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Posts posted by cisco

  1. 12 minutes ago, lew said:

    Just my thoughts, but Canadians buy a HUGE amount of 3M products including the new Ontario license plates.

    I have absolutely no idea how much money 3M makes from Canadians but I'd imagine it's pretty darned substantial and to now be cut off from something as important as these masks would just plain stink to put it mildly.


    3M is off the hook re this issue since it is the Fed gov't there who tells 3M what it can and cannot do presently. 3M will do as it is told.

  2. 17 hours ago, Crimsongulf said:

    There are a lot of half truths and misinformation going around these days.

    Amazon denied Smalls' accusations, saying it fired him for repeatedly "violating social distancing guidelines and putting the safety of others at risk" after it asked him to stay home on paid sick leave after he came into "close contact with a diagnosed associate with a confirmed case of COVID-19,"



    In these days of wild tort claims no company especially one as large as Amazon fires anyone for reasons that they can't back up.

    Go to Jimmy Dore on youtube since he did an interview with the whistleblower a day or so ago and since he did a couple more where other reporters exposed documents showing how Amazon execs/lawyers planned to discredit the guy.  If you want the best version of the 'truth' I advise going to social media and see the docs and interviews by independents. This rather than blindly believing the MSM or thinking things are ok since you don't want things to not be ok. Follow the time line and Trudeau is obviously pandering to Bazose. Also what POTUS actually said re the masks is videod there. Oh and if all ok why has the national guard been posted along our border? When people begin needing food and PPEs the various states will be intercepting truck/rail shipments to Canada. Can't blame em. But we here are taking steps to recycle masks and other forms of PPE thank Heavens. Unless China and other countries keep shipping to us around rather than over or through the US we are in serious trouble with many things IMHO.

  3. Amazon seems to have Trudeau on side to 'shine' its image after being exposed for making warehouse workers in Manhattan keep working after one got the virus and managers refused to clean/isolate contacted staff. A whistle blower got fired as result and social media went nuts over it. Soooo Jeff Bazose the billionaire Amazon owner today announced he's giving $100. million to the virus effort. This IMO to keep workers from walking off the job everywhere. Trudeau made a point today to say how Amazon and the Cndn gov't made a 'deal' to distribute needed supplies. 

    Bazose could have said he's firing the bad managers and getting workers protection gear and proper cleaning/safety protocol but nooooo. 

    All PR with Trudeau working to protect the Amazon image here.

    By the way MSM doesn't seem to carry the growing wildcat strikes going on as workers are feeling overworked, under paid and under protected in many places. 

  4. Italy and Spain are showing how it is dealt with at the crisis stage. Respirators are unhooked from less likely/older/feebler patients and attached to those more likely to survive. The ones taken off are sedated until they expire. A nearby hospital apparently is at 77% capacity as it has tried to vacate as many rooms as possible in preparation for what is to come. We all need pray that the curve can be flattened so at least ones with critical care needs can be taken care of at any given time. That really is the underlying goal of the Covid-19 response. Respirators require several expert staff to set up and to run. Along with this are injections and such needed throughout treatment. We need to protect our healthcare workers so they can be around to do their jobs as safely as possible. Thankfully China is sending supplies to Canada. We helped give them stuff at the beginning of their outbreak so nice to see reciprocal help.

  5. IMHO military needs to set up temporary field hospitals and isolation/quarantine residences. Motels/hotels are empty of tourists now and owners aren't making revenue so they can be easily taken over for this purpose especially close to airports where mandatory isolation/quarantine should made for all new arrivals for 14 day individual quarantine. Military ensures buses of arrivals go directly to the hotels/motels where military keeps the arrivals individually isolated/quarantined. Air travel got us into this mess in a hurry and it keeps digging the hole deeper for us all.

    Military doctors should man the temporary field hospitals where ONLY Covid-19 patients go. Hospitals are for everything else. Respirators go to the field hospitals with enough left for regular hospitals AND the machines used for anesthetic purposes can be converted into respirators. A US government video has been prepared on how to do this. 

