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Posts posted by cisco

  1. I hear ya Speil.

    I've seen boaters catching and releasing around a hundred and leaving with the two their legally allowed. Some are in expensive fancy boats and look like fishing pros/guides too. No offence but now catching whitees on the grounds is like shooting fish in a barrel. Calm weather is tough on Simcoe whitees due to all the c and r enthusiasts. Some park there all day long. Man, talk about post-release mortality. :angry:


    When I go (not yet this year) we fish till we legally get thw two limit, then leave to troll for lakers. What really bugs me is that MNR doesn't/can't/won't do anything about it.


    If able I may go up and video the bottom around there. Bet there's quite a few whitees laying dead on bottom the victims of anglers practicing their brand of 'conservation'.


    Anyone going up there, please catch your two and leave the rest alone. We should all be thankful of such a great whitefish fishery. After your two go chase perch or lakers. Lotsa other things to catch there to have a full, enjoyable and somewhat challenging day afield.

  2. Used Kraft mini-marshmallows for years around 1986 in Owen Sound on the Sydenham River where there is a tide. We'd stick a small #4 hook up through then turn it so it'd go back into 'fresh meat' and with a coupla splitshot ahead would toss er out and let it sit. Caught many small to big, male to female bows on it and we preferred it to dealing with icky spawn.


    The wee hook is completely inside the mallow by the way. No point exposed at all.


    Most times the issue of corner-mouth hooked vs ? wouldn't even be a worry for anyone goofy enough to worry about it, since the mallows were completely injested by the fish. By injested I mean... swallowed....inside .....just line coming outta it's throat..... hook too deep to live release.....hook can't be seen..... kinda thing.


    Next lets argue over the best colour of mini marshmallow.... or maybe how about whether 'colour' should be instead be spelt 'color' or ? :wallbash:

  3. If you don't plan to remove the motor then bolt it on since this makes it harder for a crook to steal it (say the boat will be on a trailer beside your house in a safe neighbourhood). But if you need to remove the motor say for winter storage in the basement or for security reasons like when leaving the boat at the cottage/locking the motor in the cabin, then the clamp on approach is better. All come down to how you're gonna use it and how often you want to get the motor off the boat.

  4. I use 6lb Silverthread since as a copolymer it has little stretch. Tried Power Pro and other braid stuff and found that for a spinning reel casting really light jigs the line can dig into itself... especially after tugging weeds or a fish. So the next cast of the light jig isn't too smooth. Silver Thread is pretty inexpensive and has done the job on walleyes for me for years and like you I toss small jigs and plastics. I do however need sunglasses to line watch since it's hard to see a pick up otherwise. This year I may try another Silver Thread colour line if available to help cure this.

  5. Having read all the posts, thanks for the heads up.


    Cash grab pure and simple. Why? If concern was for health of folks on the side of roads there would be several things going on instead or at the same time, like...


    1. Police training would be changed so officers deal with drivers from the passenger window side, NOT the drivers side where vehicles are wizzing by grazing the officer with the sideview mirrors. Until this is done police safety is simply a flag the gov't is using to wrap itself in to cover a cash grab.


    2. Public education via commercials which are free as public-service announcements on radio and even on TV. Until the public is informed the public finds out the hard way... by fines and demerit points.


    3. The law would not be discriminatory. It would also target motorists not changing lanes while you or me are changing a tire on the shoulder. If it is so important to protect police, then why not other members of the public? I don't have flashing red and blue huge lights for motorists to see, but my caution lights should get folks to change lanes like they would for emergency workers. No stats are given re non-emergency people getting hit.... yet I recall several in the news just recently. If so important to save emergency personnel... why not do it for other members of the public who aren't trained to avoid getting hit?


    4. Now that the DUI numbers are way down due to police enforcement, they don't want to stop the $$$ flow from it so perhaps they've invented a crisis to justify keeping the flow going. After the DUI numbers went down they started going after seatbelt violations unfit vehicles (sounds like cars ready to carene off the road but in reality amounted to burn-out light bulbs... and now they're after grabbing loot from more moving violations.....


    5. A trusted friend in gov't told me a few years ago that all Ontario gov't agencies had been asked to offer any suggestions on how gov't could generate more income. That was when the Liberals got in to realise just how bad the books were. $490 a pop is a good chunk of change for a law that is seldom advertised.


    My $.02 on it anyways.

  6. Thanx TbayBoy. Will do next time.


    Got 3 whitefish 2-3lbs then next day lost one 7lbs at the hole then yesterday pals got a 6 and a couple 3-4lbers.


    Re minnows... dead ones. Limit is 120 in possession so over a few days of dumping a few dozen down each day.... once down they're no longer in possession... the bottom has some tempting treats. ;)


    That ling was 9.8lbs exactly. Here's my pal's 10 year old son Hank holding up his prize.


  7. Sorry to be late getting back... the work thing...


    Thanx folks! I followed the instructions and found it as a "new file". Uploaded the four videos in the file to Photobucket but now how to get the video onto this board? Anyone know which of the several copying choices on Photobucket to choose? And what do I click on here to copy the file onto? Sorry... me don't know computers much.

  8. Sorry... the choice box opened to select "play" or the "file" thing or "do nothing" or "fix, etc."


    I've got some video of a huge ling hitting and a buncha whitefish ignoring our offerings. I'll try again. I have Windows XP a coupla years old..... but I found the little disc you mentioned. Darn Aquavu needs to give some better instructions on the stuff they sell!

