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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. 12 hours ago, mikeh said:

    hopefully they make changes to the intersection, either a four way stop or a stop light. I don't know for sure but it seems like the trees right at the intersection stopped them from seeing each other (expropriate the land and cut down the trees).

    Rumble strips leading up to the stop signs would do the trick.

    The trees don't matter if the East/West traffic actually stops at the stop sign.

    You can see fine if you stop as there is about 30' of clean ditch before the trees.

  2. There have been lots of instances of people buying their class 1 licenses out West as well.

    Not saying that this is what happened here though.

    It was also the guys 2nd day on the job.

    It's going to take a ton of time before the investigation is complete as well.

  3. 2 hours ago, Old Ironmaker said:

    Kyle Dubas,,,.................Kyle Dubas? Just watched an interview of the kid on TSN. He looks like he just got home from his High School grad. Nothing can replace experience, at 32 and a NHL GM, heck any GM except maybe a fast food joint he is either a Hockey Savant or over his head too early. I really wish success and good luck to him and the Leafs, I would really like to see them hoist the Holy Grail while I am still here on Earth. I can say that I was old enough to watch a Cup win by The Leafs and still can remember it, it was in Black and White though.

    All I have heard is that Kyle is indeed a savant!!!

    Got to admit he looks like the premier stats guy he's supposed to be.

    Must be the glasses!!!  :lol::lol::lol:

    Makes me feel old looking at this young whipper snapper!!!  :rolleyes:

  4. 40 minutes ago, pics said:

    One gust at the Hamilton airport was reported at 127km/h.. all the new homes around us are losing shingles..of course they use OSB and cheap 3 tab shingles so what can you expect...

    Good thing Mike doesn't work on Friday's.

    He would have been waaaaay busy taking measurements every 15 minutes with this blow!!

  5. From a FB post on Ontario Tornado Watches page.

    A source is reporting to our own Sabrina vZ. that there is “HALF A HOUSE IN THE STREET” near King and Gage in Hamilton due to the winds.

    Has anyone else seen this or can share photos with us?

    Updates to come.

    - Brennen P.

  6. 57 minutes ago, Headhunter said:

    No Brakes!!!! Have a blast with that thing... but be sure you don't put your foot through the floor lookin for the brakes!


    FYI, it does have brakes.  :D

    The lever on the left side controls shutters that close of rear directed air.


  7. I drove up the lake to my cabin today.

    Lots of water at the access to drive through but not much on the lake.

    Snow is mostly down except for the road berms.

    Ice still over 4 feet thick.

    Starting next week access will be by quad or if a feller is lucky enough to have...................



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