    Canada is still allowing arrivals but with  'mandatory' isolation. Ya right. Someone away for a while will need to restock their home. Low odds on some not going to get supplies before holing up since they 'feel fine'. 

    Need tougher measures to reduce the curve. Hospital workers aren't being tested but are only screened for any symptoms.  This IMO since if one has it then many go home. Gov't doesn't want this so.....  the expression 'canon fodder' applies. 

    Must keep Covid-19 out of hospitals if not too late already. 

    Military is for hazardous issues. This is one. I read that the 2 US navy hospital ships are to be used for regular things while hospitals are for Covid-19. Insane reasoning since Covid-19 is relatively easy to deal with. Protection of the military will cost the lives of many due to this. The ships should deal with it.  

    • Like 1
  6. Biggest issue now is a mask shortage. In Kitchener a bunch of nurses claim they weren't allowed to wear masks while dealing with a virus patient and several caught the virus. In Michigan acc to a message from a nurse Tulsi Gabbard the politician knows there a hospital is issuing one disposable mask per week that users have been directed on how to sanitize. Here in Ontario gov't is scrambling to get industry retooled to make N95 masks, gowns, ventilators. Hopefully healthcare workers won't be unarmed and become sick trying to do their job. Masks expired (5 yr expiration) from the SARS issue years ago are still in storage and are being considered for use if still determined to be safe. 

    If you have a mask check out how to sanitize it on Google since you may have issues getting more.  

  7. Princess Auto was advertising a $34.95 N95 vapor respirator mask last go. Charcoal activated canister filters can be replaced when smell/taste shows filter has expired. Talk to your Occupational health people to see what they say. May need a Drs note saying you are sensitive to X chemical and that you should have a proper filter mask. Re the hand sanitizer most are alcohol based which evaporates and if your Health and safety people check they can advise on procedure. I do recall being told that Purell isn't as popular among nurses compared with Microsan since the latter has moisturizer.

  8. 15 hours ago, Crimsongulf said:

    Scary words are thrown around on a daily basis but I try to keep a realistic perception.  At this point in time , worldwide there have been slightly less than 9000 deaths out of a population of 7.8 billion.


    Your perspective makes me think of this old saying....

    "A recession is when your neighbor is out of work. A depression is when you are out of work."


    • Like 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, Crimsongulf said:

    Clinical testing on the first vaccine starts at the CDC in Atlanta tomorrow.





    Fantastic news! A province out west.... Alberta I recall...has a vaccine that works on animals and is getting approvals for clinical trials. I pray a vaccine gets approved and mass-produced asap. Oh and made affordable or free for all. Still can't slow efforts to flatten the infection curve since a vaccine is still a ways off. A year to 18 months to validate results. That is forever in terms of how this virus follows exponential growth curve unless serious intervention occurs.

  10. 3 hours ago, OhioFisherman said:

    Private industry at work?  https://www.cleveland19.com/2020/03/14/federal-agents-seize-counterfeit-covid-test-kits-cbp-warns-public-bogus-goods/

    The hospital that me and our friend were in just had it's first case, so no telling were this will go?

    Funny thing is those confiscated Covid 19 test kits may in fact work. Centre for Disease Control is going to check em out. IMHO if a way existed to get cheap tests on the side without a huge cash grab I'd be all for it. Media is villainizing this 'seizure' playing up that it against the system. BUT the system is based on profit maximization for manufacturers. If these kits are in fact found to be legit I bet they will be destroyed for some reason or other.   

  11. On 3/14/2020 at 8:46 AM, OhioFisherman said:

    Cisco, I don't know if public healthcare would make a difference, we are just not equipped to handle a serious epidemic. They are saying now that 100,000 Ohioans maybe carrying the virus, if just 5% of those people need to be hospitalized there will be problems! This is a clip of the New Rochelle NY ( a burb of NYC ) problems https://www.cnn.com/videos/health/2020/03/13/gupta-new-rochelle-hospital-pkg-newday-vpx.cnn/video/playlists/coronavirus/.

