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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. I set my cruise control on 62 mph and I'm the SLOWEST one on that road among other highways in and around the Toronto area...



    That would be because you are driving just BELOW the posted limit. :rolleyes:


    100 KPH is 62.1371 MPH


    Speed up there turtle boy!!!! :tease::tease::tease:

  2. I have an 18' Fisher with a 90 Merc 2 stroke that I have been trolling with for 20 years. It does troll a little rough and when I have the $$$ it will be upgraded to a 115 hp 4 stroke. On the bow I have an 80# Minn Kota for positioning, walley trolling around structure and working my way around pike bays. I also use the electic when controlled drift fishing. When trolling for lakers I use the outboard whether it be off shore or around structure, my electric is for positioning and slow trolling for walleye only.

  3. It's the lighting coil on the stator. It provides all the power to run light, accessories, and charges the battery.


    Yep, sure sounds like it, or the regulator.

    Check the light bulbs with an ohm meter and if the bulbs read as open it's the regulator. If the bulbs are good it's most likely the coil.

  4. Its suspicious. Don't you get it? If you're sitting in a car you are probably up to something.


    Same as if you see someone drinking a lemonade in a park. Likely a troublemaker.



    Give me a break!!!

    When I lived back in the "civilized" world I would eat my lunch in my car all the time. Guess I was engaged in the suspicious consumption of a Whopper meal.

    This is the middle of the day folks. Now if those same kids were parked out back of some strip mall at night...................THAT's SUSPICIOUS.


    What's the difference between sitting in your car listening to tunes while eating lunch and sitting on a park bench eating lunch listening to tunes?


    Starting to sound like Ontario is becoming a communist state, comrade. :rolleyes:

  5. Okay I'll give you guys a basic idea/scenario


    For those who live near/in Woodbridge will be familiar with the plaza at hwy 7 and woodstream...plenty of people hanging out there...


    I'd drive in and park


    I see three guys sitting in their honda civic, engine on, windows down and its -5 out...strange right? Maybe not, but windows down means their smoking right? So I walk over and talk to them


    Me: hey guys how are ya tonight?


    Kids: good


    Me: what are you up to tonight?


    Kids; just grabbed a coffee and having a cigarette


    I don't see or smell anything but coffee and cigarette smoke


    Me: have a good night guys, stay warm


    9 times out of 10 this is the extent of the conversation. Not lengthy, not a violation of their rights.


    By all means they don't have to answer anything, but most of the time I gets answers like that.



    You also didn't have your gun pointed at the driver either did you? :whistling:

  6. If it was all on the up and up he now has a bunch of paperwork to file because his side arm left it's holster. If he did not put this in his report he will be reprimanded by his superiors. Drawing your side arm is serious business and it definately sounds like it was not warranted in this instance and very likely he wil be reprimanded if it is reported.


    How would this work using a satellite internet service since it isn't as fast as high speed that is available in the city?



    The only real problem with Voip over Sat based Inet is lag.

    There is a 3/4 to 1 1/2 second lag because of the distance the data has to travel through the air. The signal has to go from your sat setup into space, back to earth and then be routed terestrially to your Voip provider and onto the regular POTS network. When I was using voip over sat I had to lear to wait until the other person was completely finished their sentance or they would miss the bigging of my sentance, same goes the other way around.


    Voip over Sat works well when no other option but Sat Phone is available.

    The remote mining camps up here all use voip over sat for communication.

  8. Just be aware if you go with a VOIP - 911 service is not able to identify your house when you call. You have to supply the address. while you hope you never need it, especially in such circumstances, you gotta question if that is worth it - especially if you have young kids or elderly people living alone



    I'm a Vonage customer and if I call 911 they automatically forward to my local emergency services.

  9. I like bunk trailers, especially for smaller boats like yours.

    The pros are, better support under the hull, pressure points spread over a larger area, less maintenance, ability to drive on the trailer, easier to line up the boat on the trailer.

    The cons are a little tougher to slide to boat on and off the trailer on very shallow ramps (some glide sticks on the bunks help this), the bunks and carpet are prone to rotting over time (it took over 15 years on my trailer :) )


    That's all I can come up with at this time. ;)

  10. I haven't had any experiance with them but have looked them over here in town.

    They carry them at the Home Hardware store here.

    They are pretty pricey but they seem really well built and have a ton of insulation in them. The insulation is something like 2 or 3 inches so keep that in mind when looking at the dimentions if you end up looking to buy one.

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