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Posts posted by cisco

  1. I wonder if this is a sneaky way for the Ontario Provincial gov't to claim it had "public consultation" in a possible move to shelve, and to convince US jurisdictions to shelve chinook stocking. After all, a goal stated in Polution Probe's position paper is "self-sustaining" species......


    The forums do not appear to be located in cities where salmon enthusiasts and the attendent industry is located to easily go and voice their position.


    Charter boat ass'ns and angling groups may want to have reps there with position papers of their own.

  2. Well said Pete! And I gots 2 of yer rods and keep promotin em as the best deal around!


    Time for us to do a little more to police our own ranks folks. Let's all quit the whining and keep our equipment and senses alert to help desk-bound COs get the needed evidence against offenders.


    I plan to keep a digi camera and my photo-celphone with me at all times along with a pen and something to scratch down licence plates with.


    Oh, and by the way, there are two levels of gov't involved here. The Feds and the Provincial gov'ts.

    BUT COs are Provincial and are the ones cutback. So when you're talking gov't cutting CO expenses, it's the Ontario Provincial gov't to chase after. The Feds give $$$ via transfer payments to the Provincial gov't, but who knows if the $ gets to frontline staff Cos as opposed to some other Provincial priority..... like the Caledonia native controvercy.

  3. The pic Dan submitted from the lady photographer seems legit to me anyway.

    Look at the eye pupils in IanD's shots. You can see that in low-light conditions the pupils are more dilated (enlarged) than in well-lit conditions. If you look at DanC's pic, the eye on the left has a tad more shading evident and the pupil is a teeney bit larger due to this compared to the right side. Any taxidermist who could get fake eyes and account for this tiny difference would be a real magician to me anyways.Taxidermy requires fake glass eyes to replicate average conditions. To even buy eyes like that is probably an impossibility.


    Had a disagreement once with a Great Grey over a dead spruce hen... but that's another story... which did involve a canoe paddle..... ... oh nevermnd....

  4. Great shots folks! Hey Wayne, that peregrine pic brings back memories of while with MNR on Wellesley Whitney Block when I was accompanying the peregrine specialists to the Sunlife Building where we all went through their boardroom to get to the hack box monitors to observe the boxes on the roof. The top executives at Sunlife acted like doting parents re the falcons. That bird your daughter shot is the result of lots of caring and committed people I had the pleasure of working with back then.


    By the way, how recent is the shot? Maybe we can find out that bird's name. Sad to say that some died by hitting hydro lines and other cables, and a taxi cab collision accounted for another......

  5. Great photo! Thanks!

    That shot is about the last thing seen by a ....spruce hen, mouse, mole, snowshoe hare, ... before the ole landing gear goes down for the kill.

    Re the background, simply looks like an overcast day with snow on the ground to me. The 'stalking' eyes are really cool!!!!!

  6. With video cameras, digicameras and celphones that take pictures, get the photo evidence and forward to MNR.


    If the violators can be tracked down by MNR/OPP via licence plate/boat registration and be identified committing a violation in a photo, case closed. :thumbsup_anim:


    My guess is that part of the argument to reduce field enforcement is the mandarin attitude of... "Well, it's their own resources they are protecting by reporting offenders, so why have overpaid COs in the field doing what anglers and hunters should be doing?" :blahblah1:


    Sad to say, but we better get used to the fact that less field enforcement is going to happen, so we all must become partners with MNR on this vital task. :(

  7. While at Quinte I spoke with a fellow who happens to be a good pal of an ex-MNR fish scientist I knew back in the 80's.

    Turns out the scientist left due to having had enough of the cuts and crap going on.

    Guess you can only take so much crap until you bail.....


    The good ones already left or are in the process of leaving/early retiring/getting golden handshakes....... which will leave a buncha status quo maintainance yespersons to do the bidding of politician advisors/consultants.


    Sad fact is that when the last political party got elected in Ontario, that's when they got to see how bad the books really were. Hydro, SARS, Walkerton issues all cost cazillions, and especially due to these we're in a real cost-cutting time now. :(


    My opinion anyhoo.

  8. A pal is coming over tomorrow to post pics. But here's the quick report.

    Grouper Trooper and Chuckles in their boat and me in mine went to Simcoe at Giford 'searchin fer some perchin'on Sunday. (will insert pic later)



    Clearwater and few fish at the Gifford side got us driving around to find good numbers. We didn't notice that the marina we were leaving was loooaded :dunno: ... more on this later. Great place to launch though. $15 honour system. Toss it into a box and launch.


