north Mississauga that repairs props ....... can't recall their name offhand but someone here can help) and I had them fix one a while ago. Located just north of Derry between Dixie and Torbram roads. They also have some props so you might be able to buy one as spare with a diff pitch to change things also. The 'experimental' (they said) prop I got gets me going faster but with a few people on board it struggles a bit to get onto plane. So I just change it when boat gets loaded up to the standard prop. I have a hydrofoil and am happy with it. I run a 45hp Mariner.

  3. Worked in many departments in the Schneiders meat plant in Kitchener for years getting through university. Worked with the hotdog and bologna lines and saw what goes in em.


    1. Balogna and hotdogs are same thing. Only diff is a line switch from the same huge 2 storey tall blender that allows the goo to travel to a different sized tube system. (Yet people eat balogna in sandwiches raw raw but feel the need to cook hotdogs. haha!

    2. When a net splits on beef roast/hams/? this goes into 'rework' and ends up in hotdog/bologna recipe.

    3. When the 6ft long tubes of various luncheon meats are 'poured' and cooked workers trim off the rounded ends (the round slices you buy in packages used to be part of said 6' tubes with rounded/closed ends before the goo is cooked to turn hard for slicing and raw consumption). The rounded ends are again, gathered in large bins and put into the hotdog/bologna recipe.

    4. the recipe is made up of all the above in large quantities along with cereal grains and such as well as...see next point.

    5. 'lips and asses' is incorrect. I worked the slaughter house area also and there are animals strictly used for sausage meat due to their poor quality for stuff like steaks, roasts and hams/ bacon. Where do you think all the old dairy cattle, female pigs used to bear young, bulls, roosters and such go? Into sausage items like hotdogs, bologna and the many other luncheon meats.


    I'll eat Schneiders hotdogs or bologna raw anytime. Only thing pisses me off is now that Maple Leaf has apparently bought out Schneiders and closed the plant AND messed with the hotdog/bologna recipe, whatever happened to the recipe is bad since to me the Redhots and garlic/blueribbon bologna does not taste nearly as good as before.

  4. Saltydawg makes a good point.


    Creel surveys are probably showing wayyy reduced whitefish harvest. Less heat on MNR to quietly combine whitefish with cisco in option 2 to help reduce whitefish harvest. "Anglers want option 2!" is what MNR may be claiming soon to avoid this heat. With $$$ cuts, increased whitefish stocking ....even maintaining whitefish stocking, is tough to achieve. MNR likes ticketing dumb anglers so the argument of 'some anglers can't tell the difference' doesn't fly at all IMHO.

    Keep in mind that MNR is only asking about cisco yet due to option 2 we know whitefish is also 'on the table'. MNR needs to be pressed on what it's position is on this species and what it's thinking about doing. Regardless of angler input on herring the MNR can still fiddle with whitefish.

  5. So you have 10 still on about a foot of the 4 foot span? Won't the heat concentrate there then? I'd at least go 8 on all of it not on just 3 ft of it. At full speed with a low battery is when I hear most heat buildup happens. Battery booster cables are pretty economical to cut up and use vs buying the wire and methinks are either 6 or 8 if memory serves. Really nice and expensive TM so I wouldn't cheap out getting power to it.

  6. Forgot to say it's a Motorguide remote control TM. Under the cover is where the 2 power wires go down into the shaft to get to the motor. Nothing else under there. Control box is before the cover in the bow mount assembly. I actuall just now hooked up one of the LEDs to the two power wires and it got brighter but didn't blow when I turned the motor to high and even when I was restricting the prop slowing it to get lotsa load on the system. I'll hook the lights in parallel and this'll help reduce high amps per light. Thank you for your input.

  7. Really poor judgement on that Credit River ruling. Useless really. These rulings don't seem to take into account that folks used the rivers before and after the new landowner bought in. IMHO anyone buying land with a river flowing through should be aware or aught to be aware that people float down through the property. 'Buyer beware' in that a landowner can't change use of the river since purchase price took into account or aught to have taken into account (been raised or lowered) the use of the river by others. Useless decision to have th judge say folks can float down it but can't portage around the dam. Any evidence of a portage would demonstrate that folks had been using a path around the obstruction and again, just my opinion, that a right of way had been established... this based on recollection that if a person had been cutting through your property for...7 years I recall.. then they had a right of way and can't be prevented. That's why landowners send the neighbour a letter each year saying they can't use a laneway for a specific day (usually when they wouldn't anyways like middle of winter) just to keep this right-of-way thing from happening.


