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Posts posted by cisco

  1. Most society's hunted for subsistance..

    These Trailer Park Heroes have a bit to learn about respect for the animals they were fortunate to harvest.

    The guys care more about the rack than the meat.

    Even Neanderthal man would have shown more Class.


    Neanderthal man wore the antlers on top of his dang head Danbo! :clapping:


    Anyone who sees such bad stuff who will get a bad feeling over it is already going down the anti-hunting highway. Perhaps by putting such stuff in plain view it opens up discussion about hunting/moose/conservation when folks talk to others about their horific experience seeing a dead critter on a hood.


    FYI I wrote the Ethics chapter in MNR's moose management book some years ago and did advise hunters to be discrete and tarp their kills. In hindsight, I doubt schools and parents explain stuff properly to kids about wildlife management..... so maybe a dead moose will trigger some actual research and... God forbid... education on the matter to those with impressionable minds. Ontarians should be taught about our outdoor heritage. Not much of this going on at all I'm afraid... except for the odd bloody moose going down the highway. :canadian:

  2. I run 7-strand wire on my wire setup and buds have lost their dipseys/SDs/flies on braid since any nick in braid causes it to fail miserably and at the worst possible times. The wire is like $47. for a 1000 yard spool, but it's worth it. No fleas and failures as often as braid. Forget mono since you want the no-stretch of wire to yank the dipsey repease open when changing baits/reeling in the Dipseys. I've converted a coupla Pete Maina musky rods (extra and heavy action) to wire rods by sticking a twilly tip onto the end. Does a great job and I've caught some silver salmon around 29lbs on the same setup as is still going strong now into fall season.

  3. :clapping: Congrats on a fine mature salmon! That baby looks to be 27-28lbs. I hear that's what won the Great Ontario Salmon Derby Fish Off held today at Port Credit where about 60... that's SIXTY boats tried from 7am till 1pm, and the one that won was about the size you caught! So KUDOS to you folks!!! :clapping:
  4. Catalytic converters are only for 4-stroke engines methinks. Oil in a 2-stroke would clog the CC up in no time flat I think. There's a TON of 2-stroke engines used for everything from logging chainsaws, ice augers, to enduro motorcycles and I doubt we'll see a 2-stroke ban here in Canada anytime soon. I also doubt the problem is with small engines since few are operating in the big cities.... yet the smog halo above these places are BAD... Like Toronto where as I salmon fish I see the smog layer start about 18 floors up on the buildings there. Relatively few 2-strokes there I'm sure. But by blaming/focusing on small engines it takes the pressure/heat off the real culprits... cars, diesel trucks and buses, and oil furnaces in older buildings or ones set so folks are getting too much AC or heat.

  5. By the way.... replica taxidermists of notoriety should have molds of many musky which they use to produce one the size the angler claims. I suggest go to such a big taxidermist asap to view the molds. YOU are the best witness to the size of your trophy. Pick the mold that is closest or else you'll be unhappy over the years as you look at the wall mount and wish it was bigger... or smaller than the size you let we others order for you. My opinion anyhoo bud. Take care and good fishin'!

  6. Breathtaking report Drew! :clapping: Took several stabs at er to finally get it read.


    With your wonderful report here on OFC and elsewhere, Plummers really should send something for all the promo............ in fact it sounds like fishing pros go there probably for free while you two pay to go, yet you provide a fantastic report for all to read to show what Plummers is all about.


    You my friend really do deserve something for this FANTASTIC article! :clapping:


    All the best to you and your family and thank you again for the report and pics!!!!!

  7. Lots of occasions the fish go for colours which resemble them. Specks like dotted spinners blue and red... walleye like yellow... rainbow like greens/pinks... bass like browns and greens...... but some critters like red and white like Mr. pike.


    Some say 'Match the hatch" but I recommend "Match the quarry". :Gonefishing: l

  8. Terry, yer a swell guy! :clapping: Really helpful. :clapping: Did they ever find the ATC stolen from you? :(

    Anyways, great going bud! Hope you and Brian get going on some bass tourneys with all the know-how going between you great guys re Lake Simcoe you can't miss! :thumbsup_anim:


    Cheers! :thumbsup_anim:

    Oh, and I got someothat Nofrills Margarita-jug maker stuff and am hard at er! :blink:


    Alla best Terry! :)

  9. Hope the following doesn't apply..... but also look at the paint on the cylinder heads. If one or both is discoloured it may indicate the fellow you bought it from had the impellor go but didn't notice and drove it till she overheated.... which would be a good time to try and unload it on a newbee.


    Hope you don't find this, but since 'buyer beware' will prevent you from getting even financially, then I'd take it in for professional inspection re cylinder compression and so forth so you don't end up stranded out on the water.

  10. MNR needs to be ever vigilent however, since as the carp evolves to resist disease, so do the disease organisms evolve to survive. These organisms under the right conditions could become something that wipes out carp as a species.... and possibly even bridge to other species as well........ critters like us.

  11. Photoz quote...."Why else would this disease stop by mid to late August, then start fresh again, further west almost a year later? (Simcoe) Lets just hope it doesn't evolve into a scourge......."


    MNR disease toxicology expert might give theories, but that's all since to spend the time and $ on this issue would be... LARGE... and likely to no avail. I'd suspect that as the disease kills the host it too dies and also, it seems certain carp (small and large from what I've heard) somehow survive possibly building up antibodies/resistance. Some become carriers and perhaps the water temps/nutrient levels/spawning proximity (distance and body fluid secretions into the water as they spawn) are also involved in the deadly combination which seems to have certain boundaries on transmission.


