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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. ​From today's outing North of 60.

    Hit the lake bright and early @ 10AM this morning. Temp was -4, but it warmed all the way up to -1 in the afternoon.

    Fishing was excellent with about 15 or so lakers and about a dozen pike landed.

    Biggest laker was about 15#'s and the biggest pike (lost while netting) was in the mid 20's.

    The big laker had fresh teeth marks on it's mid section. :w00t:

    The pics don't really do justice to the fish.










    Hopefully the weather folks are wrong and the temps are much warmer than the -10 they are calling for next weekend. ;)

  2. Generally TPS sensors are in the $50 a piece range.

    The tire has to be removed, replace stem/sensor assy. reinstall tire and program the computer to accept the new sensor.

    Not sure how it's done on the Jeeps.

    Could Google "replace Jeep TPS sensor" and you should get an answer.


    Checked it out and parts geek has them from $24-$31.


    Associating the new sensor seems easy.




    Adjust air pressure to that listed on the Tire Inflation Pressure Label (Placard) provided with the vehicle (applied to driver's side B-pillar). Make sure the original style and color valve stem cap is securely installed to keep moisture out of the sensor.
    Once vehicle has been stationary for more than 20 minutes, drive the vehicle for a minimum of 10 minutes while maintaining a continuous speed above 15 mph (24 km/h) . During this time the system will learn the new sensor ID.


  3. Rant of the day!!!

    Rogers.................YOU SUCK!!!!

    Signed up with NHL.com for Gamecenter Live last year.

    Supposed to automatically renew each year.

    Now that Rogers is in the mix it did not auto renew and I have to renew through Rogers for twice the cost of last year.

    Money grubbing bastages!!!! :angry:

  4. Yeah but how long are these engines sitting? 3-4 months at the most? Nothing is going to dry out in that time.. Do people fog cars if they sit for the winter? Lawnmowers? :)


    Like I said, I'm sure it can't hurt anything but is it really needed?


    7 months!!! :whistling:

    I never fogged my 2 stroke but I figured the oil in the mix would take care of that for me.

    I did fog my new 4 stroke last winter though. ;)

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