    If a portage trail has been found and no track of letters/public announcements had gone out to anyone since 1886 or whenever the dam was built, then the portage route really should be a right-of-way. IMO building of the dam a coupla hundred years ago would legally imply doing so in consideration of maintaining the river passage.


    Oh and say a landowner bought beside a stinky chicken farm or an airport......... good luck getting it closed because the landowner doesn't like the smell or noise. Same kinda issue here really, no?


    Really think the judges dropped the ball on this one. Didn't look deep enough taking local/provincial and federal regs all into account.

  8. Just an idea. I went to Kijiji and searched 'cube van'. Got several in the $2,300. range. Oldies but goodies and if you guys are mechanically inclined you can check em out. Buy one and when to the east coast sell it.

    Sales pitch would be something like... "Just drove it here so she works good!"

    One was a 1884 Ford 350 cube with 116,000 km with all kindsa new stuff that the seller says is being sold becouse he's selling his business. Black and has a sharks smile but ugly is good cuz nobody steals ugly. LOL!


    Seriously, say $3,000 or less investment and recoup most of it when done with it. I know people who have been very successful doing this with cars when they came from out west.

  9. Hospitals are non-profit charitable organizations and they call the land they sit on 'private property'. So simply don't pay the fine. They aren't connected to gov't to track down your licence plate and hold tickets ransome for you renewing your licence plate. On the invoice this is evident since there isn't even an explanation how to challenge a charge.


    They have the parking arms on most lots to keep you in the lot until you pay thus bringing the arm up for you to 'escape'. So only park where you have a meter to attend/ignore. Unless you're parking in a clearly marked bad spot such as a fire emergency zone or handicapped parking spot at an entrance kinda thing, gov't won't be the ticket issuer it'll be private property renta cops. Be polite, leave and tear the thing up.

  10. I read some time ago how the OMNR has its hands tied re the native harvest issue since the Feds are in charge of anything o do with this. But if harvest practices become a 'threat to conservation' or whatever words were used in what I read, then MNR can get authority to get involved. Non-native harvest leagally speaking takes a back seat to native harvest, so by reducing non-native limits this supports the argument that things are becoming a 'threat to conservation". Not sure if the non-native harvest has to be completely eliminated and whether the Nippissing walleye population has to be virtually wiped out before the Feds allow MNR to intervene, but looks like the direction things are headed.


    Smelt population increase for sure will get walleye off bottom so harder for traditional angling methods to connect. But I bet the gov't lawyers have already come up with the 'line' which walleye pop'n levels need be reduced to before they feel they can successfully seek Fed approval re intervention. My $.02 on it anyways. Bash away!

  11. Quebec accident snow-tire accident reduction data may be misleading since there you can use studded tires. Big diff compared to AS or snows IMO. Here in Ontario FYI...



    There are no requirements for snow tires.

    Studded tires may only be used North of Parry Sound and Nipissing districts and only from October 1 to April 30.

    Northern Ontario residents may use studded tires anywhere in the province during this time.

    Southern Ontario residents may only use studded tires in Northern Ontario. They could face a $1,000 fine if caught using them in Southern Ontario.

  12. Looks like the new scope is placed way back from the original. Scope rule of thumb is for end to be about 1 1/2 inch behind trigger. Careful you don't get an 'eyering' when you shoot where the scope hits/cuts you around your sight eye. Put a coat on and close your eyes and raise the gun to your shoulder putting cheek onto stock like you're gonna shoot. Open your eyes to figure where the scope should be slid to for proper targetting. If the action won't work due to scope width then go with higher mounts.

  13. With the small eyelets the rod looks like it's a baitcaster or with the handle switched around it becomes a fly rod. I'd consider getting an old baitcaster and load it with that black or camo old nylon line in 6lbs. Mono as leader below the float. If a spinning rod the first eye up from the reel seat would be wayyy bigger, no?

  14. A worthwhile movement IMO. Here's where I hope the movement goes on to achieve....

    Each country needs a 'council'....here a Canada Council made up of reps like gov't, university, industry, labour, to work with the public to set national goals... eg. % unemployment, annual new housing starts, gas prices/fuel inflation allowances, new immigrants, etc.. Gov't at all levels will thus have these as issues to address and to strive to attain during and after election. Voters can then vote for who has the best plan to achieve these goals. Canada Council would keep watch and if the party is just BSing then it won't get in next time. This approach addresses many issues like.....now political parties don't have much accountability and each has its own pet issues while being wooed by corporations.


    Canada needs a plan for the future. A blueprint. Right now it's just reacting to problems caused by corporations whose only goal is profit maximization. They sure have a plan.....pay the least amount to workers and make the most $.

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