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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Definately a great old video!!! :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:

    Here's a little history on the lodge.

    Back in the old days (Warren Plummer who built the lodge) came up to GBL for the first time in 1949 and used tent camps for his clients until the lodge was built.

    After years of taking out the big girls the area around sawmill bay was essentially fished out so in the 1980's the whole camp was moved nearly 200 miles North to the Dease Arm of GBL. They moved the camp in the winter over the ice to where it resides now. Even in the 80's they were still allowing large fish to be taken out. It wasn't until the mid to late 90's they finally restricted harvesting and made it C&R and only kept smaller fish under 28" for shore lunch.

    The fishing back at the old location is improving since it was abandoned 30 or so years ago. There are now hoards of hungry 20 to 30 pounders roaming the area. In another 30 or 40 years hopefully things will be back the way they were in the old days.

  2. I haven't fished it but it's far enough South that I would bet that the pike grow big in there. I would also bet there is good fishing for burbot and whitefish. There are probably big lakers in that lake as well.


    It looks to be a resevoir too.

    Here's depth charts of the lake.


    Here's a topo map of the area.


    Here's a link to the Yukon's fishing reg's too.


    I would say there is a good chance that this lake would make an awesome vacation. :good::good:

  3. Better go to the gym first, they weigh a lot more than most of the other options out there. :whistling:

    I think the 10" weighs 43#. :w00t: Compare that to a 2 stroke Strikemaster 10 1/4" at 27#.


    Then there's the fuel vaporization issue at cold temps.

    Propanes boiling point is about -40 and anytime you get close to that LPG will not vaporize.

  4. Last week ours went up 83 cents a liter, due to enviromental reasons.

    The ferry was shut down due to low water and fuel had to be flown in. blink.gif

    But now the ferry is running again and gas is back to normal #1.169 a liter.

    I love how our gas prices stay unchanged for months or even longer up here.

    None of the price fluctuation Bull like in Onatrio. tease.giftease.giftease.gif

  5. I know everyone here is a lot more experienced than I am, especially when it comes to hardwater but I just can't imagine bringing my vehicle on the ice regardless of thickness. Every year I see pictures posted of cars underwater, trucks half under, etc. It's one thing if it's a 1980 piece of junk (Even then I wouldn't want to risk the cost of getting it out) but it's another when it's your family vehicle. I just can't wrap my ahead around it especially if you own a snowmobile or atv anyway.


    Personally I think the risk faaaaaaaaar outweighs the reward of quick travel. Am I alone on this or those who do bring the vehicle out there have you ever had any close calls?


    If I still lived in Ontario I would totally agree with you, but they drive tractor trailers on the ice up in these parts. ;)

    That shot above of my Honda on the ice is about 70kms from town and the ice was almost 4 feet thick in mid January. :good::good:

    I have drilled through almost 5 1/2 feet of ice late in the season. You can land a fully loaded 747 on that much ice. I'm not worried about my light duty SUV. :lol:

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