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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Been using similar shelters for 6 years now.

    I have two 10X20's attached end to end to make a 10X40 that my boat is stored in.

    I have another 10X20 with my snow mobiles & trailer and snow blower in it.

    And I have a 10X10 with other items stored in it.

    I knock the snow off the roof as soon as there is a couple of inches built up. Pretty simple just using a broom to knock the roof from the inside.


    Currently working on laying patio stones inside the 10X40 to make it easier to work on my vehicles in there.

    Notice I have sunk PT 6X6's in the ground to anchor the tent. It's lag screwed to the 6X6's and is solid as a rock.

    Can't say the same for my neighbours, it ended up tangled in the barb wire on the top of his 8' fence during a wind storm a couple of months ago. :oops:



  2. Pollen SUCKS!!!!

    I spent the better part of my trip to FLA this spring inside due to the worst allergies I have ever experienced. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

    ​Luckily my allergies are non existent up North of 60* it seems. :good: :good: :good:

    They were pretty bad in the GTA @ this time of year before I got out of Dodge!! ;)

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