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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. ugh, I hear you. I have my own issues with them. Maybe one of those fancy C-Tire shelters is the way the go. Even if you buy one every 5 years it's probably cheaper than building a permanent building. Now keep in mind that if you sell your house, a higher appraisal value would be in your favour.


    HAHA, I've been getting 5 years out of mine and after 5 years $160 buys me a new cover for it.

    I've actually og 3 of the 10X20's and a 10X10. B)

  2. A pre-fab metal building would likely be cheapest but depending on what you want at the end it may not be the easiest thing to insulate & finish.


    They actually aren't hard to insulate.

    Most have spray foam shot on the walls and ceiling with a hard fireproof coating blown on over top of the spray foam.

    Pretty sure there are also insulating kits that are just attached via the bolts that hold the structure together.

  3. I have a feeling I'll be using the snowblower tomorrow for the first time... Then apparently this weekend we are going to see like 7 degrees, lol.


    Ah well, steelhead weather!


    I have the feeling I will be drilling holes in a local lake this weekend. :P

  4. I don't have a whole house back up generator but I do have a quick disconnect on my furnace so I can power it off my 2KW Yamaha.

    Last December 29th we had a prolonged outage with temps below -40 and over 100 homes and businesses froze up and had damage.

    I was lucky and didn't have any freezing issues even though I didn't have the generator back then.

    I keep my generator inside so I know it will start. Pretty sure it wouldn't if it was that cold out.

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