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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. I got out today for the first time since I returned from Alaska.

    Spent a couple of hours jigging with a few looks but no takers. :(

    Couldn't get to where I wanted to be due to thin ice (it was only about an inch thick 20 yards from me, but I was on 3" to 3 1/2" of clear black ice. :good::good:









  2. Had a husky and she was great, a rescue dog, that had a lot of issues but eventually became semi trained, as Drifter put it.


    Letting her off leash was always an issue as she wanted to run (forever) and wasn't the best at coming back. Definite strong personality, very independent. I think I only ran her to the point she was tired a handful of times, so very high exercise requirments.


    Got a chocolate lab pup in May and, he's pretty much the best dog ever, still very high energy and needs to go to the park most days, even though he gets walked for around 5km each day. Runs at the park retreiving and hunting songbirds and ducks for an hour then crashes. I've found he's very smart, easy to train but want to test who's boss all the time.


    On a side note, we had an awesome weekend grouse hunting, it was his 3 and 4th days hunting and he did great. Found birds flushed birds and retreived them. He gets so upset when I miss, sits and pouts! Further, to this I rediscovered my 28ga. great little single for beating bush for grouse. Hunting with dogs is a blast.


    My pup is a pound puppy too. :good::good:

    He's 2 1/2 now and is starting to settle down (at least compared to last year). :lol: I can let him off leash and they do like to roam but he will come when called which is a plus. Lots of huskies won't and you have to chase them down for hours. :rofl2::rofl2:


    Depending on the weather he will stay outside when I'm at work. He's starting to understand that being curled up on a nice warm doggie bed is much nicer than sitting in the rain or snow. Last year he wanted to stay outside no matter what, unless I was home.


    And yes you need to remember that they do go from this:






    To this:




    And you could expect this a time or two when he's in the puppy stage. :w00t:



  3. I have had both breeds of dogs and can tell you this.

    The Labs are easier to train and shed waaaaaaaaay less hair!!!

    My mutt sheds 24/7/365 and has 3 layers of hair!!!! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

    Thank god for winter when the shedding slows down a bit.

    My husky has taken a lot of work to get him semi trained. :whistling:

    Huskies also take longer to mature and settle down than Labs as well.

    But they are better in the climate I am living in now than a Lab.


    Here's a shot of the hairy beast lounging around camp on Great Slave. :D




    Forgot to mention he like fishing and boating too!!! :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:





  4. This intersection is friggin' insane!!!!! :w00t::w00t::w00t:


    The most confusing road in the world


    Magic Roundabout, Swindon, England

    England loves its roundabouts, that’s no secret. They invented the Mini just for hooning around the things. Sometimes the Brits can get a little carried away with their own cleverness though. This nightmare consists of five smaller clockwise roundabouts with an anticlockwise roundabout in the centre. Imagine if they tried this in Canada, you’d just have mayhem, honking, cars moving in every direction. Apparently the trick to navigating these is just to hold your breath, floor it, and hope you come out the other side.



  5. Went to the toy store today and brought a new baby home.

    A 50" Panasonic Viera Plasma and a nice stand to sit it on. :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:


    So it's out wirh the old.




    And in with the new. :good::good:




    Just finished watching the Leafs lose, but they looked dang good doing it!!! :lol:


    Tomorrow it's NASCAR at Talladega!!!! :w00t::w00t:

  6. Yep.. I know all about the Ted's last flight to camp. In the air one minute and smushed into a hill side the next. It's just one of the many places on my "fly to bucket list". Just hope it's not where I get in the bucket...



    There were about a dozen major crashes in Alaska this year. It seemed as if every week you heard of a plane load of people dying in a crash.

    There was an accident in anchorage at the air force base, another in down town, one about a mile from the entrance to Denali Park. In those 3 accidents 8 were lost and three injured badly. They are still looking for a float plane that went down in the ocean with all on board lost.


    In contrast we had one fatal crash in the NWT this summer. It was a guy who committed suicide by crashing his plane into the ground 70 or 80 KM North of town. :dunno:

  7. Thanks a lot guys. :D



    Watch out for them big hills over there. They tend to really eff up a flight.

    Just ask Ted Stevens, or any of the others that didn't make it home over there this year. :(

    It was a terrible year for fatal plane crashes. :wallbash::wallbash:

  8. I think most here know that the Libs are not worth the time to type on the key board but I know I dont want to pay$30 or more to have a tank filled and how about the people who heat there house?



    Don't move to Ft. Smith NWT then. It was $30 to fill a 20# tank when I lived there in 2006. :w00t:


    It's about $15 here in Yellowknife and it costs me about $2700-$3000 a year to heat my place with propane.

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