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Posts posted by cisco

  1. Poor kids can't afford "flashlights and ponchos" or "buy candy" to stay at home. Many get meals at school since they don't get fed at home before. I was just thinking of a way to keep them safer than having to deal with the 80km winds and rain experienced this Halloween. I can imagine that some of us here had it tough growing up and this hardening proved useful. Kudos!!! But I'm talking about poor kids on their own out in the stuff your kids and grandkids didn't have to go out in last night or that didn't go out in for long.

    But OK guess the issue is not worth bothering about. Next time you don't go out fishing or hunting due to bad weather I hope you change your mind and go knowing you'd send poor young kids out in it. 

  2. As a kid I recall the less fortunate coming to the door with pillow sacks and little makeup/costume. They came to the door early and late compared to the general population of trick-or-treaters. Last night I though of the less fortunate out there trying to get candy in the rain, cold temps and high winds while the more fortunate had less cause to 'venture forth'. Hearing that some places near Montreal postponed the date while the GTA didn't got me thinking about it.  The kids out there need our protection from the elements and vehicle traffic. I am considering asking gov't to consider this aspect if they haven't thought about it. Thoughts?

  3. Thoughts? I think this is a great way to get ticket revenues beyond 'excessive noise' tickets and will help improve ID of drivers committing crimes. Also it may help discourage drive-by shooters from their terrorism since numerous cameras may get face pics of occupants. If done safely re police protection it isn't 'carding' but would target illegal windshields. 

  4. The Principal and Vice principal knew of this and did nothing. I blame them. They are highly paid to get stuff like this out of their school. They should have brought the bullies in with their parents and read them the riot act with police in attendance if things seemed serious enough. Back in the day nobody did anything about bullying. In fact some teachers liked to do it to students. The educational system is in drastic need of legal strengthening to set up proper immediate safeguards against mentally unstable students. Pecking order happens everywhere in nature and in human populations. To not admit and act on this is like sticking one's head in the sand like another animal we now... an ostrich.  

  5. Good lesson there as well. See how the pike sucks in the baitfish? That's how huge fish hit a trolled lure. Guy I knew who had caught 40lb lakers once told me how you don't set the hook until you feel the weight of the fish. This since he said a lure is being sucked back or sideways as much as 2 feet..... 2 FEET as a monster laker flares its gills and sucks it in. Hook isn't in the mouth proper otherwise and is why many fish are lost. Guys name Wess or Les Parks who got some monsters out of Baptiste Lake back in the day. 

    • Like 1
  6. On 9/16/2019 at 9:09 PM, super dave said:

    Issue resolved.  I tried moving the gas tank up to about half the height of the motor and it was spilling gas out the fuel pump.   Let it running for about 30 seconds and it continued.   Hooked everything back up and it was running for a good 5 mins without issues.   Thanks for the help guys. 

    Fuel pump? You mean primer bulb or? IMO rubber is in higher demand these days so manufacturers are cheaping out adding vinyl to it. This along with ethanol in the 'new' gasoline deteriorates the fuel hose easier. At the age the motor is you need replace the hoses, bulb completely. Oh and change the fuel filter also since it may have the wee black flecks from fuel line deterioration in it. If no fuel filter there then drop the carb bowl(s) to clean em out along with the hole in the jet by unscrewing the bolt up over the bowl. What I'd do.

  7. 7 hours ago, Hack_Fisherman said:

    I think it was a couple that was attacked, he survived. She was a youngish doctor from Cambridge ON. He couldn’t get it to stop. It ignored all the food they had thrown at it to get it leave them alone and went for the kill. Your thoughts are interesting,. I always thought rogue black bears were ones that like you said, were remote and non human educated but also bears that had learned to hunt moose calves and developed the taste for fresh kill. I never considered the early weaning thing. 

    I don’t think i’d ever do interior camping without protection, legal or not. Bear spray wouldn't make me comfortable enough. Just as well, I’m too old now anyway.

    Both killed and the bear was eating their remains when killed. Long time ago but a CO said how a rake was use to gather their remains.

  8. Two folks got killed camping on an island in Algonquin early nineties. Grizzlies are way more dangerous than blacks since where both occur grizzlies kill more people. Black male bears just kicked out from the litter by mom who keeps the girls for more training are worst. These males from remote places mom hasn't taught them to avoid people have to establish territory/not get killed or eaten in the process and need food.  Here comes a slow critter smelling like fish.....

    Always carry protection in our remote north woods. A man is no match for a 120 lb hungry male black bear.   

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  9. If a boat has no running lights when out there in the dark I find it hard to think a power boat hitting it is an unexpected thing. To me it is a tragedy waiting to happen. Driver may have even been distracted by cellphone or ? But the police will determine things.    

