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Big Cliff

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Everything posted by Big Cliff

  1. Had our first few flakes here today, it hasn't even started yet and I hate winter LOL.
  2. Never managed to have any left over to freeze LOL but it is so easy to make and portions up or down very well.
  3. Your work has always been second to none! This masterpiece just took it to a whole new level; absolutly stunning!
  4. It's the change to WHAT that scares me, if I thought anyone else had a chance against Trudeau I would vote for them but I am afraid that at this point a vote for anyone else but Harper is going to be a vote for Justin. Tomorrow I have to decide then no matter who gets in, wait and see.
  5. If it is coaxial cable there should be no problem. It would be round about the size of a pencil (same size as what came with the receiver) the connector would screw right on to the back of the box.
  6. Congratulations and good luck on this new step!
  7. Boy if you think that our future government isn't going to affect fishing you better think again! Job losses, higher taxes, lower wages, more regulations, higher license costs...... they all have an affect! There are sites that don't allow a variety of posts and topics but the reason this site is so popular is we can and do cover so much more!
  8. What a setup!!!!! How many people were you feeding?
  9. The one thing that has come up in several of the replies is job security. While I think it is important I don't think it is something to count too much on. My son did something similar to what you are considering; First company closed down operations after just over a year. It didn't take him long, he's a hard worker, he had another job within a few days, their contract ran out about 6 months after he started and didn't get renewed. No problem, he has a good skill set and easily got another job, three months later site shut down for maintainance for a month, that was 6 weeks ago. He has finally decided that he has had enough of camp life and has now taken a job an hour from home, it's a lot less money but he gets a lot more family time. Whatever you decide good luck with it and remember you can always change your mind if you decide you don't like it.
  10. One of the things I am hoping to do is continue to be able to fish LOL. As for this political thread, these politics affect each and every one of us! There have been many really good posts, some very opininionated some quite informative, all civil. I started this thread thinking for the first time ever I wasn't going to bother even going to vote, why bother! Because of the replies I can assure you that both Sue and I will be casting our ballots so some good has come of it.
  11. Well that does a much better job of explaining it! Thank you so much for posting that!
  12. VERY well written!
  13. It just never seems to stop! http://www.torontosun.com/2015/10/11/wynnes-health-care-prescription-absurd
  14. Good question; I don't consider myself rich but I don't think I am poor so I guess I am somewhere in the middle.
  15. Please guys (and gals) please keep it civil! From descussion comes knowledge, from knowledge comes power!
  16. Ahh Brian, how you going to learn if you aren't willing to listen my friend. I have learned so much by asking questions then listening to the replies. It is nice to see that some of the replies to this post have very strong views and I love seeing that! We are starting to get some really interesting replies, some supported by facts (to some degree) but the one thing I am really learning is that MANY are in the same boat as I am, want to vote but are not sure what is the RIGHT way to vote. The following are just my personal opinions based on the information I have at hand as of right now and subject to change: Trudeau seems like a nice young man and he presents well but his lack of experience really scares me and some of his comments make me wonder: "the budget will balance itself", "I'll take from the rich and give to the poor" (sorry, paraphrased that), "send coats to Syria". The part that really scares me is that if the Liberals do get in our wonderful Premier Wynne the Poo is going to have a field day at our expense. Mulcaire just doesn't seem to have any idea what is going on, I don't think he presents well and I don't feel that he could represent Canada on the world stage. IMHO he tells you what he thinks you want to hear without any idea how he would back it up if he does get in and that is when the excuses would start. (in the back of my mind are still the Rae days) and perhaps that is affecting my attitude but it is all about perception. Harper; well I have to be honest with you, sometimes I think it's better the devil you know, he has done a lot of things I don't like but then again would anyone else done it better? The one big thing he has going for him IMHO is that he doesn't pander to Wynne.
  17. Well, as it turns out it isn't a scam. I ended up calling the number on the back of my card and talked to a very nice lady, I explained exactly what had happened and even about them asking for my code number on the back of the card. She told me that since I had called back in they would ask for that number to verify that I actually did have the card in my posession. She very politly told me that she was sorry for any inconvenience and would immediatly put my name on the "do not call" list.
  18. One of the problems I am finding is that there is so much misinformation. One party claims they will do "this", the other claims "that won't work, we'll do this"! Round and round it goes one claim after another. One wrong choice could have a catastrophic effect that your kids, kids will be trying to bail themselves out of. Almost all the replies I have seen on here so far seem to indicate a choice by heart rather than cold hard facts leading in a logical choice for any one party.
  19. Regardless of who gets in, will they really care who the underdog is/was? I am not trying to be smart here, for the first time in my life I feel like no matter what I do it isn't going to make a difference. I would love to have some logical direction here, I think it is important. my grand daughter just had a decission about "who" to vote for and for the first time ever I had to say "I don't know"!
  20. I see a good start to a stock pot! Nice base for a French Onion Soup, Jiggs dinner......! LOL
  21. I have been reading everything I can find on this upcomming election and here is what it boils down to; I am an idiot! If I vote Liberal I am an Idiot If I vote Consertive I am an idiot If I vote NDP I am an idiot If I vote for anyone else they haven't got a chance so I just wasted my vote and I am an idiot If I don't vote, I am an Idiot
  22. Sorry guys, my bad. I had just finished reading an article on a new Honda generator then promptly got the information mixed in with this OP. Brain overload!
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