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Posts posted by cisco

  1. Social mores turn into ethics and then into laws. Everything should be discretionary depending on the issue at hand. When the law is taken to the letter, human interaction/compassion and intelligence (my opinion) is removed. In this particular case, under these particular circumstances, you seem to have done the right thing..... except dragging it here onto the internet. Bad mistake.


    Sometimes the best thing is to turn a blind eye and keep your mouth shut.


    Maybe delete this thread before you cause a big argument over your indiscretion. Many times the best COs let folks off the hook with a good tongue lashing/lesson given, without issuing a ticket.


    That's really how it all should be. Maybe reconsider opening this can of worms.....

  2. The milk crate idea works well for me. Just make sure you jamb some foam in the bottom of the tubes since if a lure drops down by accident the trebles can get stuck around the crate floor webbing. Also, the eavestrough pieces can be longer than 12 inches to keep the really long baits from hitting bottom.

  3. Once a guy who made a living selling stove wood told me he'd put white birch in to please the eye even though it wasn't as good as maple or other hardwoods. So maybe tell him you don't want any birch in the shipment.

  4. Maybe things have changed over the years since my involvement in the industry, but two pieces of legislation were involved. The Trespass to Property Act and the Occupier's Liability Act . Google em or go to the Gov't of Ontario websites and search them Steve.

    Although some places such as Manitoulin Island have MNR-based legislation whereby hunters require signed landowner permission or else get immediately charged (too many hunters used to descend on the island due to high deer popn's) I haven't heard of any such thing applying to anglers wandering around.


    I do not believe MNR is responsible for these Acts, but had/has input to their changes over the years and its officers can enforce them. I'm guessing they come under the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Planning..... if there is such a thing anymore.... LOL!

  5. Demographics are changing in a way that in my opinion reduces young-person involvement in angling.

    More single parent-families..... with the mom usually getting the kids. Also much less free time due to this and due to double-income families with less free time due to buck chasing brought about from the ole supply/demand balance (double income simply raises the price of goods since folks with more $ than before compete. Ends up everyone works longer at weirder hours so there's less free time to consider taking junior to the lake.


    Even if a parent does want to get into fishing with junior, to learn by turning on the TV fishing shows turns them off since the shows show fancy boats and far-off places where expensive high-tech scary equipment is used to catch fish.

    The competition aspect of fishing is now scaring would-be anglers away before they even get started. Also more new-Canadians are arriving who have a big challenge to get started angling since all the rules and equipment and area-specific regs and the wonderous regs book which is totally confusing to most anyone is an issue, along with having to get a licence.


    Tournaments usually have friends/sponsors and family members prevalent at weigh in. Tourneys aren't a spectator sport, and secrecy prevails since it's a competition after all.


    In my opinion folks get into tourney angling not to make friends and spend lotsa money on equipment, lodging and gas just to make friends. Folks get into tourney angling since they think they have a shot at becoming rich and famous.

    Maybe today's kids are more realistic than before, and I doubt they see a tourney pro as a Tiger Woods or a Wayne Gretsky.

    I hope no one does either.

  6. I'd get a realtor to do the work for you. Face it, here you are upset about the difficulty in trying to find the right place, when it's totally avoidable.... unless with a bad/lazy realtor....

    I also simply do not get the logic behind selling privately just because you bought privately. Some folks won't consider looking at a house sold privately since they sense a scam of some kind going on.


    Maybe check the prices of homes sold in the area when you bought your house 'privately'. If the real estate info on private sales I read a while ago is accurate (which may not be since the realty business did it) in your case, you may have paid more for the house compared to similar ones in your neighbourhood even taking commissions into acount. In fact, a realtor worth his or her salt can probably as additional service while looking for a new house investigate to see whether this happened to you.


    I'd get a good realtor to go find me a house with the right-sized garage. Or else you gotta suck it up and pay the dues...


    Hence a favorite expression a pal of mine spouts (ole Swampdawger who some here know)..... goes something like this


    " If you're gonna be dumb :wallbash: ya gotta be tough!" :stretcher:


    Seriously, hope things turn out for you in such a difficult search. Best of luck!

