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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. In Europe they collect garbage/sewage and convert it into energy. There are even some livestock owners that are able to power thousands of homes off the energy they make from animal waste believe it or not for the country folks.


    Nuclear energy was unpopular in the past because of leaks, nuclear waste, and of course Chernobyl. But with todays technology these fears are minimal, and they have discovered ways to reuse most(if not all) of the waste produced by nuclear plants.


    So ya, we may consider making some more nuke plants. Not to mention an oil refinery. We have an abundance of oil, but we pay more for our OWN oil then Americans? Why? A number of bogus reasons, but one transparent one? We have to ship it to the states to refine it and then they ship it back with the added cost of course. Lets start making jobs in Canada! Lets build a refinery. Lets refine our own fuel.


    I still say electric cars is the way to go.



    Plenty of refineries in Canada. :whistling:


    List of Canadian Oil Refineries


    [edit] Newfoundland and Labrador

    North Atlantic Refinery, located in Come by Chance, (North Atlantic Refining), 115,000 bbl/d (18,300 m3/d)

    [edit] Nova Scotia

    Imperial Oil Refinery - Dartmouth, (Imperial Oil), 89,000 bbl/d (14,100 m3/d)

    [edit] New Brunswick

    Saint John, (Irving Oil), 300,000 bbl/d (48,000 m3/d)

    [edit] Quebec

    Montreal-East, (Shell Canada), 161,000 bbl/d (25,600 m3/d). Montreal East Refinery (Shell Canada)

    Montreal, (Suncor Energy), 160,000 bbl/d (25,000 m3/d). Formerly Petro-Canada (before Aug 2009) Montreal Refinery

    Montreal, Gulf Canada Oil, 70,000 bbl/d (11,000 m3/d) Closed in 1985 ans restarted in 2003. Montreal East Refinery (Gulf Oil Canada)

    Lévis, (Ultramar(Valero)), 215,000 bbl/d (34,200 m3/d)

    [edit] Ontario

    Nanticoke, (Imperial Oil), 112,000 bbl/d (17,800 m3/d)

    Sarnia, (Imperial Oil), 115,000 bbl/d (18,300 m3/d)

    Sarnia, (Suncor Energy), 85,000 bbl/d (13,500 m3/d)

    Corunna, (Shell Canada), 72,000 bbl/d (11,400 m3/d)

    Lubricant Refinery


    Mississauga, (Suncor Energy), 15,600 bbl/d (2,480 m3/d) - aka Clarkson Refinery - base oil production is 13,600 bpd of API Group II capacity and 2,000 bpd of API Group III capacity. Formerly Petro-Canada (before Aug 2009) and historically a Gulf refinery.

    [edit] Saskatchewan

    CCRL Refinery Complex, Regina (Consumers' Co-operative Refineries Limited (CCRL)), 100,000 bbl/d (16,000 m3/d)

    Upgraders (improve the quality of crude for sale at a higher price)


    Husky Lloydminster Refinery, Lloydminster, (Husky Energy), 25,000 bbl/d (4,000 m3/d)

    Husky Lloydminster Upgrader Lloydminster, (Husky Energy), 75,000 bbl/d (11,900 m3/d)

    [edit] Alberta

    Imperial Oil Refinery, Edmonton, (Imperial Oil), 187,000 bbl/d (29,700 m3/d)

    Scotford Refinery, Scotford, (Shell Canada), 100,000 bbl/d (16,000 m3/d)

    Edmonton, (Suncor Energy), 135,000 bbl/d (21,500 m3/d). Formerly Petro-Canada (before Aug 2009).

