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Posts posted by cisco

  1. Maybe compare the cost of your meds to from there to another.

    Media was on yesterday morning discussing how the circle 'paint' hopefully was environmentally friendly. Same stuff used for soccer and football field lines buy hey now is the time to explore this 'crucial' issue. Nothing better to discuss? How about 30 day limits on prescriptions and more dispensing fees as result. How about the $$$$$ saved by government not having to pay pensions and security on now deceased elders. Government knew all along our seniors were going to be targeted by the virus. But our PM will 'discuss' the military's report on Long Term Care facility elder abuse tomorrow with the Premiers. I am so tired of repeatedly hearing "My heart goes out......" "Elders are our first priority..." or best one I have seen yet, where both the Premier and Toronto Mayor each stood there and crowed " Oh proud to be here at the opening of this big Food Bank" trying to skim some kind of credit over it. IMHO needing more food banks simply means our gov't isn't helping those in need enough. They should be made ashamed of this by the media not 'heroed'.


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  2. Dave, they save $ when you are dead not alive (thankfully you are alive) so add your CPP to your OAS and multiply by the number of elders who have died in Canada from Covid-19 and think of how that adds up per month in 'savings'. US has 100,000 dead from the virus so far but apparently many more haven't been counted. Likely the same scenario here since gov't would obviously like as small a number of victims as possible being reported.

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  3. On 5/26/2020 at 5:29 PM, Terry said:

    The cost to straighten it all out will be overwhelming 

    when you have one nurse and 1.5 psw to feed and put to bed and look after 32 residents which can’t be done now properly . Then you add covid and it becomes a cluster sex act 

    Plenty of money available now. Think how much is being saved by gov't not having to pay pensions and Old Age Security and such on all the deceased. I bet the wee bit of $ provided to the people in the US doesn't even balance the $ saved there from the above.

  4. From AK post...."Their explanation was simply that they didnt think that the dangers of Covid applied to their demographic."

    Probably right!  But their parents/grandparents are the ones going to hospital after catching it from them. But the youngins will be spared visitation so they can sit at home crying aloud wondering why their poor elder caught it when being such a good person.

    Healthcare workers are bracing for the May 24 covidiot wave that may have begun already. Higher numbers now are possibly Mother's Day aftermath.

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  5. I'm not going up to the boat till things calm down. But locals really should stay away from stores/crowds to keep safe. No way I'd be going out this weekend if living up there. Long weekend for a southerner should be treated like a work day by a northerner where he/she would call in sick during an ice storm.

    • Thanks 1
  6. I worked security at a couple Rush concerts at WLU in Waterloo when they were touring with Max Webster. Back circa 1977. All really young kids in the audience and now wonder how now Rush is considered such a popular 'rock group' now when all I recall seeing in the audience were youngins there back then. Good band and I guess all the youngins then grew into old supporters now.

    Remember the long-aired blond guy on guitar who's wife was there with their new baby. Friendly folks. Band somehow found some weird stuff back stage and were wearing turbans and such during their show. Hated Max Webster silly song about 'diamonds'. Worked a few of their gigs and the phrase 'diamonds diamonds' just stuck in the memory. Ugggh! 


  7. Haha! So you don't know that 'ironic' is about the same thing as 'hypocritical' in the context of your post?  I'll simplify.... It is 'ironic' that you reference Aljazeera to discredit anything as 'fake news'.  Just substitute 'ironic' where I use 'hypocritical' and you should easily see how it fits to convey the same point.  Unlike you I don't read Aljazeera so will call upon you if ever I feel the need to understand it's propaganda/perspective.  


  8. On 5/7/2020 at 6:34 AM, nlpaintballer said:

    Fake news. 

    Ironically, here is an article from Aljazeera, talking about how much fake news there is surrounding covid-19 


    Haha! You don't see your hypocrisy?  You read Aljazeera for news and call other stuff 'fake news'? Hahaha!  Aljazeera for cryin' out loud! Zero credibility is your goal? Accomplished!!

