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Posts posted by cisco

  1. RIP Mr. Bryant and all else aboard. Money. Massive amounts of money enabled purchase of a labor-saving device. A helicopter to save time getting places he otherwise would have to be driven too. How many celebs have we lost over the years to small craft flight disasters or to fast car disasters? Money. It brings with it a degree of 'hubris' to many. This in exchange for caution.

    Money should be used safely. He had all the time in the world. No rush. Probably not a care in the world and was looking forward to getting to a game where his achievement of total points  scored would be handed to Lebron James. Limelight was waiting even more than usual. 

    A choice was made. Sadly the dice was rolled once too often. If the flight was successful it would have given the wrong message that next time with similar conditions it would also be fine. All just to save some time on the road. 

    Always be careful when considering a method of transportation folks. Always err on the side of caution especially when the safety of others depends on you.  

    • Like 1
  2. East of NB close to the Q border on the north side is a managed area containing Blue Lake and many others that would be perfect. Perch, lakers, splake, specks, pike and walleye each has a lake or more and even rainbows in one or two lakes. 

    Used to camp at the Blue lake campground and a while ago I heard the whole area is managed by a private contractor with MNR. For sure check it out. Had many a great fish in there! 

    Contact NB MNR to get some info.. Can fish a diff lake for a diff species for several days.

  3. On 1/17/2020 at 4:15 PM, Old Ironmaker said:

    It was a big deal 27 years ago when Coyote were spotted on the brow of  the Niagara Escarpment in Hamilton just west of Centennial Parkway reported by friends of mine that lived there. Everyone from the MNR to national television news crews were out hoping to spot one. The MNR set traps. It was a really big deal then. Now it's common to see these animals in highly densely populated areas as close as downtown T.O. I have read where Wolves are as far south as us here at Lake Erie. Wildlife will travel until they can easily find food. Whether they are Wolf, Coywolf, or Coydogs they are thriving  where we live. It's legal to hunt them here and many do. More than a few family dogs have gone missing. 

    Early 80's a pal and I had our pic in the K-W Record with 3 we shot around Kitchener one day. First I saw was around 1970 between Kitchener and Guelph. MNR was getting concerned around 1980 when aerial winter surveys showed they learned how to hunt deer in packs around there. They look big but all we got over the years were around 35lbs. Lotsa fur.

    IMO any coyote in heat when a lone wolf male is around to sniff may become a mommy. Rare I know but have read no such thing as a true coyote with all the dog inbreeding. So no reason there may not be some wolf/coyote crosses out there where ranges overlap. A coydog can be very big and even dangerous so an animal like that when in heat meeting up with a young male wolf ........ simple biology.

  4. Condolences to all the families affected by such a tragedy. Everyone has to remember that guided paths on the ice were made gradually and safely by compacting the snow to minimize the insulating properties so ice gets thicker there. Stray off the path and you're on thinner ice. Also realize that later in the day the ice won't be as safe having had sun and milder temps on it. 

  5. Glad you're OK. Kinda thought so since you are pretty well preserved/pickled thanks to that Old Milwakee you like swillin'. Haha! Oh don't need any baits thanks. I whittled a whole bunch from the HUGE minnow baits me and Swampdogger won at Lakair many years ago. 

  6. Alex got there via rich dad or ? Not as good as 1st series. Guides?!?! To even things the Lake O crew should be in a huge charter boat with guides with known techniques for big chinooks, lakers, cohos, bows instead of worrying about waves.  

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, Mike P said:

    Nissan Xterra's and everything I have owned from Nissan. I have owned 2 Pathfinders one that was new and 2 Xterra's which are both sitting in my driveway with blown computers. I have yet to reach 200,000km on any Nissan I have owned, and never will! I now own a Toyota 4runner. Best vehicle so far has been Toyota Prius Hybrid, 340,000km and have only ever spent money on brake pads $3o

    Sad to hear. Nissan was a name change from Datsun so something fishy there re name brand quality recognition IMO. Hey maybe more $ will go into quality now that the Nissan CEO has fled Japan with overhanging fraud/embezzlement type charges pending against him.

    Best place for quality advice and humor is ole Scotty Kilmer on utube.

  8. Poor value for the money IMHO. The price doesn't include the electric drill from what I can see. So $230. plus tax for a cheap hand drill is what is being peddled. It should be cheaper to buy than a regular hand auger since it doesn't have the long bent arm and handles for using arm strength with. Augers have been redesigned over many years and to say this is another new improved innovation/version is bunk.  