    We went out into the main lake and got few and far between. The few there were very spooky :unsure: too due to the really clear water. But we wandered around and while doing so one of my pals lands... on 4 lb line and ona perch bait no less:santa: ... a smallmouth bass that's almost 6 that's SIX POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :worthy::thumbsup_anim: (insert pic here later).




    May be a new line-test record or something! Congrats to Chuckles!!!


    After a bit of driving around, man did we find em! Where? Right across from Gilford is Crates Marine on the east side where all the boats have white shrinkwrap on em. The the water at the mouth of the canal there was dirty. Perch bonanza in there!!! (insert pic here later).




    Best was 12 inches. Hoards of perch though. Coulda netted em as they followed baits to the boats! :ph34r:


    Took a few back over the 10 inch mark.




    Upon return to the launch in Gilford we noticed HOARDS of perch of all sizes in the marina docks chasing TONS of baitfish there.

    Turns out we shoulda just fished the boat launch area! LOL! :dunno:


    Met some great guys fishing the docks with pails.

    My buds had to return to the big smoke, but I had a coupla days off.... so ON TO QUINTE!!!!! :thumbsup_anim: !!!!!!


    Later found out the bud who was going to join me at Quinte me wasn't drunk... so he sez anyways.... but went cutting and splitting firewood cuz I hadn'ty called. SURE I SEZZZ! ;) Maybe it was better he didn't call. Better me goin fishin than helping him do the wood thing! LOL!


    Irishfield gave great directions to get there. I blew a trailer tire around 6pm so I 'had fun on da 401'

    Got the old spare on and crossed the Glenora Ferry, but after thinking about options went back in the morning and got a new tire at Canadian Tire...... otherwise no spare on the drive home.


    Got back and fishing around 12:30 pm. .... going drinkin now. The rest later after I get to load pics to help tell the rest.


    I took some good advice here and set a leadcore rod up with 5 colours out and a Bob Izumi CC in shad with a red belly. The other rod was set up on a planer board with ? line out behind and a deep diver on. I couldn't measure the line out to the magic 150 to 200 since the BPS line counters don't like to have flea-flicker (oval shaped line) go through. Anyway, I just set up where a great buncha US guys were trolling on the south side. Here's my leadcore rod draggin the lure.





    I decide to eat a sandwich, and as usual, right in the middle of lunch I notice this......




    OHOOOOO! First Quinte walleye! Made my day. Oh, and I didn't gill em I grabbed em around the snout with one hand and around the base of the tail with the other hand. Read here they have sensitive gills. Saw a few pics with blood so I tried this way and it worked well. It was a decent size. 30 or so inches and fought OK with a few head shakes and small runs. But with salmon tackle it was all over pretty quick.





    Got one more a short time later, about the same size on the eact same rig, then lost one that felt about the same size, then shortly before dark I again used a tip here and trolled the planer board close to shore. Boat was in 40ft but the planer was 30yds from shore. Had a great hit and the result was a nice fat pike about 3ft long.





    The Picton area was very interesting in that it has alot to do with British patriot stuff. Seems after the US revolution in the late 1700s the the British government gave lotsa land to its patriots who left the US after the war. Here's a couple plaques located at the ferry berth across from Picton.






    Met some great US anglers who were/are up for the week and they were very helpful on how to get the walleyes. Biggest they had so far was close to 14lbs. Some runs they'd get 5 big eyes!

    Next time I'm going to have the stuff they use! They offered to loan me some stuff, but since I was heading home soon I figured it would be hard to return stuff since they fish till after dark. Man they were outfitted! Huge Ranger boats. One guy from Arkansas and others mainly from Wisconsin.


    For big eyes and nice pike Quinte is theeeee place :worthy: . Glad I finally got down there.

  9. When I read some of the boards and when I spoke with a few non-local anglers at Quinte I was advised that the cement plant served as boundary.

    I only fished the east side of the Ferry crossing, but several guys ended up there (east side) after finding out they can't use 2 west of the crossing. LOL!

    I got a bunch of PMs here and read lots to research the trip... so I don't know where exactly the info originated, but best to be on the safe side, eh?

    Still lots of huge walleye to be caught there! Don't want anyone getting into trouble lookin for that elusive... 16lber! LOL!