    Maintaining a hospital system to handle any pandemic that comes along could be more expensive than maintaining our military?

    China built a couple of new hospitals in Wufan in a couple of weeks? I can't see that happening here.

    CNN had another story about Great Britain's handling of it, and a view it might not peak for another 14 weeks? Chaos?

    The only way to flatten the curve is isolation? and that would be hard to impose here?

    Public healthcare provides free testing. Right now the private US system has a gov't administration trying to get this approved while keeping private insurance/manufacturers/lobbyists happy while attaching a bunch of other non-related matters to the bill. Without testing where are the hot spots to focus on? Where to focus a properly sized media education campaign?  S. Korea does more tests per day than the US has done up to now. Canada has done over 1,000. US decided to not use the WHO test method in order to allow private industry to create it in the US. 'Glitches' are claimed to have prevented creation of a working test kit. US claims 3,000 cases nation wide but Seattle claims 546 there alone. Without testing no one knows but numbers seem way more than a non-testing gov't says. May become another Italy the way things are going, sadly.

    • Like 1
  12. I'd get home ASAP Big Cliff.

    8 hours ago, Big Cliff said:

    That's very kind of you, thank you! If I really thought I would have a problem I would already be headed for home. 

    Yesterday was the first time I noticed empty shelves at Wal-Mart for TP, funny all the restraunt parking lots are packed full, grocery stores are busy, but they are telling people to avoid gatherings like church?????

    US isn't aware of how widespread it is. S. Korea does more testing in one day than the US has done thus far. Are you in a 'hotspot'? If you get symptoms will your policy cover you and will you get help or put in line? Will you get across the border with symptoms? Will Canada close the border if it is determined that the US has been 'fibbing'? Full restaurant lots simply shows that people there are not being serious. Want to be among them at your age?

  13. USA has just stopped all flights from Europe. This simply means travelers will come through Canada to get there. This in effect makes us screen and deal with these passengers.

    We need to keep in mind that presently the whole idea isn't to stop it from getting here but to slow it down so as few people as possible at any given time require critical medical treatment. 'Flattening the curve' they call it. If too many need critical care (won't take many with hospitals packed now) decisions will be made as to who lives and who dies like apparently in Italy now.  Without public healthcare the US is having serious issues even getting free test kits going unlike places like S. Korea where hundreds of thousands are tested weekly. Likely to spread more quickly in the US than in Canada and now we will be paying to help screen travelers to help flatten the US curve while raising ours.

    • Like 2
  14. Nice funny read! Worst I've experienced is a couple different guys ice fishing over the years. I get a nice fish on and 'buddy' runs over to 'help'. So as I'm standing there with rod bent and drag working when needed his idiotic idea of 'helping' is to kneel, grab my line and try and take over the fight while yelling how I need to be careful cuz it's a biggun!! I have to yell to eventually get him to let go my line to 'permit' me to land my own fish!! Doesn't do much for the angling experience.  

  15. Not sure if 'carcasses' mean't skinned or unskinned. Article wasn't clear about that. Would probably take a bit of time to get that many. I can see a gang of hunters who specialize hunting them keeping them froze out back until time to thaw a bit to skin all at once then draw straws on who gets to discard the remains. Lazy guy drew the short straw.

  16. i'D Get a Toyota Sienna van. I have a real wheel drive but there are all-wheel drive ones out there. I use ramps late season duck hunting and simply carry a bag of sand or cat litter. Also bought some Princess Auto traction mats 'just in case' but haven't used yet. You wife will enjoy the van as most do and it'll carry anything easily and trailer hitches are also on many so you needn't get one. Prices are all over the map as are years and mileage.

    Better to take advantage of this than fall for the red-neck trap of 'pickup or SUV' which is why prices are so high.