    I'll stick with my gas auger. Thanks Chris B. for the thing. 10 inch holes and cuts like crazy with the 53cc motor. Most I found are 33cc so you gave me a fantastic deal some years ago sir. 

    I advise to keep an eye on the classified on various fishing sites and Kijiji. Lots of guys are looking for new toys at any cost who are parting with their gas units for relatively little $. 

    If really worried about health you can wax the bottom of your sled/add sliders and you'd be surprised how much extra you can drag with a same effort as before. Or get another sled to rope behind the first to distribute weight over a larger surface area to reduce plowing drag.

  9. 10 hours ago, Dan668 said:

    I thought it be cool to use, but I icefish mainly for lakers. Not sure if its even usable that deep, in terms of visibility. 

    The one shown has 50ft of cable . Mine had 100 or so. Never used over 55ft depth but visibility was good on Simcoe.  The light could also be switched on but never used it since I felt it would affect bites. Oh I did find that for sure whitefish didn't like it and wouldn't hit a nearby spreader with the camera there. No problem with monster Ling though. They bumped/tried to eat the camera a couple of times. 

  10. I had problems with mine and even contacted the company to get it fixed but was told to buy a new one. Even offered me a discount. But no way was I going to shell our several hundred bucks again for a camera that I hardly used. Check out Ebay since there are underwater cameras that are about $150. that'll do the same thing. And if and when they go you can do the same thing......toss em and get another..... only with much less $$$$ involved.  

  11. 5 hours ago, limeyangler said:

    you would need to unpack what you mean or at least give a definition of what “Canadian Culture” is before an answer to this question can be arrived at.

    Maybe start right here.....

    But asking for a clarification of who you may be while standing in line behind a big upset guy bothering a senior ......... you surely are not serious. 


     Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law:

    Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms

    Marginal note:Rights and freedoms in Canada

    1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

    Fundamental Freedoms

    Marginal note:Fundamental freedoms

    2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

    • (a) freedom of conscience and religion;

    • (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

    • (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and

    • (d) freedom of association.

  12. 38 minutes ago, SirCranksalot said:

    It's just that the silly 'logic' from your fictitious(I assume) incompetent lawyer didn't merit any detailed response.

    So you apologize and then drop another insult in the next sentence.

    I have yet to forward any counter-logic to the lawyer since none seem apparent yet. 

    Here's an idea.

    Please picture yourselves in a Tim Hortons lineup in the store. You are 3rd in line and the first person is elderly with a cane, glasses and is trying to cram a $20. into the poppy box with old knarled fingers. Slow going. The oldster meanwhile is chatting away at the counter person. Young kid wearing the mandated poppy. The oldster is talking about poppies, and blurts out the exact words Cherry used. The big guybetween you and the oldster immediately stops the oldster cold accusing RACISM! The oldster reacts saying 'everyone' was meant, sorry. But the accuser keeps on calling the oldster a RACIST!  Making a bit of a scene. Even says that the oldster SHOULDN'T BE OUT IN PUBLIC SPEWING SUCH VILE HATRED!! 

    OK what are you going to do?  Stand with or against the accuser. Maybe walk away to not get involved. What? Maybe call the police as the accuser keeps going and getting louder in the face of the oldster? Maybe a combination of the above.

    What? What will you do? 

    A Canadian will hopefully be there. Drawing attention from the accuser and intervening. Canadians are the toughest people in this country. Individually may not look like much. Maybe fat or skinny or black or white. But a Canadian will address the issue and instruct the accuser to leave the oldster alone or to even apologize for being rude. A Canadian will not back down.  

    Anyone here who would assist the accuser or would walk away needs a tune up in order to become a real Canadian IMHO. All discussion/arguing/theories/speculations/accusations and so forth aside I believe everyone here would defend/protect the oldster and accept their apology to put the issue to rest. As I am doing now. 

    Many paper tigers here that in the field would do the right and honorable thing. 




  13. 29 minutes ago, Tjames09 said:

    What are you on about?

    Have you not heard what he said? Ill quote for it so since maybe your only heard some of it.

    "“You people... that come here and love our way of life, love our milk and honey. At least you could pay a couple of bucks for poppies or something like that. These guys paid for your way of life that you enjoy in Canada.”