  10. Before I posty my humble report on Quinte, the locals and the Ferry boat operators and the regs say that the 1 vs 2 line per angler is NOT a cement plant boundary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    As MNR does wherever possible, a clearly defined geographical boundary was chosen to help anglers obey the rules to know the boundary between where folks can use 2 vs 1 line for fishing.


    IT IS THE GLENORA FERRY CROSSING!!! That ferry goes from Picton's shore to the road to Adolphostown and on to Milhaven. Anything away from Lake Ontario proper from that crossing is 1 line only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    MNR has an office right at the crossing on the Picton side and word is :lol: they are saving their gas money (budget cuts ya know) to catch a few to make examples of.


    Tell yer friends! Tell everyone!!!!!!!!! Everything I've read here said stuff about the 1st cement plant being the boundary:blahblah1: But don't do it anymore folks! Oh, it's also on page 26 of the regs 16th item down for area 8.


    Don't listen to guides or anybody else about this! Don't get a fine for tooooo many lines!!!!!!!!!!


    Even though you can get away with it, please understand and obey the law. Our fisheries depend on us all to make a difference!!


    Now don't go turning yourself in if you are among the guilty! Just a small misunderstanding that's all. :dunno:

  11. LOL! Hey BF !!! I thought I was a 'Guide'. :worthy::Gonefishing: Sezz so under me handle don't it? :dunno:

    Goin Simcoe perchin today first, then hopefully on to Quinte! I'll take the ole binocs and stare at what others are doing to get the latest lowdown if needbe :ph34r: .


    And thanks for the PM info. folks. Real handy stuff there! :thumbsup_anim:

  12. I bet the buggars got skunked anyways! Let's all pray to the musky Gods that their Karma stinks like a burning chicken pen from here on in! Put'er to rest now folks!

    Everybody complaining about these bums here won't get stuff done. But a small prayer to the musky Gods... and , well, Who knows! I say we do it!


    I'll start with... I pray those guys have to smell carp farts while they're at dinner next time!

  13. Thanks for the help fellas! Up north slow was the key also. Glass calm and all you'd feel is a slight bit of resistence. Open the bail, wait a minute and set the hook starting with zero line tension. All fish hooked barely on minnows. Tough to get em hooked!


    Thought we'd go for a ride and try someplace new. Did OK at Quinte years ago icefishing, but wish to try some cool new gear I got.

  14. I have a coupla days off and may be going down there to chase some walleye-pickerallees/ole marble-eyes.

    tomorrow Mon or Tuesday.Oh, and thanks all for the posts re stuff to catch em on. Cripes! Leadcore and spoons, to downriggers.... nah too deep re the air bladder thing...... or dipseys or planer boards with Manns stretch 20's, but then some USA guys got em draggin dead minnow rigs, or else try purple and white... but then others suggest clown coloured stuff, others say .......... :blink: LOL!


    Never been there on the soft water. Anyone have any advice on places to launch/general areas to drag lures?


    I hear of the 'cement plant' the 'ferry (where east of it you can use two lines), so can somebody say what roads to take to a launch that gets me close to the cement plant/ferry?


    Oh, and I can already predict the ferry part bein answered with stuff like..."troll for suckers on the main strip in Picton" so please don't go there. LOL!


    If too secret to put on the forum, please email me.

    I may have room in the boat if my bud is too drunk to make it tomorrow. It was his idea to go in the first place... But now he ain't gettin to the phone. hahaha!


    Oh, and we got some eyes 60 to 91 feet deep up north a coupla weeks ago, that had the air-bladder thing goin on, but after a night in the livewell all were fine.... air bladders were all back down inside em. Fine that is, before the filletting began!


    Anyway, anyone with some help on this one sure would be appreciated.

  15. A pal once missed an early morning duck hunt since a stone started its painful journey.

    Never seen anyone in such pain. Like a knife going through his insides he said.


    Follow the guys advice here and get a good doctor.


    I recall you're with the coast guard, so maybe ask if you can get a less critical thing to do so you can take the much needed pain pills. Maybe its the off season so they can get you to do something else.


    Doesn't hurt to ask your employer...... but it'll hurt like hell if ya don't and try to work! LOL!


    All the best for a speedy recovery!

  16. Thanks for the great report and pics Wayne! Sorry to hear of your sore back. Glad you guys got some nice fish and that your planer mast base exceeded expectations! Oh, and the rear view mirror on your guide's boat is something I was gonna do for a long time.... since it sure prevents twisted necks and missed hits! Great idea!

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