    Bitumen Upgraders (turn bitumen into synthetic crude, which then must be further refined)


    Scotford Upgrader, Scotford, (AOSP - Shell Canada 60%, Chevron Corporation 20%, Marathon Oil 20%), 250,000 bpd (located next to Shell Refinery) raw bitumen

    Horizon Oil Sands, Fort McMurray, (Canadian Natural Resources Limited), 110,000 bbl/d (17,000 m3/d) raw bitumen

    Long Lake, Fort McMurray, (OPTI Canada Inc. 35% and Nexen Inc. 65%), 70,000 bbl/d (11,000 m3/d) raw bitumen

    Syncrude, Fort McMurray, (Canadian Oil Sands Trust, Imperial Oil, Suncor, Nexen, Conoco Phillips, Mocal Energy and Murphy Oil), 350,000 bbl/d (56,000 m3/d) raw bitumen

    Suncor, Fort McMurray, (Suncor), 350,000 bbl/d (56,000 m3/d) raw bitumen

    [edit] British Columbia

    Burnaby, (Chevron Corporation), 52,000 bbl/d (8,300 m3/d)

    Prince George, (Husky Energy), 12,000 bbl/d (1,900 m3/d)

  2. I have seen them while driving on the 401 near HWY 25.

    I have also seen a good display in Sturgeon Falls in June.

    So yeah there is always the chance it depends on solar activity though.

    As was said, take a look in the middle of the night and maybe you will be lucky.

    I kind of take them for granted living up in Yellowknife though. B)

    We usually are able to see them from late August through March with January and February being best. ;)

  3. Check with lumber mills in the area.

    When I lived in Grand Valley we used to buy wood off a wood flooring mill for $70 a dump truck load!!! Delivered!!!! :good::good:

    It was a smaller dump truck so we ended up with a pile that filled our 6X6X6 wood bin.

    Mind you it was all off cuts and they weren't uniform size but we created a covered bin to store it in.

    Nothing better than kiln dried oak, maple, cherry and walnut fer burning!!! :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:

  4. So who throwing the tea party?- no one we are all a bunch of pansies who are happy to bend over and say thank you sir may I have another!



    Not all of us.

    Some had the sense of mind to get the hell out of Ontario and move to an area where the polititians listen and actually work for the people. :whistling:


    Oh, and Mickgwintee should have been drawn and quartered 2 weeks into his first term when he broke every promise he made during the election. But you have only yourselves to blame for re-electing the putz!!! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

  5. I was referring to Officer Dave.. not NWT Dave !


    .. and about that boat he ripped that poor little lady off for the other day... it's on sale at CTC this week for $999.99 ($300 off!)



    Close, but that's a different make and size.

    I found one made by the company that makes mine in one size smaller on sale for $999 US. I think the value to replace mine is in the $1,200 to $1,500 range. :w00t:

  6. I just posted something,attaching pics error message, uploads too big, I had to paste to Word...how do you upload all those good quality pictures ??



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    3. Open your photobucket album and find the photo you want to add. Place your cursor over the picture and a drop down menu will appear. Left click on "IMG Code". This will highlight the address. Now right click on the highlighted address so that "copy" shows. Now left click on "copy" and the picture will be automatically copied to your "clipboard".

    4. Go to your post you want to add it to on OFC, right click and "paste" the info.

    (if you copy the image code, it already has the "img" tags on the address and no further action is needed.)



    For other photo storage sites that don't install the "img" codes onto your photo addresses, you'll have to add them manually.


    The "Add BBC tags:" tool bar is at the top of every message dialog below the "Subject" dialog box and the "Message icon". In the lower row, click on the 2nd to the right of the smiley...the "Insert Image" icon(it looks like a small picture).


    The command [ img][/img] will appear in your text message.

    Paste the address of your picture between the commands like this;

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    Preview your post to be sure your picture is there and then choose post.

  7. Is it still under warranty?

    I would get in touch with Minnkota. They have always been good to me when I have had issues or questions. I had an issue with the electrical connector on my old Auto Pilot and asked if they had one. They said they should have a used one in a parts bin. They sent it to me a no charge!!! :clapping::clapping:

    They have all my business for life because of that one phone call. :good::good:

  8. Actually it was a 40hp you got for me, not a 30, and yeah it was a sweet deal. :)


    Buddy that is an amazing deal on the inflatable.