    His target is people who come to Canada, plain and simple. Theres no other meaning. He's talking about immigrants only. 


    I took it to also include me as I 'did 'come here by birth to immigrants. But having some experience with the way old people speak I simply feel his remark was that of an old gentleman who was getting worked up as he spoke about his seeing less poppies out there. As LA even said we don't know what is in his mind. My opinion is he was chastising everyone but his focus fogged a bit as he strayed to justify his stance by including many recent arrivals from places such as Syria or Iraq where media is drubbing into all of us that it's lucky they got here away from refugee camps and tyrant killers who took over their homeland. IMHO he was using the best example in his aged grasp to get all of us to realize what we have here that the fallen sacrificed their lives for. I vaguely recall the first thing I thought about after hearing his exact words on TV was a colleague who came here as a Syrian refuge who explained how she and her family were lucky to be here alive. So his remark hit home by reminding me how good we all have it here. 

    He strayed in a direction where his evidence served as bad but true example of why we all should wear poppies.

    So he had a rant where he chose a true but bad piece of evidence of why we all should wear a poppy and donate to the Legion. He instead could have singled out a crippled soldier he met someplace to drive the point home but instead his old mind chose an example that was derisive.  

    Nobody can tell me he was aiming only at immigrants. Anyone who knows what Cherry stands for knows he was giving everyone heck. Why he strayed into that example? Who knows. But I have witnessed seniors I know countless times when they are on a heated subject and spew examples that are a bit 'off'. When I try and correct them I get "You know what I mean!" It's all part of the aging process IMHO and to be forgiven even if not understood. Others around often whisper this kind of thing to me "She/he's ........92." 

    Forgive and forget. Don't search for a rope and the nearest tree and don't attack as a 'hater'.

    We all experience discrimination in our lives. Some certainly worse than others. However this is Canada folks where we are not supposed to bludgeon the aged every time they make a poor choice of words.  

    • Like 1
  14. 3 hours ago, limeyangler said:

    I was brought up to respect people's differences and avoid making judgements about them based on those differences precisely because it is offensive.

    Can't believe how you don't see the hypocrisy in these words. LA you are doing just that to an 86 year old man who is patriotic.

    He is different than you. 

    Now you can twist my wording to infer I am saying you are not patriotic. AND if I say sorry I should have said "He is different than you and the rest of us.... or He is different than you or me" seems we would enter into an argument over semantics... with me being a meanee and you the poor victim. 

    You certainly did insult the lawyer with your 'parking ticket' quip. No problem. But your crystal clear ....etc.. is missing completely. Prove he wan't aiming at his general audience to encourage everyone to wear a poppy. Prove he is letting people other than immigrants off the hook for not wearing poppies. Prove he has the belief that his audience was full of precise targets for his 'attack'. 

    His targets were anyone not choosing to wear a poppy. His wording was poor but I want you to admit this or pose logical evidence or argument that his tirade excluded all others.  Prove that everyone else is fine for not wearing a poppy in Cherry's book. 

    If you or anyone else cannot accept his apology and move on then I am truly sorry for you.  

    • Like 1
  15. La a 'hater' is someone who will not accept anything to counter their hate for someone. Their 'hate' is ingrained.

    Urban Dictionary has it this way....

     A person that simply cannot be happy for another person's success. So rather than be happy they make a point of exposing a flaw in that person.

    Hating, the result of being a hater, is not exactly jealousy. The hater doesnt really want to be the person he or she hates, rather the hater wants to knock somelse down a notch.

  16. Sorry but insulting the lawyer and calling names and saying the lawyer needs clock cleaning is childish. You offer no logical address but become insulting. Seems all you have to offer.

    The term 'haters' comes to mind.

    Here is another thing to consider. I know many immigrants and have found that when first arriving they enjoy viewing their traditional sports. India folks I know love cricket, Palestinians say soccer is their fav and 'Kabaddi' is another India sport that I was asked to but was unable to attend at Rogers Stadium. Red necks and more traditional Canadians are more the hockey fans and the viewers of his show. To say he is focusing insults on just the wee percentage of 'immigrant' viewers and that he is not addressing the vast % of viewers who are not.... letting them off the hook re poppies is quite ridiculous. I meet new immigrants every day and many can't understand English so I doubt they even listen to the show.

