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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Why didn't you just use the one you bought for your wedding for your brothers wedding. It's not like it was worn out!!!
  2. Rizzo Try Fish 307's auger blade exchange. Fish 307
  3. Yeah I know. I wouldn't land a 747 on it yet but I think it may be ready for Tank travel.
  4. Yep, I 'member. I may have one around somewhere, in a box. And what ^^^ Mercman said.
  5. I think my ice is fairly safe now.
  6. Ok, so lets here it how many? I think I have 3 and they all have trout on them!!!!
  7. Yep, shear pin. Pop into CTC and pick up a replacement and you're good to go. My blower is a pain as it has 6 shear pins!!! One for each piece of flighting. My driveway is gravel and I usually end up replacing 2 or 3 at the beginning of each winter until there is a good base down.
  8. About as good as your inconnu and grayling fishing down there Bill. Gotta go drill some holes in a frozen lake now.
  9. Thanks for your input Dan. Don't let the door hit you in the on the way out of my thread!!
  10. Took my buddies kid out pikin' today and he had a blast. Got the big one of the day too!!!! We ended up landing about 20 fish with a bunch of small ones a few in the 10 to 12 pound class and this guy up around 22 pounds!!!! The kid is spoiled now and will have to be put down!!!
  11. Yep, it's all barbless and no live bait.
  12. T'was a tough day for me today with the fishies not cooperating at all. :-\ I had fish under me all day but while they would look they would not commit. Damn, you dasturdly whitefish!!!! At one point the bottom 9' was lit up like a Christmas tree but they just wouldn't hit. I ended up with just 2 hits the entire time and none hooked or landed. Time to go piking to get my groove one tomorrow. Here's a couple of shots. The morning sun rising in the South (yes it rises in the South and sets in the West in the winter up here). My LX-5 all lit up for the season!!! Oh, ice thickness was close to 24" and pure black!!!
  13. Or the prying eyes of Major League Baseball!!!
  14. The real question is: Is the shop already insulated underneath the drywall? If it is by code there should already be vapour barrier between the drywall and insulation thus it will not be needed between the drywall and interior steel you want to install.
  15. Ah yes another annual Christmas day ice fishin' trip is in the books. The weather was frightful but the pikes were so delightful!!! No giants but we did catch a bunch with 2 really decent sized ones plus we lost a couple of really good ones. Ice thickness.............15" of good black ice. I'll let the pictures tell the story. Enjoy!!
  16. The guy probably had no idea how to use his IR on his Marcum.
  17. Pop the roof first and then work your way around the outside popping in the sides. FYI the colder it is the harder these things are to work with. Last year at -40 it took me 10 minutes or so to get mine put away because it was so stiff. I guess the 1/4" of ice on the inside of the roof didn't help much.
  18. Yep, you pretty much hit the nail on the head. No need for a plywood floor in the popups though. Some guys use those kids jigsaw puzzle foam mats for flooring while others like me use ice as the floor. Flipovers are great for active run and gun fishermen. I use my popup for early ice when walking on and my flipover once there is enough ice for my sled. They are a pain to pull by hand as are the cabin style huts. With the cabins you really need to build a sled to lift them off the ice as they pull like a brick. If you're walking out definately get a popup. When you are setting it up anchor one side (the windward one) before you pop it up and there are no problems with wind. When collasing it to go home leave the windward anchor in until you colapse it.
  19. I haven't used any of the Vex's but I do love my LX-5. Moveable zoom, super fine line, resolution and tons of power sold me. You won't be sorry if you decide to get one.
  20. 4 hours & 57 minutes, but starting tomorrow we gain 6 minutes a day!!!
  21. Put the boat away in mid October and have been hitting the ice since then.
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