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Posts posted by cisco

  1. " Colin quote... To some extent, the answer to getting away from Bell's 5G might be to go inside your house. "


    Colin, I can't see that being correct if it will be used 'everywhere'. It has to be able to go inside bldgs or else what good is it? Rogers is telling me my old crap must be updated to new or I'm out. So if I'm inside and my old crap won't work and the new 5G crap can't get inside to me to work  ???

    Something is missing here. 5G must be able to get inside somehow. Making any sense?

  2. I know Bill. I was a bit of an ass too.  The 'application' I was implying was on you! haha! I used sneaky wording.  Just kidding of course and I honestly pray that no 'hidden agendas' like some experts suggest is correct. Figured you weren't 5G yet. But if you start getting crazy(er) around here there's good excuse.

  3. Seems allot of distraction about celphone plans has 'hijacked' this thread. 

    But what do you folks say about the links I provided about 130 scientists from 36 countries saying WHOA to 5G till proper research is done? 

    As for 'fear mongering' I reasoned... OK looking at the 3 jurisdictions that are not allowing 5G, does any have a nearby 'enemy' jurisdiction that it is 'helping' to get 5G?

    I mean why would a jurisdiction help an 'enemy' if that meant the 'enemy' would attain faster downloading, etc.. 

    Here is an interesting link that  Makes we wonder if 5G is quietly being pushed through a 'back door' where it really shouldn't if the two jurisdictions involved are at odds with one another. 

    Seems 20 engineers are working to get 5G from the jurisdiction that won't have it, into the 'enemy' jurisdiction via a CISCO cloud approach to supposedly 'help'. 


    A bit long but near the end it states this. IMHO I am concerned over 5G as it is being 'deployed' this way. The day a declared enemy family offers you a cake and says "Here this is for you and your family to benefit from" and you find out the cake wasn't eaten by  them because they think it's unsafe, should be the day you don't feed that cake to your family. We here should consider what is going on with that cake to determine whether we want that 'questionable' cake for our families.

    Oh and I don't consider the above 'political. I am just trying to show that 5G salespeople may have hidden agendas. I am neutral re the issue over there. We all have a right to live a peaceful existence.


  4. Here is a link where many scientists and countries have raised the need for research before widespread roll out of 5G. 


    Another concerning the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration Agency)


    No 'Youtube' stuff but some insights that it is probably a good idea to not sleep close to celphones and such. More in the article but I wanted to at least pass along their one tip. The FDA is currently reviewing new research being done since it is unsure of the effects on people. 

    Crazy why such a big rush to get this 5G all over. Souldn't be in such a hurry IMHO.   

    • Like 2
  5. Glad to see some rational dialogue on this potentially important topic. Frankly, some of the irrational/close-minded and weird responses have been unlike anything I've experienced here before. Easy to assume it is coincidence, but also a possibility that G devices are getting placed for too long and too close to cranial regions. 

    Other possibly bad issues may ensue since 5G will apparently enable tracking of users. So if you have an FAC/PAL or other form of firearm permit you can more easily be found. I personally dislike that Google and such track what we look at and hit us with ads trying to take advantage. Privacy is being lost very quickly. Sure it's good to know what pedophiles and such are up to, but 'big brother' is becoming more apparent all the time and I don't like eavesdropping. Pretty soon we'll need things like 'voter cards' which is good unless used to allow rig the voting system and to control access to doors/buildings that increasingly are becoming card entrance secured. Sorry you can't enter this store because your income is too low to buy anything.....sorry access denied since you haven't paid a parking ticket.... sorry access denied no explanation. 