  7. Howcumzit that folks who got here way after some of us have a single or a double digit member number while we gets a number in the hundreds? And some of the prilileged low digits don't hardly even fish! LOL! :whistling:


    Something we missed... a payment or membership of some kind?

  8. Since folks who don't use internet and or have language barriers to the poll and also since folks who use or don't use minnows may or may not respond to the poll.... and a buncha other professional social-science aspects, the poll is not reliable. Not to mention the sample size.....


    DON'T take a "37% use minnows" to MNR since the results may be used to close down the bait industry as opposed to support it. If you do, then make sure you teel em the sample was from internet users numbering.... what, 20 to 50 OFC respondents?!?!


    The survey/poll is not scientifically rigorous...... I'll translate...... it's CRAP! It's meaningless except to support a hidden agenda ( see my post on the baitharvester help thread.


    I was afraid someone was going to trundle off with the meaningless results only to give MNR ammo to do as they please. So for the record, lettem contact me if they wish to use this data to support baitfish as bait closure. SHEESH!


    I expect lottsa attacks now from the peanut gallery, but the intelligent among the members here understand what I've stated here. LOL!

  9. Careful folks..... I'd hate a stinkin pencil-pusher at MNR to say "Hey here's proof noone much uses live bait! So we should outlaw it because no one will get upset." MNR twists enough of their own surveys so be careful not to add fuel to the fire. Why do a pole? What hypothesis are you trying to test..... perhaps... that folks visiting OFC who are willing to fill out a pole seem to think so-and so? Tremendous bias methinks. No point to it whatsoever unless a hidden agenda exists to try and demonstrate support for a certain position on a matter. My opinion.

  10. Lotsa folks in more urban areas have highspeed internet and computers compared to rural folks. The urbanites can keep up with new stuff and prices way easier than a person with no or poor internet. I knew guys from Bancroft that would make a holiday family trip out of going to the show. They bought lotsa stuff too.


    So in my view there's lotsa folks from rural areas that go to the show for the above reasons. Maybe they outnumber the folks from urban highspeed access areas. I dunno.


    I find that one of my favorite expressions applies equally to both rural and urban dwellers......





    "If you're gonna be dumb ya gotta be tough." LOL! :stretcher:

  11. Quote from initial post here:


    "The infected zone CANNOT GET ANY MORE INFECTED THAN IT ALREADY IS and there is NO CURE, so the common sense solution would be to allow bait to be caught, transported, sold and contained for use WITHIN THE INFECTED ZONE."



    Waita minute here! Isn't it a bit presumptive of the bait harvesters in SW Ontario to claim, that since all their waters are infected...might as well harvest and sell minnows throughout the infected area.


    All the waters there aren't infected, and to open the chance to infect more/all waterbodies within the infected zone to appease the harvesters seems very self-serving on their part. Hey and in my view bait harvestors catch alot more minnows compared to an angler, and the distance an angler travels to use his/her bait is likely far less than a harvestor goes to get best price or to service retailers. The angler is probably much less likely... compared to the commercial harvestor... to transport infected minnows to a healthy waterbody within the infected zone.


    The wool is being pulled over angler eyes on this one I think.


    Seems like your argument is like me saying... "Well there is flu at the school my kids go to, so I may as well send them there while sick with the flu since everyone there already has it".

  12. I dunno what the mods are here for if not to suspend/terminate the likes of Eastern steelheader.

    Who cares if Roy or another mod can ID him as an alius identity. For cripes sake, do the right thing and warn him via email, then after the shot over the bow, if he persists then suspend him.


    It's gotten to the point of physical threats being made against CC and the kid. The mods want HITS?!?! Is that why this nonsense is allowed to continue?



  13. Thanks for the link Percher. I skimmed it and got this...... and even though the article is from Australia, it must come close to the way gov't treats vehicles here. They're in cahoots you know! LOL! :rolleyes:


    Here's a passage re what a vehicle without a towing-amount sticker cantow, that was interesting...


    " When the trailer doesn’t have brakes installed, the maximum capacity will be equal to the unladen mass of the motor vehicle."


    To me that means you shouldn't tow anything almost as heavy as the empty towing vehicle. So it seems in Australia at least, a car is allowed to tow a light 14ft tinny with motor around, since there ain't no way a 14ft tinny with trailer and motor weighs as much as the tow vehicle.

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