    I seriously doubt whether a mankind-induced intentional factor is involved.


    I see carp being the same as the coyote.... poisoning, shooting, explosives all fail when a critter can react to low pop'n densities by having more offspring survive to quickly replace lost members as habitat food allows.


    And if the jumping carp gets a toe-hold you'll be scared to drive along the Simcoe canals out of fear of being knocked into the water by one of the SOBs. Carp and the cockroach are well entrenched .... here to stay so I wouldn't worry about the pop'n. Just keep track of outbreaks and try not to be a carrier as you go around with your equipment to different locations fishing for them. Perhaps consider what happens when a wet landing net dries after use in an infected waterbody....and then gets dipped into another waterbody to rub against a carp there.

  12. I agree with many comments and it certainly is refreshing to have intelligent dialogue on this issue which means allot to Photoz. Sorry to hear the bad news of further dieoffs Bud.


    When any pop'n gets too large nature will knock it down. Close proximity allows the easy spread of sickness from individual to individual. Carp have no known predators and will eat just about anything, so it stands to reason the carp pop'n in many areas has gotten so large as to invite this natural phenomenon/disaster.


    My guess is that pop'n density is highest where the deaths are occurring along with nutrient/water temps favorable to the particular virus/bacteria.


    Waterfowlers have been affected by carp in many areas where the fish have decimated wild rice stands, and since the fish are dying in places and at times where there don't seem to be any benefits to MNR/gov't agecy mandates... in fact stinking fish carcases floating around will have negative effects on tourism/real estate sales and so forth..... I don't see a gov't conspiracy theory.


    As for some people intentionally targetting certain areas with some kind of sick goldfish in order to kill carp in their area, again, all they'll get is a big stink near their home. Sure, just like transport of other exotics, people will unwillingly/uncaringly let pets go into waterbodies carp live in.


    I think the dieoffs are natures way of saying the carp have become overpopulated. Mother nature is not a nice lady Photoz. Sometimes she's akin the the Devil. :devil:

  13. John Ozolins and I don't see eye to eye. Yes folks, he's much taller than I am. However, whether you agree with his and Chris' actions or not, it's still your own opinion to which you have a right. The important thing that I see here is that they were there when all of this happened and they made a decision. They did SOMETHING. It's easy to sit back after the fact and nit pick over what shoulda/coulda been done. I also think that it's human nature to try to help other living things. So, for that I congratulate them for at least doing what they thought was right under the circumstances.


    Hey Roy! John just called and wanted to get word to you that right now in his eyes you've grown a coupla inches. So is that like going from Dwarf to Keebler status? :clapping:

  14. :canadian: Guess the old expression is absolutely correct... "No good deed shall go unpunished" :stretcher:


    Seems a scant few possibly biased :rolleyes: 'people' here have purposely missed the real issue. The real issue now......isn't the value-judgement based determination of whether the rescue was warranted... on that 'to each his own'. :blahblah1: What's done is done. Can't change the past.


    The real issue is... what to do about police-agency staff telling untruths concerning their actions or lack thereof. <_<


    That is the issue under scrutiny. All the rest of the :blahblah1: simply amounts to 'putting up straw dogs'.


    Marine police seemed to have misconstrued the facts surrounding their involvement in the event. To anyone here that should be seen as unacceptable conduct.


    Conduct which seems to be on the path to correction. :clapping:

  15. Cable 10 at 10pm is apparently going to air something about it maybe with MNR input. Haven't been summonsed yet Polywog, but just maybe.. :rolleyes: ... I don't mind if you called the MNR tips hotline on us. Maybe there's a reward and you'll be famous. You should call MNR and ask to speak with a CO in person. Share your insights. Bet they show their appreciation.


    Hey Speil/Chris don't give the marine unit any ideas! They may use a made-up road kill to try and further Bull their way outta the fib they told. Maybe they can find a volunteer from coast guard to write the position statement. I think there's a fella here stickin up for his colleages who might want a go at that.

  16. I have an old Cresliner 15 fter with an old 25hp pushing it. BEST thing I ever invested in was a hydrofoil. Get onto plane quicker and stay on plane way longer. I hear you can buy ones that don't require drilling screw holes.


    Several folks here also advised you to install one. It'll save money in fuel and strain on the 25hp to push the boat onto plane. The Doel-fin one is only around $40. including tax at Bass Pro but requires 4 holes be drilled into the cavitation plate on the motor to install it. I suggest you take the great hydrofoil advice folks gave you for your underpowered boat.


    Sure made a world of difference on mine. And your motor being a 4-stroke with the power trim (unnecesary for a small motor like that in my opinion) means it's heavier than a regular 2 stroke witout power trim. I bet that poor little motor is quietly begging for a hydrofoil!

  17. Get this. Now the Peel Marine head honcho in the Mississauga News says they were going to serve as 'backup'.




    That's a crock of Bull. I was the other angler with with ole Grouper Trouper and we clearly heard over the radio talk the Peel Marine guy saying they weren't coming to help. He was talking about things happening in nature and waste of time kinda crap. Guess the cop who took the call is telling the boss something different to keep outta trouble.


    Should maybe change their motto from "To serve and Protect" to something more accurate like "To tell fibs to cover our lazy butts" :clapping:


    When police tell fibs about the little things..... what about the big things?!?! <_<

  18. Sorry to say, but the gas can you've got will be venting inside the new below-decks area. I'd install a fixed tank with a proper vent line to the outside of the enclosure, so gas fumes don't build up in there especially on hot days. Many folks have been blown to smithereenies by not doing so. What you've got there is a ticking time bomb waiting for a spark.

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