    The scariest thing is that some think that population control will be necessary and that the 'elite' , whoever they are, could increase the Gs to literally kill people en mass. Due to Washington aggression in the world the doomsday clock is closest to midnight according to some. Right now the economies here and in the US are in shambles with foreign debt. If civil disobedience takes hold then what easier/better way to address this than by ramping up the Gs. I'm old but see that the middle class is being destroyed by regs/taxation/income reduction through inflation. 1% will have the $ and power and the rest will become unhappy poppers. To control unrest the poppers need be dumbed down and controlled. People are becoming dumber and if 5Gs is the start of pop'n control and brain alterations (again, except in Florida, Israel and Brussles) then this is a relatively easy way to get the evil result. Right now several countries are in uprising over the flooding of immigrants and raising of taxes. The yellow vest thing in France, the Brexit in Britain, and so forth are what will have to happen here if taxes and wages continue the way they are. In the US the 2 party system should have opposition to many things, but instead the Dems are supporting the Repubs on everything whether it be the huge increase in military budget or the attempted coupe in Venezuela. The 'Russia collusion' thing which MSM is continuing is just a smokescreen to fill MSM with nonsense to not cover the issues people need to know about. Instant gratification devices like hand-held computers distract and dumb down the masses into complacency.

    There. A bunch more stuff to go after me on. I respect the members here and worry about their families and the future. It doesn't look too bright right now and I do not trust that gov't nor corporations nor global banksters 'have our best interests at heart'.   To me and from what I've read 5G may be good in many ways but to be sure is also continuation of a control mechanism.    


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  6. My God what did you read to give you that silly impression Tom!! Read it again and get help if needbe buddy! Haha!

    To simplify it for you, I would like proper research to be done to see if 5G poses any risks to flora and fauna. I like anyone who is sane simply want to keep something harmful away from people. I do not agree or disagree with 5G. I disagree with it being pushed upon some societies before this research is done.  

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  7. Sorry Art but you are mistaken on many fronts, random or no. In general, biology doesn't support that we are strengthening due to environmental 'hazards' Art.

    In fact the opposite is happening. Few examples.... Due to such things as antibiotics and insulin many humans that would otherwise have died are having offspring to pass along their weaknesses. Also there's the 'junk' food and deadly drugs now that cause obesity and health-related effects along with addictions and resultant death. A major killer in your country is opiods and fentanyl (sp?) that Trump is getting China to stop making/shipping since it is killing so many people.  

    Our intellectual ability to develop protection to new technology-related health effects has limits also. Lead vests and exposure monitors while working with Xray and radiation generating equipment and the like. But there the effects were determined the hard way with many deaths. The same learning curve shouldn't be allowed with 5G.

    Nobody should support a new technology as 5G until proper long-term research is carried out. 

    Oh and i recall folks in the rurals wanting cable for internet since bell was slow. That was when they knew it was faster with cable in the city. The 5G apparently won't work for the rurals since the distance between devices is too great. That's why Drifter is happy to plan on living in the bush out of reach of it. haha!  Sure people will want something faster. But that is the sales trick. If people weren't told that they would stay with the stuff that over the past 10 years only has sped up in leaps and bounds.

    People also want to go faster on the highway. Cars are safer, better brakes and tires and better able to withstand high speeds yet gov't keeps speed limits the same. Same cautionary approach should be used in considering 5G IMHO.

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  8. Haha! Bill, you should contact Bell, Rogers and say you and your family volunteers to have a light pole 5G device installed nearest your home. One of the big ones that runs the wee ones along the pole line.  This to prevent any of your neighbors from 'falsely' claiming it is harming them. You can defend the company with "We're OK so those folks must be just imagining things!"   I imagine the rest of the family would be on side with no worries. 


  9. Colin quote.....

    "Even if there is more research to be done, the fact you jump to some corporate/government scheme because of the information that you’ve presented is just not an effective way to respond. You really think these engineers are building stuff to melt their customers from the inside? 

    Also, be sure to remember that you now desire more government oversight, more interference in the private sector. 

    An article or video without adequate data is just fear mongering. A video of a politician with their mouth moving is the least reputable form of evidence I can imagine."

    I'm not worried about 'tissue' per se, I'm worried about DNA alterations.  I have only read/seen videos and am not an expert, but neither is anyone here. Some experts are concerned that within 3 to 5 generations women exposed to 5G won't bear offspring. Well, except for places 5G hasn't been operating. So good research would be to expose a fast multiplier (daphnia say) to see if any effects appear down the road a few generations. 