    If you don't want it I do!


    Oh yeah, all I remember was how freaking heavy it was moving it around by myself. flex.gif

    Now I need a 2 or 2.5 HP outboard for it. :whistling:

    It's perfect for throwing into a float plane and heading into a back lake. :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:



    What are those 2 horse Hondas like?

    You have one don't you?

    Are they quiet?

    I'm thinkng the one with the clutch would be good. :D

  9. I haven't seen one yet, but these critters are boring into my gazebo, the holes they are making are about 1cm in diameter, once in awhile they will throw out a little puff of fine, sawdust, they are going vertically and horizontally


    I don't think they are powder post beetles because the holes are too large


    just wondering if I should retaliate with a counter attack because my structure is going to collapse, or am I okay just to watch these little buggers





    I would kick their little buggy butts before you have a pile of sawdust where your gazebo used to be. :devil:

  10. It sounds like a low voltage situation or bad unit as stated.

    I have the 300 watt one and it works my laptop, electric shaver, camera and video camera battery chargers. In fact I can do it all at the same time. :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:

    I have another larger one I picked up at a garage sale that I will use if I ever build my cabin. :rolleyes: It's an unused 1750 watt job that I picked up for $100. :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:

  11. Up here in Yellowknife we don't have Craigs List of Kajiji but we have YKTrader. :D

    Last year I managed to get Solopaddler a sick deal on a 30 HP Honda outboard for $2K. :w00t: There are some good deals to be had if you're quick on the draw. This week I saw an ad for patio stones for $20. I need some patio stones so I call up and tell the lady I'll take them sight unseen. So after work I head over to look at my patio stones and pay the $$$$ for them. Well for $20 I ended up getting a 1/2 skid of concrete pavers!!!! :clapping::clapping:

    I asked if she minded if I came over on Saturday to pick them up, no problem come after 1:00 PM as I'm having a garage sale. Perfect!! I went over and loaded my bounty onto my sled trailer for the 3 block trip to my place. As I'm loading up the lady notices the tackle in the back of my truck and asks me if I want to buy the little boat she had in her garage sale, but didn't sell. She said give me $10 and it's yours. Done!!! I couldn''t say no. :rolleyes:

    Finish loading everything up and off to my place. Now it's time to unload all the stuff I got for a measly $30.

    Now to the proof of my dealings. :lol:


    I ended up with 130 of the large pavers and 45 of the small locking stones for $20.




    And I wanted to see what they are going to look like when I put them down so I set a few up on the trailer.






    Now to the boat part. :D


    It's an 8' inflatable with wood floor and will take up to a 4 HP motor.

    It's in really good condition and has no holes, leaks or patches!!! For $10!!!! :w00t:

    Sweet Score fer sure!!!!!!










    As an added bonus my oars from my old single man cat fit. :P

    I may get out and test the new boat tomorrow if I can move!!

    After loading and unloading my trailer full of pavers it feels like I went the distance with the champ!!! :lol:

    I did a quick calculation and I figured I moved about 3150 pounds of pavers by my self. :blink:

  12. i think the easy answer to the question is beer is cheaper just about anywhere compared to ontario. enjoy the trip and by some labbats bleu!! :clapping::clapping:



    UHHHHHH No!!! It's not.

    You can come up here to the NWT and you will see that in fact that beer is a little more $$$ up here. Ok it's a lot friggin' more. Try $65 a two four!!!!!! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

  13. I seem to remember a news clip from a few years back about a kid that was bit by a muskie somewhere in the Kawarthas. Can't remember any details of the story for certain, but I think it was one quick bite and the fish was gone. The kid had a mark, but no serious damage.


    Yep, I remember that one too.

    I seem to remember he was sitting on the dock with his feet dangling in the water and got nibbled on.

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