    Oh and its been said here he can't identify immigrants since they are of all diff colors. Again, points to his obvious discrimination against any and all who don't wear one. 

    You all need to forgive an old gentleman who apologized for using the wrong phrase who said he should have used the word 'everyone' instead. We all forgive this kind of stuff every day. I speak with someone in a hallway and someone else strolls up and begins speaking to the person in their native tongue. I say sorry folks Human Rights Code says speak in a language all here understand. But I don't run off trying to get anyone fired. But if they continue (never had this happen) I walk away and later when asked "Why did you go?" I give heck and blame the person I was speaking with for allowing a rude interruption. Still friends though.

    But LA may be on to something. Perhaps a ticket should be issued for people not wearing a poppy. $5. maybe. $10. if their kid isn't wearing it. 

    JK but we should all expect the education system is properly teaching the young about what the poppy means. If there is a trend of less poppy wearing happening the issue is what can be done about it. Nobody focuses on this important consideration. Media hasn't from what I've seen. Instead media has sensationalized things to get folks upset and watching their shows/ads.   All about money. Sad.


     Oh and LA,  closest thing to a 'fact' is that Cherry wants everyone to wear a poppy and he is pissed that many people don't. Lots of proof over the years about this. His wording was admittedly wrong and he agrees he should have used the word 'everyone'. 

    I agree with this sentiment, accept his apology and I encourage you do as well. Also I hope you wore a poppy and explained its meaning to your young son. Some here lost folks during a war and this whole poppy twist that media is pushing taints things somewhat. In my view the media is disrespectful of the dead and the ones who lost them.  




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  17. Goby stomach content analysis needs to be done on lake trout spawning locations to see to what extent the critters are eating the eggs and fry.  Since the trapping method also captures similar-sized fish check their stomachs also. My theory is Gobies have tilted the balance drastically. BUT if so Goby traps could be devised to protect spawning areas. Not a fun job but that's what bios, techs and students are supposed to be doing, namely, developing and testing hypothesis to asap find out what is going wrong so hopefully a solution can be devised.  

  18. OK you bunch! Calm down!!

    The sensitive and easily offended may address the following with hysteria but I'll still give it a go.....

    I strongly suggest you all try and think about this gruesome issue from a slightly different perspective. A simple perspective... one that may make the more sensitive here upset in it's logic...


    A legal expert gave it to me....

    Here goes.... start grinding your axes.......start thinking of a way to twist the following.....

    IMHO nobody can twist this.....OK......?

    There's the challenge....

    The gauntlet has been thrown so to speak.....

    "To say Cherry is aiming at just immigrants for not wearing poppies means..... he is fine .... just PEACHY.....with all the 'others' NOT wearing poppies. The 'others' get a free pass and don't need to wear poppies"

    Get it? Understand what I'm saying??? Anyone in their heart of hearts knows the above statement isn't true......

    Undeniable TRUTH is that Don Cherry is pissed at ANYONE not wearing a poppy.

    Think about this perspective.

    The above logic is irrefutable...... Cherry is happy for anyone wearing it and unhappy with anyone not wearing it. This is a known fact.  A logical perspective but missed perspective by many. I missed it til it was explained to me by a lawyer. 

    Again, to complain about him 'picking' on one bunch of people logically means you are saying he is fine with others not wearing poppies. Get it? If not then please reread this post until you do or get someone else to translate for you. Or offer evidence he is complimentary of someone for not wearing a poppy. Maybe he is on his show someplace saying how Ron's jacket doesn't match the red poppy so Ron should toss the poppy to look more fashionable. Something like that.  

    OK you people. All I got........ a lawyer gave it to me and I'm passing it along. Says he can't wait for any logical disagreement with his 'legal' perspective. 


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  19. So if anyone in a workplace says what he said they should be fired without getting the opportunity to explain themselves to HR? I hope he goes after them in court. He'd win.

    He has always supported veterans and heroes of all backgrounds evenly from what I recall. This is how a patriot is treated. Bad show. Mac Clean abandoned his bread and butter and i hope he gets sidelined when the new crew is selected.

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  20. On 11/12/2019 at 9:44 PM, Weeds said:

    Has he made any attempt to deny that his comments were aimed at immigrants? You’d think that be the natural response of someone who felt they’d been misunderstood. I would of thought he’d have had ample time by now.

    He was interviewed and said he should have used the word 'everyone' instead.

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