    I do believe engineers build stuff for profit of corporations. Enough said.

    Gov't oversight is vital to protect people from unscrupulous corporation execs that are profit driven. The food we eat and cars we drive are examples where we don't want DDT that thins eagle egg shells, or cars without safety standards on the roads or drivers with no training. 

    Saying it's 'safe' technology is as wrong as saying it is 'unsafe' technology at this point without proper research. Proper research that seems quite absent at this point unfortunately. 

    Doesn't the atmosphere shield us from these wavelengths? I read where this is the case and with 5G this shielding is obviously bypassed. Again, if we are shielded from it then is it a good idea to bypass this? I know the ozone layer is a worry if lost.  

    Haha! OK I edited to add I don't consider you 'dickish' since when people get emotionally involved with an issue even for no reason they get a bit that way.?

  10. Completely disagree. Consumer demand isn't screaming for faster service. The biz is creating it and forcefully selling it for profit using this excuse. Profit and control. Period. I just received a second letter from Rogers saying how I must buy new stuff since my old stuff isn't 5G. End of next year i recall was the deadline.... tossed it. Are the people in Israel, Brussels, Florida not screaming for it? They have opted out. You would expect that these areas would be more in need for any 'faster' service.  

    It is totally wrong to even suggest that mankind must adapt our bodies to keep up with developing technology. This is totally backwards thinking. The whole idea of basically, any invention, is to save labor/make things more convenient and helpful. To introduce 5G and say people should adapt their bodies to it is kinda crazy. Evolution takes a bit of time and it is impossible for mankind to suddenly be able to shield its DNA and cell structure from microwave radiation.

    I do agree with the 'albino' weakness aspect though. Some people will be more affected by 5G than others. Some ages/weaknesses will have different sensitivities.  But when all is installed and running and then, if people start getting headaches and such, then there's no turning back. Corp lawyers and bought politicians will fight against the affected who will have to prove 5G is harming them. So the sick will have to pay for research to try and get a paid-for gov't to turn it off. 

    All of this is completely backwards to how mankind should be 'progressing' with a new technology. First it must be proven safe. Then go from there peddling it.      

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  11. 10 hours ago, dave524 said:

    For any radio geeks this is how the frequency spectrum is chopped up in Canada, the light blue is our AM/FM and TV channels if any listens to O.T.A. transmissions anymore?


    That link shows a buncha wee things hard to read. How does this show harmful microwave radiation? Looks like it is something about radio waves. These diff than microwaves? 

  12. 35 minutes ago, Pigeontroller said:

    You(We) have bigger worries here on this planet...

    Just because there is worse out there doesn't mean ignore it.  That seems to be the problem these days. MSM bombards us with stuff all around the world so we lose focus on issues we could possibly change for the better. This 5G is microwave radiation. The stuff that causes water to boil. A wee bit of boiling inside your brain or DNA may not be as apparent as that to a honey bee, but it should be researched before a go ahead is given.

    Also, sure many research reports contradict other research reports, but that doesn't justify having no research done.  I'd like to see university/gov't research on the matter.  Then it should be up to the public to decide if the negatives are worth the positives. It shouldn't be up to big business or its gov't puppets while the public is kept in the dark. 

    5G needs close proximity transmitters to work. So a municipality could say no to them until proper research is done to address concerns at least.   Like I said why has Israel, Brussels and Florida where Trump's family hangs out said no? What do they know that we don't? 


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  13. Reading some articles off Youtube and am worried about our kids and farther down to line. Some scientists say in 3-5 generations women won't be able to have offspring due to DNA alterations. Brussels (world banking headquarters), Israel, and Trumps place (Marla Lago in Florida) isn't allowing it yet its being pushed fast and hard everywhere else it seems. 