    Doubt you saw the vid since no way a senior scientist who worked around that Dr. Fausi (sp?) on ebola, HIV, vaccines who puts her face, name and reputation on the line is 'fake'. If you did watch the vid then call it all 'fake' then your agenda is quite obvious.    

    Sourcing Aljazeera....LOL!

    I'll try and ind some info to link to her. She is now conducting public presentations to teach doctors about what is going on based on her expertise and experience at the top of US virus research. NOT Aljazeera sourced BTW. Sorry if that reduces her credibility to you nl. 

    Dr. Judy Mikovits is her name and worth checking out. 

    Here is an overview of the vid that was taken down by utube...


    BTW I offer such vids to help us all explore and understand things. I leave conclusions to the folks here. 

    What I thought interesting from her vid was

    1. Big pharma has greedy hands on anything and would rather treat not cure people.

    2. Research is guided by Big Pharma rather than by academics.

    3. 2 medicines classed by the WHO as 'vital to the world' or some such designation, which cost very little and deal with autism and ?HIV? (can't recall), have been taken over by two big corporations so no longer available.

    4. Vaccine development is treated as big business rather than to help people and there are/may be bad consequences if animal samples are used to create them.

    5. Ebola learned to get into humans in a lab. (Had to listen closely twice to hear this statement).

    6. The Covid-19 somehow came after a US biomedical lab was closed for unsafe leaks of stuff and gov't spent $3.7 million to transfer the work to the Wuhan (sp?) lab. 

    All interesting stuff to me and maybe some others here. The above things made me think folks here might be interested even though we have no say in anything except our own decisions like getting a vaccine.   

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  9. Always thought the best way to reduce gun violence was easy. Same way to easily reduce drug peddling, abductions, parolees hangin' with buds they were ordered to stay away from, child and adult prostitution, drive by shootings, armed robberies, and probably more crap.

    Police just need to do their job and not be 'guided' to ignore things. How?

    Enforce/revamp the law so that dark-tinted vehicle windshields/windows are illegal and if caught the vehicle can be searched.  Simple and effective especially with all the cameras and camera phones around these days to help gather evidence/leads.

  10. Chris please keep presenting facts and opinions. Don't expect 'rewards' from those who appreciate them but certainly expect criticisms from others. A Class A mechanic pal used to give repair advice here until a few basically said he didn't know anything. He gone. A sad loss for those needing a bit of repair advice for their rides.

    I post stuff hoping some will learn from it to help some spread useful stuff. I advise you look in the mirror and so long as the guy looking back is proud of what you do, keep doing it. God bless! 


  11. I follow this UK doctor for a global perspective as he has been quite accurate so far in his factual observations and predictions. Africa is just getting hit with it as is many other parts of the world. The first few minutes gives a sobering perspective on spread.



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  12. You are intentionally trying to misrepresent things and paint a target of sort onto healthcare workers. 

    I am done with you. Learn to read and to stop lying about healthcare workers. They are no more responsible for bringing the virus into Ontario than anyone else.         

  13. nlpaintballer you are misinterpreting that old April 2nd statement. Your very insulting and misinformed.  Here the statement is more completely...


    "As for Toronto, the latest numbers show that out of at least 818 total known cases to date, at least 31 front-line workers have contracted the virus so far — including 12 physicians, 13 nurses and six other health-care workers. Earlier data suggested a higher count, but public health officials are now reporting only patient care roles.

    "The majority of these cases of COVID-19 are travel-related," noted Toronto Public Health spokesperson Lenore Bromley."


    So the wayyy back April 2nd number of 818 is what he is referring to re most are from travel. Not just HC workers. Makes sense if properly read. Also in Toronto where most international travel originated/returned to less than 4% (31) of the reported 818 infections were from HC workers. Oh and if 10% are HC workers traveling then why and where are the HC workers traveling to where such a large number are catching it? It should be assumed that HC travelers are catching it at the same rate as other travelers. In fact they'd be less likely to catch it since they generally have a better understanding of hygiene precautions.

    At the start which was just before April 2nd the hospital HC workers were being told how to deal with Covid-19. All were following orders, learning and adapting.  Many got it while treating patients. 