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  10. Great job Terry! Light background, a few diff leaf stencils and fern/cedar branches to spray over and some grass/duck boat green oversprays and a few black lines here and there. Been doing it for years and once had a US guy ask where I bought the boat since he's looking for one just like it..... boat is like 40 years old and he thought it new. Cost is peanuts compared to having the pros do it. Maybe do the tires and hubs too!

  11. QUOTES GregF2

    "Not sure how I don't know anyone that smokes it, proves a point.  You are right though, it proves the point that the people I hang out with and family don't do drugs, as they know better.  They are all against pot, as it is a drug! " 

    Reminds me of doing a move for a moving company many years ago having to listen to an older lady preaching about the evils of alcohol and how her son never would touch a drop. He shows up and he is almost stumbling drunk and smells of it. I clearly remember this and him there quietly listening to her and when she wasn't watching slyly putting his finger to his lip while giving me and my co-worker a wink.  Shhhhhh. haha!

    Greg I bet you have people around you doing pot and other stuff but they aren't about to come clean knowing you are such a vigilanty. Neighbor with arthritis, postperson, boss, employees, doctor, ........ 

  12. 30 minutes ago, GregF2 said:

    And neither do.  It is proven it has no health effects after two weeks.  So many scientific studies prove that.   Why do you think it was illegal for years.  Get a clue anyone that responds otherwise obviously is a druggie with poor morals.  I am out of this thread - too many weirdos.....  Exactly the decay of society I was talking about if you guys are for it..... 

    Capitalism is the decay of our society. It wraps itself in the flags of democracy and patriotism as camouflage to get what it wants.

    • Like 1
  13. 23 minutes ago, GregF2 said:

    Feel sorry for the part of society that thinks marijuana is not bad.  It most definitely could lead to harder drugs, kills brain cells and fact proven to be addictive.  After two weeks it offers no health benefits, except addiction.   That part of society is what is causing the decay of our worlds morals.   Amazing that people can't see that and the only reason it is becoming legal now is desperate liberals gaining more tax revenue.   Very, very sad....  What will these same people that wanted to legalize marijuana want to legalize next?  

    Amazing how the minority now in days affects the majority, as I know no one that smokes pot or even wants it legalized....  They understand the harm it does to those that smoke it and what addiction can do.....

    So what about booze and cigarettes? I never heard of an equivalent to Alcoholics Anonymous or smoking cessation programs for marijuana.  How many DUI fatalities are from pot? My guess is next to zero. I bet more fatal accidents are dropped-cigarette or lighter search related.  

  14. Back in the 60's and 70's anyone with a Bachelor of Arts got going up the ladder and the$$$. Their kids look at their parents and think it isn't fair for BAs to be where they got too when the kids have MAs and PHDs and have to flip burgers now to try and pay CRAZY student debts off and are also aware they have to pay the foreign debt the old people's gov't has amassed and which is still growing almost to the point interest can't be paid on it.

    So the kids don't care and are bitter and stay at home where mommy feeds and clothes and shelters ems. I read several years ago that 34 was average age of a kid leaving home. 

    Oh and folks from other countries that never paid much tax/licence fees arrive with 'questionable' certificates and compete for houses with our young. Our young have been paying taxes and their competition have been amassing wealth. Guess who gets the house? 

    I don't blame our young for being a bit bitter. Drugs are an easy path for the weak to take. Many of our young are weak. They are also missing the sense of identity that happened before. now its all Facebook/tech toys everyone must have/mandatory car insurance and other 'new' expenses all need to be cool like internet.

    I once witnessed a 'nurse' selling a bottle full of pills from the hospital the nurse worked at. The nurse that got given a bunch of morphine may have made $1,000. Tempting and Drs and Big Pharma like making $ pushing pills which is why in the US a major charge was laid against a big pharma where it was paying Drs to push its product which was addictive.



  15. I lived in North Bay for several years and got some nice brookies with a pal. When the bugs bite the brookies start biting....the big water/lake upstream is letting warm surface water into the stream especially in the heat of summer and as the stream flows away from the lake the temps should go down since earth temps are like 55 degrees Fahr. So the stream should get cooler as it flows over a cooler stream bed and especially through cedars/shaded areas. Cold water upwelling may also be good in spots to the liking of brookies, like spots below hillsides. I always hit pools just below rapids since lotsa small food there for them, minnows after small food and better oxygenated water.  The bigger ones will be out at low light and be under banks, fallen timber, behind boulders during the day.  

    Since you're on a long stretch I'd worry less about direction re inflow but start staring at topo maps to find rapids that have fish pools below. What I'd do anyways. Good luck and keep your spots/trails hidden. Locals are bad for cleaning spots out when told..... this I know!!? 

  16. Follow the money. Simple really. Hindu and other non-meat eating cultures are growing. Chain restaurants are after money. No more to it than that unless gov't edicts say they must do so-and-so. Gov't hasn't. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ market/profit motivated. Period. 

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