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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Wolves will try and coax them away so the pack can jump them and bears usually won't bother unless provoked by the dogs. Moose can lay a beating on dogs as well. On well placed hoof will kill a dog faster than a bear ever could.

    Just keep you eye on them and do not let them wander off and get into trouble.

    My dog isn't a swimming dog either, but he can swim if pressured. He like to wade belly deep in the lake though.

  2. After a lot of work I finally finished my Sage Z-Axis Spey Conversion.

    I think this is my best work to date and I'm very happy with the finished product.

    I'm looking forward to torquing on some big Alaskan Bows with it this September. :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:



  3. I am not offering a defense for the person driving the boat but it now makes sense why he had a blindspot for the other boat to be hidden. If you have a 34ft boat and you don't look before coming up on plane (the negligent part of this story)even with your trim tabs set back to neutral it can take over 200 yards before your bow drops down far enough to see directly ahead of you. A mistake that thankfully did not cost a life for sure. If you haven't driven a large boat then you have never felt the handling characteristics of one. They are as different as shooting a 22 and a 50 cal rifle both are guns but neither will prepare you for using the other. Large boats need twice as much attention to run as any of the smaller boats and until we can get the schooling and the practical information to both the smaller boat operators or targets as you should think of them as. Along with the big boat operators or jackasses playing with dynamite their will always be issues between them as we try to use the waters together. I by the way have a canoe, jetdrive outboard, bass boat and a 28ft cruiser and drive them all as though someones life is on the line.....because someones LIFE IS.This is not to inflame or cause an argument it is a view that some people are blind too because they have not seen this from all angles lacking the availablity or access to driving large vessels.




    I've run boats up to 50 feet and never come any where near running someone over. Even when running home in the dark after doing charters for the old symphony of fire, fire works shows. After the show is over there are hundreds of boats heading home and never had anything close to an issue. :blink:

    It's all common sense and courtesy for others.


    Last year I was heading up the channel back to the dock after a day of fishing and there was a boat exiting the area. He was on the wrong side of the channel and I had to evade by leaving the channel. I ripped a strip of the guy, as it turned out he had a pack of rug rats on the boat that got an education in swearology that day.

    The guy had no clue, I can only hop he ran a ground on a rock and no longer owns a boat. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:



    I just don't understand though why people still live in places like that. Does not appeal to me in the least. But great that your Mom is able to go and give a hand.



    If you ever get the chance to visit, you will find out why people like me live in places like this. ;)

    I love it so much more up here than I ever did in Southern Ontario. The only things I miss are steelheading and the shopping. :lol:

  5. Hey guys thanks for the responses...but my new motor is a 1992 15E?? And I can't seem to find that anywhere...any other ideas??



    Call a Mercury dealer and ask them to look up the part # and then either buy it from them or cross reference on one of the sites I posted.

  6. Here in the NWT June 21st is not only the longest day of the year it's a stat holiday. :thumbsup_anim:

    Unfortunately it also signals a time when the days are going to get shorter until there is way more dark than light and temps drop to -60. :(

    Today 3 hours and 59 minutes of dark, December 21st, 3 hours and 59 minutes of light. :blink:




    But there is good news. With every passing day the time until my yearly Alaskan vacation is that much closer. :D

    T minus 76 days and counting!!! :clapping::clapping:

  7. OK, I'll be the first idiot to ask. Why do you need two HDS8's at the console?



    He can run one in full mapping mode and the other in sonar.

    Or one in full structure scan or regular sonar and one split with mapping.

    It gives you more options in how you display all the information.

    If he wanted he could even add a BR24 Broadband Radar antenna and use one for radar display and the other in mapping mode for navigating in fog or at night.

    Can even splitscreen one with sonar.

    Tons of more options with two units. wink2.gif

  8. I gather you have an inboard fuel tank, right?

    It sounds like a stuck anti siphon valve on your tank or a clogged vent line.

    Disconect the vent line at the tank an blow through it or use compressed air to clear it out. If that doesn't fix the issue you can remove the anti siphon valve (usually it is inside the right angle connector on top of the tank(remove the connector). Replace it with a plain (non anti siphon connector) and see if it runs correctly.

    Other than that it could be a fuek pump issue.

  9. I am very sorry to hear that! My guy probably won't be with us much longer, he is starting to show his age and it is progressing quite quickly. He is almost 14 now so it is too be expected but boy it is going to be hard on us.


    Yeah, she was a month short of 14 when we took her to the vet because it was wrong to keep her around when her rear legs weren't working any more. It was her time.

    Now I have a stubborn husky to deal with. :lol:

    Not a huntin' dawg but he likes fishin' :good::good:



  10. I know the super at Luther Marsh from years ago... The pile of illegally shot waterfowl we used to collect was huge every year. The funniest part is all these so called hunters know the MNR sets up at the end of each day. Some people never cease to amaze me.



    I spent a lot of time in the marsh hunting phesant and just hanging out with my pup.

    One of the best things about the marsh is all the dog trials they have there during the summer. On any weekend there could be three different competitions going on in there. They plant a lot of birds for the pointing competitions and we would get phesant, quail and chukar running around our place. :good::good:

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