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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. 3 hours ago, Old Ironmaker said:

    That is actually quite a fair price, no I should say great price considering a 5 inch Bird combo is going for around 500 bucks then you have to buy a card for it at another 100 or more depending on what maps you need. It would be tough for me to say no if a deal like that came up for me. All I would need to do is remove 1/2 of the new floor that was laid a few weeks back and return it to get the cash for the Garmins. You see another deal like that Dave and you have to let me know. Even if I no longer have the Bassassin I would need a new boat to justify the cost of the 2 units. It's kind of like my wife designing  a new kitchen remodel based on the new faucet style.

    No problem OI. I'll let you know.

    My 9" is chirp and the 7" is the older non-chirp.

    I bought the 7" for nav duty. It was on close out as they were being discontinued.

    The 9" was on sale during boxing week.

  2. 12 hours ago, Old Ironmaker said:

    I dunno. It seems to me as soon as the new technology is out it is a year outdated. But looking at the thing I sure would love me one. My Garmin's have always been my best electronics over the years. I still use a 23 year old black and white sonar. I use that for sonar and the Humminbird set on GPS. When I switch the HB to sonar to check the accuracy of the old, and I mean old Garmin it matches. HB shows a hook sure enough the old girl shows a nice fish image and a beeeeep beeeep, I wish a new huge Garmin like Big Dave's units were in the budget. Not this year.

    I'm afraid to ask, how much $$?

    I got them on sale. ;)

    Ended up costing me somewhere between $1,500 and $1,700 all in for the two units.


  3. 3 hours ago, AKRISONER said:


    Ive made it a deal that rather then deal with fuel additives ive started to only purchase ethanol free premium gas for the boat. Do you think this is good enough for the outboard vs using a product like "ring free"

    I also run only ethanol free fuel in my boat.

    I use regular Stabil in every tank of fuel as well to keep the fuel from going stale if I don't use the boat for a while.

    I double up the amount late in the season so it's well stabilized for the winter.

  4. On 6/9/2018 at 6:57 AM, aplumma said:

    Chris you can mix 100:1 down to what your equipment advises with no ill effects. They are achieving the 100:1 ratio by additives and blending which are more expensive than dino oil. Dino oil is good enough for most applications and Pennsoil has a big following for a good reason. Personally I use the best products I can find and pay the price simply because maintenance is always cheaper than repairs. I was taught by my engine guru he would always say "that grease is cheaper than metal."  Right now I am using 80:1 on all of my motors and on disassemble they look great. The big difference between two stroke and two stroke marine is it's additives that coat the bottom end of the motors to prevent rust. I strictly use the marine version as well as a product called sta bil 360 which is for the ethanol in fuel. The secret of the 360 is it creates a barrier between the air and the gas to lessen it absorption and also it encapsulates the water to allow it to go thru the combustion process without harm. With the use of these additives the engine will run better and longer between services. I get a lot of carburetors brought to me that have nothing more than scum and varnish that have built up in the passages due to sitting and poor fuel management. The engines that I get that fail due to oil related  issues are almost always from coking which builds up and does not allow the blow by needed to lubricate the bottom end bearings. (coking and carbon build up are the same thing) Once the ring stops floating in the grooves  they will be referred to as (stuck) and they will start to scar the cylinders and this creates heat and expansion. Eventually the compression between the cylinders will create an unbalanced up and down force and destroys the bearings supporting the crank. Finally with all of this unbalanced forces it will break the piston wrist pin and send the crank thru the casings. Depending on the amount of forces at work this can sometimes give you enough warning before it destroys itself or it can be within minutes. 


    I run Mercury Quickleen every few tanks of fuel as well to clean out any carbon build up from trolling.

