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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Thanks, you just make my point.


    Contact your friendly furnace guy and ask him all about furnaces he never sold and see what he tells you.......... :)


    I can pretty much guarantee he won't say: "OH, they never made those furnaces".

    More than likely he would say: "sorry sir we do not sell those furnaces and I have no idea what the problem may be".

  2. But you can't be knowledgeable about a product that your employer / store does not carry. :whistling:


    I have hunted and shot for over 45 years now and I don't know every single caliber that is out there and I can't expect some store clerk to know everything either and then if he doesn't, condemn that store just because of that.


    A .32 Win special is something not everyone sees all the time. And there are many other calibers out there I know nothing about and I'm sure richyb and you have no knowledge about. Does this make us dummies in our sport. I would hope not and I wouldn't look to favorably upon anyone who does expect that.


    But again, I not sure richyb is leaning that way or not.


    But have you been in a sales position for guns and ammo?

    The thing is if it's your job you really should be more knowledgeable than the consumer.

    Even those that have been shooting for over 45 years. ;)


    Heck, I have been living in house's with a furnace for over 50 years. It doesn't mean I know everything there is to know about furnaces, so when there is an issue I talk to someone that deals with furnaces for a living. :whistling:

  3. I think you would change your opinion if you ever visited the Lindsay CT. And I have heard of others that are heads and shoulders above the typical CT as well.


    Or Yellowknife's. ;)

    They have lures that are not available anywhere on the planet.

    Said lures are kick donkey up here. :D

  4. My hound always gets her kennel cough shot and got kennel cough this year......we asked the vet how can that be.........he said just like the flu there are different strains of kennel cough....seems like a waste of time and MONEY IMHO.


    Yes, mine got it once too.

    The kennel I put him in when I have to go away for work or other reasons will not let me board him without the shot though.

    Otherwise I wouldn't bother with it.

  5. The Sens are miles ahead of the laffs in team building. The laffs have no idea who, what, when or where to go and are stuck with contracts that will seal their fate for at least another 5 years.

    How many "proper" rebuilds have the laffs done in the last 20 years of their 49 years of suckdome?



    Yes you are correct and in the last 30 years have had no proper rebuilds.

    They have been trying to buy good teams while dealing away promising draft picks and getting rid of young players before giving them a chance to mature. Seems like the new management is going a different way. And yes it will most likely be 5 years before anything fruitful becomes of the new direction.

  6. Just keep telling yourself that, for like another 49 years :w00t::rofl2:


    Well I have Hope Matt as they are finally doing a proper rebuild instead of trading away the future for short term gains like they have been doing for too long.

    Heck if I didn't have any hope I would cheer for the Sens too!!!!! :tease: :tease: :tease:

  7. Not at all. He would be just one part of the bigger picture, which is the total team rebuild.

    This kid is going to be a super star and if you get a couple more good draft picks as well as some of the talent on the Marlies together with the likes of Kadri, Reily etc you have a recipe for success.

  8. When I'm not out ice fishing, riding the sled or playing out at my cabin site I work on projects around here.

    I'm currently working on some custom rod orders for myself as well as some clients. I also tie jigs and flies to fill in time.

    ​On top of all that I create my own adult beverages and consume them while watching hockey on the big screen. :D

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