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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Rocks suck!!!! I know because they are everywhere up in my area.

    Dinged up 2 props last year. :(

    No where to get them repaired up here either.

    I took them on vacation with me and had them fixed in Florida.

    I have a jack plate and was having a slippage issue when running the motor higher than stock. They were able to fix the props and add some cup to the blades to help it bite a little better when running jacked.


    I also bought one of the Nemisis 4 blade aluminum props to run as well.

    Looking forward to ice out so I can see how it handles/performs with the new prop.



    OH, and like every one is saying, drop to a 17P prop and you will be happy.

    I'm running 17P 3 and 4 blade units on my 18' Fisher with 115HP OB.


    It's been $25 for quite some time come summer.


    DAYUMMMM!!! I get a season pass at the Territorial Park North of town to launch and park for that price!!!! :w00t:

    Every where else except the two territorial parks around YK is free. B)

  3. http://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/bruins-shawn-thornton-fined-for-game-5-incident-1.2639114




    Boston forward Shawn Thornton was fined $2,820.52 US for unsportsmanlike conduct for an incident late in the Bruins' 4-2 playoff win over the Montreal Canadiens on Saturday night.

    Thornton squirted water from Boston's bench at Montreal defenceman P.K. Subban in the final minute of the game.

    No penalty was assessed on the play.

    The fine is the maximum allowed under the league's collective bargaining agreement with the NHL Players' Association and the money will go to the Players' Emergency Assistance Fund.


  4. Do you think you will get most of your materials in before ice melt?


    Nope. Still waiting on delivery of my dock hardware and floats and won't be ordering subflooring and other materials to do the foundation and 1st floor deck until summer.


    Just hope you don't John Hornby the whole thing.



  5. Seems it's still pretty hard. :huh:

    So I managed to get out to my cabin property with another load of materials.


    Even my GPS knows I'm driving on ice.

    How does it know? :dunno:




    The lake was in pretty good condition with only a couple of sketchy areas.




    For those of you you think Honda's are only good for taking the kids to soccer practice and picking up groceries, they are pretty capable with decent tires and the center locking differential engaged.

    She walked right up the rocks no problem. :clapping:









  6. I doubt it.

    The bear was likely predatory and would have just messed up some more people.


    We had a bear up at Great Bear one year that came into the guide camp and was trying to get into one of the cabins.

    It was hosed with a fire extinguisher and it only backed off a few feet. Enough for the guides to bail out and climb onto the roof.

    The guides were throwing rocks and pieces of lumber @ the bear and it did nothing.

    One guide made it up to the main camp and got Chummy.

    He came and shot it.

    Problem solved!!! B)

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