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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Got out for a little fishin' today close to home.

    Hit the ice at dawn and didn't get off until dusk 5 hours later. :lol:

    At least it was a nice warm -20 degree day!! Sure beats the -40 highs a week ago.

    The lake is a lesiurely 3 minute snowmobile ride from my door, so I don't know why it's taken me 4 years to fish it. :blink:

    Probably because it's too close.

    Got out, picked a spot and drilled a bunch of holes off a bluff covering water 10' to 35' deep. Set a ciscoe on a tipup shallow for pike and jigged the rest of the holes for eyes and whities. Fish were showing on the Marcum almost non stop but they were non committal for the most part. :wallbash:


    I managed to land 1 small pike about 4# on the tipup and 1 smallish whitie on a Bad Boyz jig tipped with a minnow. I lost two other fish (walleye I think) and had about 1/2 a dozen bumps from whitefish (I think a shiner can hit harder than they did today) I wouldn't even had known they were hits without my trusty LX-5 as the rod tip only moved about 1/8" when they hit it.

    Any how on to the pics. :P













    PS I also have a video entered in the WFN contest. B)


    Ice Road Fishers the Movie :lol:

  2. Sharks attacking tarpon that are hooked happens all over their range.

    On one trip to the keys we had a shark attack a tarpon twice that size that we had on. It was in the 130 to 140 pound range. The attack came at the very end of the fight but the tarpon was brought to the boat and released with only a few scales missing.


    Typical tarpon gear is 20# test with 80 to 100 pound leaders.


    I saw a video of Roland Martin fishing Boca and he had a 150# tarpon eaten off the end of his line by a hammerhead that was estimated to be close to 2000#. :w00t:


    I won't swim in Florida waters unless they are tiled and have a swim up bar now. :lol:

  3. That's like saying you'll get charged if you are driving a car from NS to here because we require front plates. If you are allowed to run studded tires and your address of residence proves it, they can't charge you with anything.



    WOOHOO!!! I'll drive down next week and do donuts at queens park!!!! :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

    No shortage of studded tires up here.

    Some people keep them on all year long. :dunno::dunno:

  4. The 400 is made of more cement then asphalt and I would assume that the roads up north are also. Even America roads are made of mostly cement(if I heard correctly).


    I always wondered why they didn't make the 401 more cement based. EIther its to keep the asphalt people in business or its because the 401 sees the most traffic?????


    The Asphalt is definetly a smoother drive but in the summer in a traffic jam due to road repairs, and in the winter snow(less traction), it doesn't make much of a difference.





    The reason less concrete is used is due to several facts.


    1/ Asphalt is more elastic and does better with freeze/thaw cycles.


    2/ Asphalt is cheaper to use than concrete.


    3/ Concrete is eaten away by salt.


    4/ It takes longer to install concrete than asphalt.


    5/ Conrete takes longer to cure before it can be put in service.

  5. This has nothing to do with the original question; but with Lew mentioning the older tires this came to mind; how many of you remember those polyester bias ply tires.

    I can still remember getting in the car after it sitting for a number of hours and start driving away.

    The car would shake so bad from the flat spots; that you had to shut the ashtray or all the cigarette butts would be jumping out like popcorn.

    After 4 or 5 miles the tires would warm up and round out again. LOL

    Looking at today's tires I can't believe we accepted that, that was the best they had.

    Can you imagine; you're in your brand new $2500.00 (Yes the decimal is in the right place LOL) Buick LaSabre and you turn to your buddy and say.


    Yea she rides real smooth as soon as the tires warm up???? LOL







    The new radial tires still turn square in the cold, it just needs to be colder.

    Any time the temps dip below -30 to -35 radials exhibit the same problems only not as bad and not as long as the old bias ply tires did. Mine were square for most of last week!!!! Not this week though now that we are receiving tropical temps approaching minus single digit temps. :lol:

  6. Sorry boys .. Eastman 4 man ...cube for me .. bigger (alot) .. and lighter and easier to carry (drag) .... and for the extra minute and a half it takes to set up .. its soooo worth it....


    I have a 2 man cube that I use during early ice and switch to my flip over once the ice is thick enough to drag it around with my 1000cc powered Yamaha sled. The extra weight doesn't bother me. :whistling:

  7. Years ago we all has our snow tires on extra rims but now we have to have tire sensors in each rim so the cost is prohibited at $100 or more per tire sensor....... :wallbash:



    Most guys don't bother with the sensors for their winter tires and just ignore the warning lights. :lol:

  8. i;'ve ran goodyear duratracs before but i don't think they come in training wheel sizes. they're an AT tire with a snowflake rating - good all year.


    now i am on firestone destination ATs. been to london area coiuple of times in the last few weeks and got to play in the snow, they were fine.


    I run Goodyear Wrangler Silent Armours, also an AT with the snow flake. :D

    Dang fine tire. :good::good:


    When I was in Ontario and driving to the city from Orangeville every day I had Cooper snow tires on all 4 corners on my Honda Civics and they were excellent. I just left them on all year long and replaced them every 2 years. They were $70 a piece installed so it was very cost effective, especially since I was driving 60,000+ KMS a year.

  9. No kidding. Not everybody gets the attraction of a snarling exhaust. There's a great video on youtube of a guy in Europe gunning a red Ferrari around early morning highways. He's got a trick exhaust system on it and it sounds awesome. To this day I remember the first time I heard a Honda Four on the highway. I was tooling along in my MGB with the top down and heard a sweet exhaust growl behind me. Thought it was a Ferrari or somesuch and realized it was a bike. I slowed down a tad and the guy ripped by me. My wife didn't get it at all when I started babbling about the sound. The sound was half the fun of bikes and tricked up cars. The problem was enjoying the sound while keeping one's license. I had a beautifully tuned straight pipe on a bugeye Sprite one time. As long as I kept my foot out of it the sound was just barely legal in town, but when I stuck my foot in it the thing sounded like a race car (until you saw how slow it really was).




    I remeber driving along the 401 one day and hearing a wonderful growl coming up on me from the rear when I turned my head to see what it was a huge smile came over my face. :D

    The culprit was an original all steel narrow hip 427 AC Cobra!!! love.gif

    I still get goosebumps when I think of it. :lol:

  10. I saw that. He left a huge tire mark. It must have been the end of the line for that car. I don't suppose there's a big market for used gymkana cars that are totally baffed out. That one actually sounded pretty ragged at times. It's hard to tell if it was just over the top tuning or an end of the line engine.





    He spent a lot of time on the rev limiter. :rolleyes:

  11. Scoring criteria


    The Judging panel will evaluate the 30 finalist ideas based on these criteria:




    How deeply are people affected by this idea, and how urgent is the need? How many people will this idea benefit, and will it be compelling for a broad audience?


    Likelihood of Success


    How likely is this idea to be successfully executed in the short term?


    Longevity & Sustainability


    How long will the idea's affect last? Will it require regular funding beyond the initial request? If so, is there a plan to obtain additional funding?




    How original is the idea?


    Submission Quality


    How much effort went into this entry? Was it well thought through and clearly explained?




    Should be interesting to see how this plays out ...



    Should be indeed. :D


    They have been getting all kinds of donations from local business as well.

    BHP Diamonds have donated $20,000 and another business in town has donated $11,000 to the cause. :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:

    If that doesn't prove the whole town is behind this thing I don't know what will.

    For a city as small as Yellowknife to get that many votes and almost place first with onlt 18,000 residents amazes me. Sure we had a lot of help but per capita we had an average of over 2 votes per every person in Yellowknife during the semis while the first place finisher averaged about 0.5 votes per person.

    Pretty cool. :clapping::clapping:

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