    To imply they got it traveling and brought it into Homers or hospitals is both wrong and a bit insulting. 


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  14. OK here is why IMHO hospitals are focusing on the virus rather than on other 'elective' surgeries and such. 

    Not happy to explain this but here's the logic. Point out where I'm wrong cuz I hope i am...

    1. Hospitals and Homes are just screening employees for obvious symptoms. The rest get in to work and possibly infect patients and fellow staff. Think about that. Why? Well if all workers were screened then a big bunch would have to leave along with everyone they had been in contact with. So the result is worker-empty hospitals and Homes and big bucks paid to hospital workers who do have sick day provisions. No way part time call ins could cover the manpower loss.   

    2. Hospital workers are generally given crappy non-N95 masks which are supposed to be worn to prevent spread to others rather than to protect the worker. Even N-95 masks don't screen the virus completely. It is too teeny. So 11% of these workers show symptoms. How many are infected but don't?

    3. So if other patients are brought in for elective procedures they may become infected. About 11% of the infected are healthcare workers and this without really any testing. No doubt more. At Homes they don't have sick days so are used to working sick to pay bills with their relatively lower-than-hospital-worker wages.

    4. So hospitals are basically saying they don't want non-virus/elective procedure patients there for their own safety and hospital liability concerns. Nor do hospitals want to have hospital-infected patients and their family/visitors with them carry the virus back out to increase it in the general population. 

    5. Healthcare workers don't know who among them are asymptomatic virus carriers. They do not know if they are taking it home to loved ones. 

     6. Homes are privately run businesses where profit is the goal. Minimum staff and cleaning in some. Now existing staff are told to do way more but without proper PPEs and if they get sick they get to go home sans pay. If they do show virus symptoms they get to go home sans sick pay for ? period of time and infect others there as a bonus. No wonder spread in Homes is so widespread. 

    7. Yet despite the above, the notion is circulating that Home workers should not get extra 'hazard pay' and that they or hospital workers should not be allowed at the front of the line at stores.  

    IMHO people desperate for work need to funnel aggression and suggestions/demands at their elected reps not on the working stiffs trying to control this virus.  

    8. When hospitals resume elective surgeries just like after holiday breaks then workers although getting the same pay have to work much harder since doctors/surgeons go fast and hard to catch up on the income lost during the break. Hospital workers will be getting a rough go even after this virus allows hospitals to get back serving the non-virused.

  15. Oh and re 'shale' or fracking, this 'new invention' of US producers that ruptures underground water/oil veins to contaminate groundwater...... the Saudis and Russia were very unhappy the US changed laws enabling entry into the foreign market using this and then when the Russian/Saudi folks had an 'argument' over how much each would cut in production to raise world prices for more profit. So the Saudis flooded the market with oil and now they are getting a better arrangement with Russia. Meanwhile both were very happy the highly financed fracking industry was and is going broke due to the low oil prices. This happened about a month or so ago. 

    US fracking is dying. Prices will stay low as demand craters, and the plandemic is largely responsible and the Saudis and Russia are happy their US fracking competition is, well, fracked.

  16. 18 minutes ago, Terry said:

    That didn’t help me

    i had heard all  that but it doesn’t answer my questions

    i mean can I buy  50 barrels and store it in my tanker  truck. 
    mans they pay me to 2000 bucks to buy it

    Pumping operators who remove the crude oil from the ground are trying to keep pumping just to keep their operations going. Costs $ to shut down wells and lay workers off. By dropping to the point of paying processors to buy their crude the producers are hoping to tempt buyers to favor buying from them rather than their competition. But when it gets processed, shipped out, taxed, sold at a gas station there is lots of $ added to the price. You can bet that prices will be 'price fixed' to ensure profits at your gas station. Gov't won't ever step in to affect prices due to the huge tax revenue received by the provinces and the feds. MHO.  