    This stuff will be all over pretty soon. They need to install the devices very close to us due to the short range of it. No government research has been done on effects. Gov't is trusting the seller and the seller is clearly stating in its literature/sales crap it is a form of pollution yet is also claiming no liability for any negative effects. 
    $ is the goal of the telecom industry and here's some scientific perspectives on it from a guy trying to get a local government to be cautious. Many Youtube articles on it so I thought to pass the issue along since most here are caring types. 

  14. Who knows there may be a hidden agenda behind that park person post, like, if she has been told if so-and-so happens they'll close the park to snowmobiling. If the 'victims' are shown to get upset and even resort to name calling/threats/vandalism then 'we don't want their kind' may come into play to get what she really wants. 

    Clear to me that she should be transferred to a 'recreation' class park where the issue shouldn't arise again. Or she needs terminated. 

  15. Read my first post on this issue. He can go big and drag this around MNR up to the premier's office. But if it was me I'd forget about it and adopt a 'business as usual/unusual' position. This since right now he can buy snowmobile permits and access the park. In his advertising he can put added focus on allowable things he can help customers do in the park and quietly address any misconceptions/false comments they have heard.

    The park did it before. He won then so he knows how to address this. Sad cost of doing business there it seems.

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  16. Can't he post a pic of the letter to show parks staff are wrong?

    He should also go to the parks classification system where it should explain what activities are not allowed in a 'wilderness' class. Then he needs deal with the head of Ontario Parks and in that communication clearly state that the matter may have to go to the Minister and the Premier's office if not properly dealt with.


    Oh and BTW wrong to assume that parks staff care about the local users/public. They want to protect the environment from people. Pure and simple. You can bet that they view snowmobiles/atvs as a threat to 'wilderness'. To be fair, these devices have become very popular of late and no doubt have a negative impact on wintering areas for moose/deer/caribou and also provide wolves with easier access to same.

    I personally wouldn't suggest anyone start an outfitter biz until they read what the park classification system says about allowed use. This since even though the park might allow something, the rug may be pulled out at any time. Also you need to look at what powers the park manager has over allowed use.  Best of luck.

    Things have changed over the years but found a few links briefly explaining the system. Here's a link to one.



  17. You guys need to think like a big perch. The wee ones are around weeds and such where small food items exist. Big perch are after shiners 1st and now will take gobies too. Don't find that so much in the shallows compared to deep drop offs where shiners come and go from. I have had 50 perch days with a companion with little sifting through dinks following this approach. As the schools travel around they seem to follow contours as we follow roads. You wouldn't look for a hamburger stand in a subdivision nor would big perch look for shiners in a shallow bay. Sure exceptions are the rule but I have had pretty good luck in deeper water close to deep water at funnel points they move through to get to food or to intercept food. Oh and 9 inches or larger is what we normally get. 

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  18. Fisheries are also Federal. Transfer payments from the Federal gov't to Provincial governments is what I understand pays/contracts fisheries and migratory bird enforcement out to our COs. I expect the OMNR and CWS will be giving an announcement re the things they will be laying charges for. Expect a uniform enforcement approach from both the CWS and OMNR officers.

  19. Bill the hunters could be charged not for 'hitting' other migratory species but for disturbing them while they were nesting. That is a judgement call in the field. A way for the anti-hunting bios to stop a hunt. I very much doubt many other migratory birds are close to cormorant nesting sites. Any that are, that experience any nesting failure would be inconsequential IMHO. 

  20. On 2/2/2019 at 12:30 PM, Old Ironmaker said:

    I can tell you from experience that there is truth in the dry cold vs. wet cold. I spent a week in Oulo Finland which is 40K south of the Artic Circle, the second week of December. -40 to -50 at night. There are many canals close to our hotel. Every night it sounded like there was war going on. They would blast the canals ice with explosive to protect the concrete walls. -40 there is a terrible cold but it isn't as bad as some -20's here. 

    Guinea pig here. I was on that 'coldest corner in Winnipeg' many years ago during a cold spell in winter. People were saying how cold it was and I didn't feel the cold like I have always felt here in southern Ontario. Wasn't near as 'penetrating'. 

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