  9. I agree with Kirk. Can't believe I said that! Old Apel is bang on in my view. I think it's easy to say 'no thank you' instead of saying something that widens the 'generation gap' to foster disrespect.


    We oldsters and our system is what shaped the 'me' society of today, and youngsters are salespersons as we were and we are alla time!!!


    Everything we do is sales-related.... job hunting... searching for bargains, sex, fame, fortune, fish, friendships... it all involves sales. Selling ourselves is what humans do to GET THEIR WAY.


    I don't for sure know what Roy does involving kids, but a pal up north runs a community home and he gets money from gov't to do it. He's always shopping for food deals to maximize profits as any good business does. If Roy does that same kinda thing, fine, but I'm not sure what pedestal he'd sit on. I never hear Roy tooting his own horn or showing us pics of him standing on a pedistal, so anybody doing it for him shouldn't unless you know he doesn't run a community home as a business. Roy may very well be embarrassed by folks trying to be his spokespersons incorrectly. Let him explain himself his work/job/business/? to help the underprivileged.... don't be a self-appointed spokesperson promoting what you don't understand. Roy's a nice guy. So is the head of the Red Cross who gets hundreds of thousands of $$$ per year salary. But I don't think anyone sees the Red Cross money maker as God's gift to people needing blood.


    Roy has a valid point about not enjoying youngsters frequently asking for donations/sales for their causes. It surely can be bothersome/uncomfortable for us oldsters at times. But we should always treat others with respect regardless of their age or social status.


    We oldsters should really be doing something productive instead of picking on youngsters. Maybe get on Gov'ts case for breaking their promise years ago.... REMEMBER FOLKS????? Gov't was gonna use lottery loot to improve social programs... ice arenas, wheelchair ramps, etc.. They started lotteries and did some good stuff, then changed things so the loot became part of the tax base. Think of what that money coulda done to help youth and sports and disadvantaged/disabled Canadians?


    If lottery $$ was used to help the disadvantaged and youth sports, we'd have a great nation of sports opportunities where youngsters had sports to pursue instead of other activities we oldsters don't cotton to.


    We oldsters created the shape of youngsters so let's not complain... let's enjoy the fruits of our collective failures and broke gov't promises... enjoy when youngsters ask you for money or to buy a candy bar.

  10. High end lodging has Burleigh Island Lodge right on the highway at Burleigh Falls bridge on the east side with cottages/motel and lodge rooms. Then further north and go left along north shore is Viamede Resort with cottages as well as main lodge rooms. For a cheap traditional cabin Burleigh Bait just south of the bridge has a cabin they rent that holds several but they aren't on the water or rent boats. As for guides there are a few locals that these outfits can probably hook you up with depending on species. Bass or walleye I suppose is your target.

  11. Re Fireline ice Crystal line... while searching unsuccessfully at BPS last winter for 4lb silver thread the salesguy talked me into trying the Crystal. Ice fished and second fish I had on... maybe a whitee... and the line broke with not much bend in the rod or drag set. I think it rubbed on the side of the ice hole and like I've experienced/seen others experience years ago, that bit of chafing is enough to seperate a braid line completely.


    I tore the crap off and installed 4lb ST and haven't had any troubles since. I think the Crystal is real crap.

  12. I use Silver thread and have been since it came out circa 198?. As a copolymer it has little stretch and I have landed several fish that I honestly was expecting to hear a *PING!!!* instead. I wear sunglasses to see it above water since it is hard to see while tearing/dropping jigs for walleye otherwise. It's harder to find and doesn't have all the hoopla and fanfare as some other brands, but it has always performed well. Long as I can find it it's all I plan to use.

  13. Also read the consumer reviews on the bottom of the Cndn Tire page. Seems they may be cheap and break so the car won't start at all. I'd assume the marine one isn't better designed... so maybe the mark down to rid the stores of junk before new improved inventory arrives?

  14. I think it's a coyote. I've also seen quite a few and shot some along with fox. Fox are 10lbs and coyotes are 35lbs. With fox the tail looks bigger relative to the body compared to the critter in the video, and the body of a fox with winter fur doesn't so clearly show the belly curve as with a coyote. Fox also since being so light and fluffy walk/lope in an almost weightless manner, whereas a coyote walks/lopes with a bit of weight going to the paw like the critter in your video. Best way would have been to walk out to look the track over.....

  15. 120 in possession and a minimum 5 1/2 inch size for minnows is simply a step towards the hidden MNR longterm objective of a total live bait ban in Ontario in my opinion. The MNR rep who said the issue "will be revisited" is probably just stalling to get anglers to stop potentially crabbing to their MMPs or the MNR Minister or BETTER YET the Cabinet Board members about the restrictions.


    If anglers go quiet hoping the issue will be "revisited" then after a bit of quiet the MNR bios behind the restrictions will happily run upstairs for periodic required briefing to the MNR Minister Advisors, and they will brag and brief how they have total angler support for the direction they are going.


    Complain to the above three entities if you want to get such bad restrictions quashed. Maybe also complain to the Federal DFO since MNR is carrying out the the DFO (Dep't of Fisheries and Oceans) mandate since MNR is under DFO mandate re fisheries management in Ontario.

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