    • Thanks 1
  17. 14 hours ago, Terry said:

    And that is the bottom line 

    at some point businesses are going to open up and the virus will still be out there 

    so Soon or 6 months from now  it’s going to be a struggle  to keep people save and work within the new reality 


    The goal has always been to keep ICU and Critical Care units able to handle the number of patients needing respirators. This is the reason for the shut down. Right now in hospitals near me it seems the number of patients requiring them is still increasing. IMO the seniors in Homes aren't being taken in to hospitals with the virus unless they can be stabilized'. So they pass at the Homes rather than get to ventilators. 

    With 500 new cases per day even though more testing is being done, the number of people needing respirators is 'piling up' since it takes several days to get to the stage of needing oxygen. Ones on ventilators may be on for 12-14 days also so things are also piling up on that end.

    Ontario shouldn't end lock down until a clear trend in reduced ventilator need is established and more is known through tests that haven't been started yet..... antibody testing, to see if and how many people have developed anti-virus enzymes (resistance). 

    Several US states have decided to open back up to some extent, like Florida, so will be important to measure effects. That state and others opening back up haven't been hit as hard as ones like New York or California, but it is vital to see if 'new waves' or surges occur. We in Ontario need to study these attempts very closely. 

  18. On 4/12/2020 at 10:40 PM, Old Ironmaker said:

    I can count on one hand how many times I ate a hotdog or bologna since I was 17. A buddy worked a summer at Shopsy's. He told us how they made it and what it was made from.

    There's an old saying. "Never let anyone watch you make love to your wife or make sausages."

    Just noticed this quip. Haha! Can't speak of Shopsies although many meat inspectors are on the job as required. They ensure everything from humane quick dispatch of animals to proper clothing, sanitation and meat inspection and handling.  That's why meat from companies have those round stickers on em with a number. That number says where it came from in case anything bad happens. Although I do recall a well known and hung out hamburger joint to have been fined a few times back in the 70's for having horse meat included I don't recall any Schneiders or Shopsies stuff creating sickness or getting fines. 

    Too bad your buddy or another good friend didn't also spend a summer working in other industries to warn you about your cigarettes, and working at Stelco in its glory days of noxious chemicals. If you worry about hotdogs maybe have another ciggy before to brace yourself. Smoked sausage IMO is better than regular anyways.  

  19. On 4/8/2020 at 7:03 PM, Terry said:

    Well if you don’t like that 

    You  should see how hot dogs are made

    Haha! I think a long while ago I explained this stuff...... have some time and with economic uncertainty we may have members needing a more frugal diet. Here's my experience.

    Nothing wrong with them at all. I put myself thru university working at the unionized Schneiders meat plant in Kitchener.

    Anyone eating balogna but going EWWW when someone eats a 'raw' hotdog is hypocritical since both are the exact same thing. The huge blender either pipes the gooey mix into the hotdog forming/packaging machine or when needed shifts to pipe the same mix into the blue ribbon balogna forming and packaging machine. From there it all goes into steam cooking rooms via metal carriage carts on overhead rails

    So what weird stuff is in these things? Lips and 'a' holes? no folks so relax while I explain. Try not to barf as some here may be squeemish. The types that catch and release as 'heroes' but are really too squeemish to actually kill and clean a critter. Ewwww! 😉

    Ever wonder what happens to dairy cows? Put out to pasture? How about sows that make piggies? How about bulls? What about roosters and egg laying hens? All put out to pasture to retire in a grassy kind of retirement home? Sorry. They don't. They go into sausage, all the assorted cold cuts like salami, mock chicken, spam, pepperettes, balogna, hot dogs and all else where ground up meat is formed to make stuff to eat. Hamburger isn't just ground up steak from steers either.

    The huge blenders feeding the balogna/hotdog machines also mix the remnants of many meat products where for example the collected rounded ends of the 6ft long cooked meat mixture 'noodles', guess you'd call em, are trimmed off so the package you buy doesn't have the rounded end but just the flat perfectly rounded sliced part between the ends. Also added to the blenders are cereal grains, chemicals to gel/preserve color the product and also added is other 'rework' which is the accumulated meats not pretty enough to sell such as net-torn cooked roasts, hams and such where at certain weights they are added to the recipe in the blenders.

