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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. They aren't all like that.

    I have worked on a bunch of shows when I was guiding on Great Bear.

    The 2 shows that I can say are true their sponsors as well as the viewers are The Fishin' Canada Show and Babe Winkleman's Good Fishing show.

    The lads from Oshawa are so true to their sponsors that they will use their baits even if there is a better choice available that is not a sponsor. Don't get me wrong, they still catch a bunch of fish but they could catch more using other baits. The same goes for Babe.

    Good peeps and not a bunch of fake Bull. :good: :good:

  2. It makes the section between the whirlpool and the Queenston bridge look like a relaxing paddle in comparison.


    Never had the stones to make it any further upstream than the US power plant.

    There be some giant standing waves in that place. :w00t:

  3. never seen this before, is there a set course or they just zip around? jet drive, fiberglass boats?



    It's a set course.

    Them Ausies are nut jobs!!!

    There's a reason those boats have roll bars. :D

  4. That hit was pretty bad, saw it on the highlights.


    Yeah, I just saw it during the 1st intermission of the Oilers game.

    I would think that should be worth a 2 or 3 game suspension.

    I hope Max is OK, but they said he was on the way to hospital for tests. :(

  5. But a car in front of the bike was able to avoid her, why didn't the guy on the bike?


    Because the guy on the bike can't see through the car in front of him to see the stopped duck woman.

    That car swerved out of the way and there was not enough time for the bike dude to react and do the same.


    Same kind of thing happened to a buddy of mine in the 90's on HWY 10 South of the QEW.

    Taxi driver in front, then tow truck and finally my buddy in a Jetta. Taxi guy slams on the brakes and stops to answer his phone, tow truck swerves to miss stupid taxi guy and my buddy rear ends taxi. Taxi guy was charged. My buddy was not.

  6. I went form a '91 Merc 90hp 2 stroke to a 2013 Merc 115hp 4 stroke in the spring of '13.

    The heavier 4 stroke on my boat required me relocating my TM batteries forward to help weight distribution but was not a big deal.

    I would do it again in a heartbeat the new 4 stroke is a beautiful engine.

    I upsized so I could make sure I had the same kind of performance as I had with the 2 stroke.

    It worked well and actually gets up on plane even faster than the old engine did. I thought that would be impossible as it got on plane in a boat length with the old motor. Now it's almost instant. :good: :good:


    Your prop choice has more to do with hole shot and top end than the type of motor IMHO.

    I went to a Merc 4 blade aluminium prop and it really helped with my hole shot over a 3 blade aluminum. I didn't lose any top end by going to it either which is a bonus. :D


    If I were you I would go with the 50hp if you are upgrading just to be safe. ;)

  7. We are now paying the lowest price for gas I have seen since I moved here in 2006.

    Currently our price for regular unleaded gas is $1.189/L.

    Having said that in October on my way back from Alaska I paid the most I have ever paid for gas.

    This was in the Northern Rockies in BC by Muncho Lake.

    The price? A hefty $1.997/L!!!!! :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

  8. What's really nice about them is if they get wet inside you just wipe them out with a rag. There is no felt to get soaked or dry out between uses as it's sandwiched between the outer and inner layers of rubber.

    My buddy who came to visit from BC in 2010 wore his bare foot in -20 temps and was comfortable.

    I wear a poly liner and a wool sock and have been toasty at -45.

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