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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Having just returned from the north and using a Globestar, let me tell you it was one royal pain in the ass waiting for the short service windows. Irridum is the way to go. They work much better in the north.




    GlobalStar dropped the ball big time several years ago when their satellites started dying and they put their spares into service but did not replace them.

    At one point they were down to just 3 of the 8 original birds still operating. :wallbash::wallbash:

    We dropped GlobalStar several years ago when the problem was only a year or so old.

    We switched to satellie internet and Vonage at the lodge and the service is excellent.

    I see it still isn't fixed. :rolleyes:

    The Iridium I borrow from work is perfect.

  2. We have two vintage Hondas up at the lodge and they just won't die.

    I'm not sure what size they are but one is kid sized and the other is probably a 250 I think. They have been used on a daily basis for at leat 20 summers and are still running like new.


    Here's a couple of pics of my buddy on the baby bike. We loaded into the boat and took it over to our air strip to run his gear up the hill. :whistling:





  3. Even after a torrential rain Bronte is still a super-shallow ditch that's loaded with silt. Before the subdivisions went in up in Waterdown it was a decent place to fish. Now, it's so shallow and so completely over-run with idiots that its just a snagfest. Not saying you can't catch fish legally there any more, but there are just so many other places that are sooooo much better. Why anyone would want to waste a day there is beyond me.


    You said it Craig.

    Back in the 80's it was a great place to fish, then in the 90's it went down hill fast. :angry:

    Too bad because there were some awesome brown and steelhead runs and some sweet holding water, that became 3" deepflats that are connected by 2' deep pools. :blink:


    But even back in the good old days the flats down in the park were always full of loogans snagging away at the salmon as they ran the 6" deep flat into the holding water above. :angry:

  4. But for now, any explanation for why the eastern tribs get the early runs?




    The fish start out the year in the Western basin of Lake O and through out the year make a counter clockwise migration around the lake. So the fish arrive at the Eastern tribs first. They also start running them earlier as the water temps of those rivers is some what cooler than the tribs closer to TO/Mississauga/Oakville.

  5. Isn't that like saying 1 fishing rod is enough?


    Not when you consider power usage.

    The more power they are able to deliver the more power they use.

    But even at idle (with no load) the higher the wattage they can deliver the more power they use.

    For instance a 2500 watt inverter will use quite a bit more power with no load than a 1500 watt model will.

    So unless you want to run out of battery power before the end of your camping trip I would go with the smallest inverter you can get away with.


    Something to think about. ;)

  6. With them being bigger they give you added range as well. ;)

    My boat has an 18 gallon built in tank. But living up here I need more range when going on long trips so I plan on adding a 12 gallon tank in the back of the boat. 30 gallons should get me where I want to go and back. ;)

  7. Why not just go with the typical cigarette lighter pump? I have one and it works great. If you do have your mind set on the inverter, a 300W will suffice. My FJ Cruiser has a built in 400W and is ok. I'm actually thinking of upgrading to a 2500W inverter with a dual battery set-up for my back lake camping trips. Nothing like being able to power a microwave, toaster, coffee maker..etc back in the bush. Man, talk about roughin' it eh!! LOL


    2500 Watts is overkill for that unless you want to run them all at once.

    1500 is fine. I have a 1750 and can even run my table saw off it.

    I have a 1300 generator that will run my small microwave or my espersso machine in my trailer. :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:

  8. Early to mid 1990's vintage by the looks of it.

    Take down the model and serial number call this #, 800-227-6433 and ask them the year.

    I did that when I got this one earlier this summer. They were very helpful. The fellow there even emailed me a PDF of the user manual. :good::good:







  9. I started out with a 12 footer that had a 5.5 on it.

    I would go with a 9.9 2 stroke also if I were to buy another boat that size.



    One year just laughs we put my buddies 15 Evinrude on it. :w00t:

    It went like a raped ape with two of us and our gear.

    I wouldn't recomend it though. :lol:

  10. Does it work with AVI files? I thought it was only for MPEG?



    Here you go, direct from Microsoft to you. :)

    This is for the XP version (Vista and & will support these and possibly more).


    INTRODUCTIONThis article lists the file types that are supported by Windows Movie Maker in Windows XP.

    Back to the top

    MORE INFORMATIONSupported formats for importing content

    Video files: .asf, .avi, .wmv

    Movie files: MPEG1, .mpeg, .mpg, .m1v, .mp2

    Audio files: .wav, .snd, .au, .aif, .aifc, .aiff

    Windows Media files: .asf, .wm, .wma, .wmv

    Still images: .bmp, .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .jfif, .gif

    MP3 format audio: .mp3

    Although you can play a file in Microsoft Windows Media Player, you may not be able to import the file into Windows Movie Maker even though this article lists that kind of file. You may not be able to import the file if the codec that was used to encode the audio or video is not a codec that is included with Windows XP. In that case, you may be able to re-encode the video or audio by using Windows Media Encoder, and then import the video or audio.


    Note The MPEG2 format has several codecs that are not supported by Windows Movie Maker. Even if you have downloaded and installed these codecs on your computer, files in the MPEG2 format may not work in Windows Movie Maker or may cause other problems. Converting the MPEG2 format to another compatible format may work for most MPEG2 files. However, some MPEG2 codecs include copy protection schemes that will prevent you from converting the file.


    To download the Windows Media Encoder for free, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

    http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia'>http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia (http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia)

    For additional information about codec support in Windows Media Player for Windows XP, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    291948 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/291948/ ) Windows Media Player for Windows XP supported codecs

    Back to the top

    Supported formats for saving movies

    Windows Media video files: .wmv

    Windows Media audio files: .wma

    DV/AVI format for video: .avi

  11. I recorded some HD video footage of a fishgreg muskie release yesterday, and would like to edit the file a bit before posting. How does one do this? I just signed up for a Youtube account, and the file is now uploading... one minute and change long and 500MB! Can you edit from Youtube once uploaded? It would be better I suppose to edit first and then upload (faster). Any suggestions on what program to do this with?



    I gather you are using Windows right?

    If so google "Windows Movie Maker Download"

    It's free from Microsoft and they have it for all versions of Windows since XP.

    It's not uber powerful but it does the job plus you can add music, still photos, titles and transitions.


    I did these videos with it. :)


    Topwater Pike


    Ice Fishing NWT


    Salmon & Trout in Alaska

  12. Would this charger be a good buy?




    Forgot to also ask since I don't go out that often, how do I protect the battery life if it isn't going to be used for six months or more? Should it be plugged in continuously or once a month or once a week?


    I was considering that solar charger to trickle power to the battery without having to plug it in.



    That is a good charger but overkill for what you need.

    It will charge 3 batteries at once (I have one on my boat).


    This one here will do the same thing but is designed for one battery and is also on sale this week.


    Battery Charger



    I have been using These Batteries for years with no problems.


    I also top up the charge on my batteries every few months.

  13. whistling.gifNot familiar with the format of the cards, but from my experience with Garmins and their cards, converting formats, especially SD to mSD isn't a big hassle... whistling.gif


    Actually it is.

    Putting a micro SD card into a machine that takes full size SD is not a big deal as there are adapters available.

    But there are no adapters that will shrink a full size SD so it will fit into a Micro SD slot. :unsure:

  14. When I lived in Ontario I spooled up with 8# Ande because I liked the way it handled but when I moved West I changed to 12# Raven as the higher test Ande lines were too stiff. If the 8# Raven is anything like there 12# I would think it would be too limp for me.

    As I said I run Raven 12# with 8# Ultragreen for leaders or in clear water 8# Flouro for most of my fishing.

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