  5. On 6/7/2018 at 3:16 PM, Old Ironmaker said:

    20 bucks for a bottle of POP!!!!!! Bootleggers charge less for home made Vino. I remember when many of the boys went West in the 70's during the Oil boom. It was a buck an egg. You pay less for eggs than we do. $3.00 a dozen for farm eggs. Buy at your own risk. I found a few unhatched chicks in my frying pan, what a stench. It must be nice to shop then ask "How much." I always paid cash before Interact or before they accepted VISA. I won't use Interact around here unless I have at least the same amount of cash in my pocket. We are still on land lines around here and it doesn't always work. I always calculate how much $$ the items were as I put them on the belt. I bet my wife as to how much, can't go over, come to think about it she owes me a few Samolians.

    Letto, the original thread I started was about moving to SW Ontario. You should consider SW Ontario. You can get a nice 3 bedroom home there for well under $200,000.00. Employment is tough. If a family works hard, very hard and pools it's money you have a chance at home ownership. Rents are nowhere what they are in Southern Ont. I've seen nice homes, nothing fancy for under 150 in fact. I know people that have cars in their driveways that total 150K. I know a few mortgage brokers that lend unsecured mortgages, you won't get 1 for 4% though, closer to 10%. 150K at 10% is about $1500.00 a month PIT. PM me if you wish.

    OK, 18 eggs are $5.07.  :)


  6. I don't know the price of anything. I just throw them in the cart and pay for them at the till.

    I will check next time I'm in the store. Pretty sure they're reasonable as I buy 18 packs and am sure they don't cost anywhere near that.

    Now, bush communities are a whole nuther story. You're looking @ $20 for a 2L of pop in a lot of them.

    Regular price in YK is $1.99 and often on sale for $1.49 some times as low as $1.00.

  7. 9 minutes ago, scuro2 said:

    Holy crap...you would float plane it to the Arctic Ocean for Inconnu? A little research suggests that some Connies live in the ocean part time and then come up river to spawn in August. While other Connies in larger lakes no longer migrate to the ocean but rather go up small tribs to spawn.

    Screen Shot 2018-06-07 at 12.26.27 PM.png

    Not that far. The river starts pretty close to Bear.

    Our char flyout was a long one though. 


  8. 3 hours ago, pics said:

    $1800 a month for rent is crazy..my mortgage is less than that by several hundred bucks.. eventually something has to give with this kind of market.. There's only so much money to go around...

    Don't move to Yellowknife!!!

    Renting a room in someone's house is $900/month.

    $1,500/month for a one bedroom apt.

    I'm lucky in that I rent a 3 bedroom trailer with a pile of storage space for that money.

    Generally they are in the $2,200-$2,500 range.

    FYI, to purchase one of those sweet 3 bedroom trailers is in the $350,000-$400,000 range.

  9. 7 hours ago, scuro2 said:

    That now makes sense with the wounds and blood.

    So does Plummers see Inconnu on Bear and Great Slave? Do other fishing lodges promote Coney fishing. I saw a few resorts in the Yukon talk about this fish. I guess you need a river nearby and if you have guests coming that far north it is usually for some other monster species like LT, the Inconnu may be ignored. As a species the natives will harvest it because it smokes well. Is this an inland species or does it travel to the ocean each season?

    For me it saved the day because both the walleye and pike bite were slow at the beginning of the week. There is so little information about this fish.

    None on Bear. We used to have a flyout for them on the Anderson river 125 mile North of the lodge.


    I don't believe they target them at Plummers Slave. Not sure they are abundant out that way.

    Inconnu is French and means the unknown. I have no idea where they go.  ^_^

    I know our flyout spot has no fish until the beginning of August. Pretty sure they hang out in the lake until then.

  10. 18 minutes ago, jimmer said:

    Been doing the smaller engines for a couple of years now, with no problems.  I run the ice auger hard too. However, I hear you and I was nervous at first, but I got over it. I hope I didn't just jinx myself. lol

    I've been running all of my 2 strokes at the mixing ratio on the bottle of Opti2 which is about 75:1.

    My ice augers (I have 3), small 2 stroke OB and my chainsaws.

    Never an issue with any of them even my oldest Strikemaster auger that calls for a 24:1 mix.

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