    A pal has a 2014 Ram HEMI PU with 113,000km for about $19,000 as is but getting emissions on these may be hard so ? re getting it on the road legally. If interested in it message me.  

  17. Just back from Simcoe whitee huntin' and thought about another angle. If the hunters took the yotes to, say, a landfil,l they might be told 'no' and advised to go bury them or take them someplace else like a rendering plant. I'm not sure if a landfill would take them. Also it may cause some civil servant there to call the police or MNR re the carcasses thus causing allot of undue hassle to the hunters. IMO the MNR when commenting on this issue could and should have provided advise on how to properly dispose of such critters. This as a public service since no doubt the hunters in this case along with others would like to know proper protocol. MNR fell flat on this one. Recall years ago when a moose hunter found the entire animal was filled with cysts and MNR said it's OK to eat. SURE!!! Hunter told me "I took the whole works to the dump". But again, these days a call might go out getting a hunter in trouble for this same thing.

  18. My mistake it seems. So you wouldn't have taken that chopper up if you were the pilot when even the cops had grounded their choppers? Smart. Hindsight is 20/20 though.  

    Not sure why you seem to be 'woefully' arguing the point that safety of others is less important than cutting corners getting someplace more quickly. Of course there will be excuses why the chopper went up. Just like when a trucker who crushes a car in the fog may say his kid's birthday was important to get too.  

    Regardless of the 'psychology' of the pilot's or Kobe's mind at the time it was a PIC decision, no one else's. Pilot is Captain of the air ship. NO excuses. Now perhaps fog wasn't the issue and the chopper experienced catastrophic failure by hitting....a drone or flock of birds. Time will tell. But I feel you need to realize my 'simple message' that cutting corners and taking chances with the life of yourself and others isn't worth it. You can get away with driving a chopper of big-rig in the fog for many times. But sadly it only takes one time for odds to turn.  Psychology be da%ned! No excuse for endangering the life of yourself or others while making a living. Follow the rules and even then err on the side of caution. Done here. 


  19. 54 minutes ago, pics said:

    Since they have an Open Season all year they were probably legally hunted but disposed of in an unethical manner..

    Pelts take time and effort to remove, flesh out, stretch and need stretching boards, etc.. many guys haven't been taught how to do this. plus fur prices for such late season pelts aren't as good as early season and from western provinces. Coyotes are getting too numerous and they reproduce quickly to compensate for removed members and food availability.  IMO the MNR can't be bothered to get down the hill to them nor to take apart stinking carcasses to find out what death they experienced. There is little point in trying to find out anything further. No limit or bounty or meat wasted re coyote harvest around southern Ontario.

    All we shot got skinned but the carcasses were left in the bush around where we shot them. back to nature went the remains. 

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  20. Nice pic of a piebald deer. Be nice to see eye coloration re degree of albinoism. Not complete albino but extremely rare. Genetic weaknesses may take this doe earlier than normal plus the white will be easier to see from a predator or hunter vantage. May have similar young. 

    Your area is shotgun/archery only I think with fairly abundant residences with less hunting going on so she may live long. Coyotes are getting thick so they probably pose biggest threat in your area Lew IMO.  

  21. PIC means 'pilot in command'. Oh and I agree completely re your mention that helicopters are safer than autos. But not on a day with fog and with the flight limitations that particular helicopter apparently had.  A limo leaving early to compensate for traffic is what I'm suggesting. Your opinion is kinda like saying hunting is safer than the drive to go hunting. I would agree, but not when you have to walk out to your deep water blind in fog walking on 2 inches of ice. Your tremendous experience driving around does not include helicopter flights does it? Not sure why you mention your past employment as it has no relevance. 

    With the number of people being transported a regular car wouldn't have been large enough. A much safer limo/huge Suburban would have been needed. Bet that could have been easily arranged. Again, sad we lost such a great athlete and person to a bad choice in which labor-saving device to use on that tragic day. 

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