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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. As for an anchor, I use a small folding kayak anchor and have an anchor trolley system that allows me to anchor off the front, rear or anywhere in between while still letting me easily retrieve and deploy.


    Anchor: http://www.basspro.com/SeaLect-Folding-Anchor-Kit/product/10225384/

    Anchor Trolley: http://www.basspro.com/Kayak-Anchor-Trolley-Kit/product/11082605010036/


    FYI you want to connect the line to the bottom of the anchor and use a plastic wire tie to tie the line to the proper end of the anchor.

    This enables you to yank on the line if the anchor gets stuck breaking the wire tie and retrieving the anchor from the opposite way it went in. ;)

  2. You think a 13x20 would help me with both these problems?


    I'd love to find a place where I could test out a few props on the same day so I wouldn't have to guess at which one is good for our rig.


    Fixed it for ya. ;)

    By adding an inch of pitch to the 13" prop you will gain a little on top end. The 4 blade should give you similar holeshot to the current 3 blade 13" prop.

    Best to talk to your local dealer and let them know your WOT RPMs and speeds for both your current props and they will be able to guide you to the right prop.

  3. My 3 blades are 13 1/4X17 and the dealer sold me a 13X17 4 blade.

    I would say a 13X20 in your case Bill. That should give you your hole shot + top end.

    You will probably lose 200 RPM on the top end over the 13X19 3 blade though.


    Yeah, I've pretty well decided to leave it alone. It's only 12 years old and looks great as is. I liked that product Drifter linked to but think I'll just pass.


    Thanks everyone for your suggestions.


    I've seen it used a few times on Mike Holmes show and it really is pretty neat stuff.

  5. If you want to redo your concrete the best way is with Jewel Stone http://www.durock.ca/jewelstone.html


    A pro can do amazing things with this product and it's harder than the concrete you're putting it on.


    It's not a DIY product though.


    A bunch of pics showing what can be done with it. https://www.google.ca/search?q=jewel+stone&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=WO9yU8raHNW0yAT1oYGIDg&ved=0CCkQsAQ&biw=1280&bih=620#q=jewel%20stone%20cement&revid=1291855110&tbm=isch&imgdii=_

  6. Of all lakes to water test on.. I sure hope you have an actual shoal map and aren't relying on a Navionics chart (that's a good 200 feet off on Lake T in places).


    Maps? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Maps!!! :tease: :tease: :tease:


    Well I would like it if they actually mad one or two but I'm going to have to get a new Lowrance and make my own. ;)

  7. My favorite lake is Great Bear about 500 kms North of me. Killer scenery, caribou, wolverine, muskox, moose, grizzly and black bear.

    And the fishing is OK too. :whistling:




    My favorite river is the Kenai in Alaska. Again with the great scenery, mountain goats, sheep, moose, tons of grizzlies and black bears.

    And the fishing is OK too. :whistling:



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