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Everything posted by Stevejr

  1. Awsome report and nice pics to boot, thanks Cudo's to the ministry some times they get there man
  2. I was out in Picton on Sunday, got invited by some buds to go on a charter. Very slow day we each got 1 fish each. 1- @ 3lbs and the rest were 6 to 8lbs 8oz. Nice day on the water, but tough fishing. Other boats had same results. I landed a 11lb 8oz out of picton 3 years ago, she's on the wall now. Cheers.
  3. she will be sadly missed..... my wife also saw and said...... what the @#$#%^&* are you looking at? ..... fishing hun, honestly Nice censoring Terry..lmao... nice touch up work
  4. Terry... what ever man....cheers and tight lines We can debate or complain all we want but there wiill always be people that abuse the rules.
  5. Well... I did lots today... none of them have to be justified to you Terry! Its to bad you didn't get the results you were looking for when you tried to do what was right. But dont get pissed at me cause I voiced my opion. Dont judge me....you have no idea what I'm about or what I have or havent done.
  6. We all see things out there that piss us off each and every year. How many posts do we read that say some thing along the lines of not bothering to call the CO or not wanting to get involved. If we all sit idley by and watch these things happen then the fisheries will slowly be depleted. There is nothing wrong with calling on people. It is in our best interest. So what if they didn't know the reg's, thats the hole point, you gotta know the reg's. They must have known they might be doing something wrong or they would not have asked just to be sure!!! Ive called on people, seen guys snagging salmon, bows,carp.. all kinds of crap. Some times the CO's show up some times they dont, but its worth the call. Thats my rant Cheers
  7. Beautiful fish, congrates to you. I've been semi-planning a trip to the french next year. Now I think it is a must have trip. Cheers
  8. Irishfield, you are right, even in the summer months I lower my outboard into the water as low as possible to let the water migrate into the pump before starting. It only takes a few seconds of running your motor with no water in the inpellar to start ruining your water pump. Haste makes waste ya know!! Excellent advise.
  9. Holy smokes,,,, what an insane night of fishing. 14 lbs thats increadible. What a bonus to be fishing with your wife. Wish mine would join me. I am heading out to Picton to try some action on this Sunday I'll post a report on the action. Hopefully I can better your 14lber, but not likely. cheers
  10. What a bonus day you had, too bad the fish weren't on your side. Cheers on the hook up, its always good to meet a friend. In todays society we could live beside some one for years and never even know there name. In the end we are all just people, and we all know that anglers are some of the best people out there!! Cheers, maybe next time I'll join you in my boat?
  11. I really like Ontario Out of Doors, lots of local stuff and not just fishing. I dont hunt but would like to some day so the extra info is nice. I used to subscribe to Fly Tyer and Canadian Fly Fisher, great mags, but I dont have time for fly tying or fishing any more. I just chuck hardware for now.
  12. Hard water talk....... cant wait. I generally head to simcoe for first trip if conditions allow. If not I will take my daughter, she's been beging to go now for weeks, to Crow Lake just east of Peterborough.
  13. Been a lurker for a long time now, have seen lots of great info, thanks, the new site is awsome!!
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