    We used to get livestock from local farmers but before shutting down (bigger corps bought it out to close it to stop competition) it switched to stuff like big frozen packaged boneless beef bundles (about 3ft long, 2ft wide and 6inches deep)from Brazil methinks.

    No offence to Terry for his humorous quip, just had some time to again (did this a while ago) explain what I saw where I worked for about 5 years. Worked all over the plant. Even ran the bacon/sausage smokehouse, the knockout room where the now cooked and solid cold-cut holding metal tubes came in and I air blasted the noodles out for slicing/packaging elsewhere. Worked in the barn where all critters came through except poultry which were done at the Ayr plant, worked kill rooms for both beef and pork, even shipping where we ate like kings. Toughest job was tearing 'leaf lard' where hogs came past hung upside down quickly. Hung and split down the middle after being boiled/hair removed/cleaned and you had to reach inside to grab the membrane covering the ribs on each side at the same time and tear up removing it. Like doing a weight curl using your fingers to grasp a sheet holding a 35lb dumbbell rather than grabbing the dumbbell pipe. 

    I eat the stuff and knew many folks and even a few inspectors. Place was clean top to bottom and was a well run joint.

    So next time try some balogna or hotdog. Same thing. Both cooked and ready to eat. NO difference. Only thing I worry about is 'mock chicken' which is a mystery and sounds kinda scary to me.  😏

    • Thanks 1
  20. Oh and here is an entertaining Scotty Kilmer vid on how to use an ozone generator like Wayne and I have to deal with things like covid-19 safely. Keep in mind when you sterilize a mask or whatever you don't even know if it is contaminated or not. IMO save masks and periodically process a bunch. A local hospital is now stationing cardboard boxes lined with those yellow bio hazard bags at exits so disposable masks from staff leaving work can be tossed in for sterilization and reuse if needed. I plan to keep letting folks here know what I am hearing/seeing from local healthcare pros. Hope I'm not boring anyone... 


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  21. Here is a good IMHO way to sew masks for yourselves and to donate to local hospitals if it comes down to it.


    FYI we all may be reusing masks soon. The CDC in the US  has advised to wear a mask when going outside. Demand is rising while supplies are running out. Masks can be decontaminated without damaging the material by either ozone treatment or with UV light. US hospital is using the UV room cleansing devices ($10,000 each) to decontaminate masks hung on clothes lines in the room. UV can't go around corners though so it should be re-positioned to get all of the mask or mirrors can be also stationed to allow full mask exposure.

    I like ozone since it can be made quite easily via low cost ozone generators. Need an open space like a empty parking lot or roof top and an enclosed space (car in this example) to toss masks in with the car's recirculating lever on (not on the fresh air setting). While engine with heater on maximum and with recirculating fan on you run the car with all windows/hatches closed for about 70 minutes. Everything using oxygen to live or with oxygen in it's wall structure will be destroyed. Then since ozone is bad to breathe you must open all doors and turn fan to fresh air and also if you are in a hurry blow with another fan to help empty the ozone out. Scotty Kilmer a mechanic on Yutube has a good vid on it and he has a PHD so is clear on it's possibilities and process. IMO a car can be used without running also as long as a battery hookup keeps the fan running without dying. His vid is aimed at decontaminating the car and I've just added masks to the job.

    Looks like it may come to this so smart folks here may have ideas how to best accomplish mask decontamination without fabric-damaging stuff like bleach. I'm thinking an old sealing fridge outside in a safe area with a small ozone generator inside on the bottom with electric cord easily running through the seal. 3 hours and whatever life form or virus in there is toast. Open while standing upwind and turn a fan on to aid in emptying the fridge of the ozone. Ozone generators are about $70. on Amazon but with exchange and shipping it's more like $220.. I know cuz I just got one. Clothes/masks, gowns, anything can be done. It is known that the generators kill Sars which is also a corona virus and studies are strongly suggesting same deal with this one.  

    Sorry about the long post but with time on our hands and sewing machines/old fridges and Amazon around we may need ways to better protect ourselves and others and to help hospitals needing PPEs.

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