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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Doesn't matter how big your boat is you always need a couple of extra feet. It's called twofootitis for a reason.
  2. ME!!! If I wasn't 5,500 kms away. Pick someone who guides around the Niagara as the bar off the mouth rocks!!!
  3. None of the above. Live leopard frogs kick
  4. As far as I know they are compatible. I'm researching new power for my boat and I want either a 90 or 115 4 stroke Merc with the smartcraft guages. Everything I have read say they are compatible. I'm waiting for a call back from Power Sports in North Bay as I have an in there. I'm pricing out 90 and 115 plus new controls, smartcraft RPM and Speedo plus a 9.9 kicker. I also want a Lowrance HDS 10 and HDS 7 plus structure scan. Wouldn't mind a new bow mount trolling motor as well. I just need to go rob a bank to pay for it all!!!!
  5. Yes Paul he's my pooch. He's a pound pup I've had since he was 12 or 14 weeks old. Here's my favorite two shots of him. The first is camping on the East Arm of Great Slave Lake last summer and the second is floating the Kenai River last fall.
  6. You wanna stop it from chipping as badly, after you prep and before painting coat the trailer frame with rubberized rocker guard (you can get it at CT). It adds a little elasticity under the paint and it helps to cut down on chipping. It is used to protect the rockers and lower doors on a lot of cars. And as a bigger bonus it's 50% off right now. Rocker Guard
  7. Bump!! Last day I will bug you I promise. Until the next one. Contest closes tonight so I hope I will be posting some good news next week. Thanks OFNer's for all your help!!!!
  8. I would get Chuck Norris to continually round house kick me in the face as it would be less painful than deaing with the rest of the 's at Queens Park!!!!!
  9. Anywhere between 4 1/2 to 5 feet. Bottomed out the auger with an 18" extension (64" thick) twice during that trip. Thanks a lot guys!!!! Keep the looks comming.
  10. WOW, what a game!!!!!! Not a Habs fan but I'm impressed with the way they played this series.
  11. I haven't had a dangerous encounter with a bear yet. But at some point it will happen, it has to in the areas I frequent. I have been as close as 12" to a 600# grizz and have been woofed, jaw popped and glared at by black and grizzly bears. I have had them sniffing at my tent in the middle of the night and fighting in a ravine in the camp ground and I have come face to face with a 1000# sow at 10 yards. It is very easy to determine a bears intentions within seconds. That big old sow ignored us completely and hug out right in front of me for almost a minute before ambling off into the woods (my hand was on my spray but I never felt the need to unholster it). Another time 2 cubs came out of the high grass 60 yards away, followed by mom!!! It took her all of 2 seconds to see me and charge 1/2 way across the back channel and make it known that I wasn't welcome there. I backed off down the gravel bar and fished with my head on a swivel until ma and the kids left. I have had a couple of friends charged by grizzlies and it is a frightening thing for sure. My one buddy was out hiking with a buddy in the mountains in the Yukon. A grizz appeared 80 yards away as it crested a ridge. As soon as it saw my buddy it flat out charged looking to kill them!!! He difused the situation with a .458 slug to the vitals!! His buddy who was unarmed and standing behind him got a gret picture of the charging bear at about 20 or 30 yards just befor it was shot. I have also seen a small black bear beat the living snot out of some idiot that was harassing it in a campground in Alberta. This was a small 2 year old blackie about 200#. The idiot had a bull whip and whipped the bear when it entered the camp ground. The bear didn't like this much and ran over, jumped on the moron and slapped him, then left. He deserved it and it was most amuzing to watch as the bear had him on his back and slapped him left and right with open paws. So yes bears can be dangerous and unpredictable and this little London bear could very well have advanced on the cop and just because it was little does not mean "harmless". Most people are afraid of the unknown and a bear in their community is something to be feared because they don't know about bears or how to act in bear country.
  12. Thanks again guys!!! Well, we have 2 days left and it looks good but I can still use your looks. You can look once a day and it counts, anything more doesn't so please look today and tomorrow. Blizzard just send me a PM.
  13. Oh ,but it will be the way they are expanding their numbers and range.
  14. That's true!!!! There are hardly any in downtown Toronto. If there were there wouldn't be so many homeless people and pan handlers there.
  15. Nah ,you don't have to. But it helps. I'm in the middle of putting a video together for the next contest as well. It's for you open water top water pike lovers. I have a bunch of good topwater action that I need to edit. Stay Tuned!!!
  16. Yep, that's what happens when you stop hunting and the population expands unchecked. FYI it was weak knee'd polititcians down in South Western Ontario that brought about the demise of the spring bear hunt, so all bears that show up down there should be forwarded to your local politician so that they can take care of the cuddly little teddy bears.
  17. Possibly but the OP said he was fishing in an empty marina not in front of a cottage owners dock. It's comparing apples to oranges.
  18. FYI A marina is not a place to be swimming. Marinas are for boats, beaches are for swimming.
  19. Yep, that's the stuff. Depending on how many coats you put on you will get a soft satin to a high gloss finish. That handle has 4 coats and has been sanded down with 600 grit between coats. With just a couple of coats it still feels like cork but has a bit of protection.
  20. Awesome guys!!!! I have already got a use fer the winnin's if I'm lucky enough to win. The first prize $$$$ will just cover my Alaska fishing license this fall with just enough left over for a nice Moccha!!!
  21. Hey guy's I could use a little help. The ice fishing video I made when my buddy Terry came up last month is currently doing well in a video contest it is entered in but I could use a few more hits before the contest ends on Friday. So if you could see your way clear to visit and have a look, it would be much appreciated. http://www.trophy-clips.com/view_video.php?viewkey=3a2b5af89203c2b78c67
  22. I just use a couple of coats of Birchwood Casey gun stock finish on my handles. Stock finish can be picked up at most gun shops, including Lebarons. If you want the U40 product you will have to mail order it most likely. Here's a couple of shots of my latest handle built on a Sage Z-Axis 7136-4 blank.
  23. I gather you were fishing from a boat, right? If so you were not tresspassing. You would have been tresspassing if you had been on the shore or docks though (if it was private property). If it happens again just pull out your cell phone and call the police right in front of him to complain about being harrassed while legally fishing. The only way people like this will learn is if they are instructed by a person in a position of power. If the police refuse to do anything dial up the MNR and lodge a complaint with them.
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