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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016








    INNISFIL – A trailer full of lumber is missing from a Thomas Street business after a theft early Monday morning.

    South Simcoe police say a transport truck and the trailer were stolen at 2:30 a.m. The truck, which has a GPS unit, was abandoned at 4:30 a.m. in Milton.

    The 48-foot trailer had Ontario licence plate F83 60N and was covered with two large Muskoka Transport tarps.

    Halton Regional police examined the truck and collected forensic evidence.

    Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call South Simcoe police at 905-775-3311 or 705-436-2141 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.




  2. Seems like they're dumping a bunch of positions in the US now as well. :(






    MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) – A new round of layoffs is underway Tuesday at Target’s Minneapolis headquarters, one day after Gov. Mark Dayton met with the company’s CEO.

    Target announced that they would be eliminating about 1,700 positions from their team, primarily from headquarters locations. Also, roughly 1,400 open positions are to be permanently closed.

    “While today’s news is difficult, it’s important to know that we will continue to make investments in our business and team — particularly in areas such as digital, personalization, data and analytics, and engineering — to position Target for future success,” a spokesperson said in a released media statement. “Today is a very difficult day for the Target team, but we believe these are the right decisions for the company.”

    Target said that cut employees would receive more than 15 weeks of pay and additional severance based on how long they worked there. SEC filings indicate that Target will spend approximately $100 million on severance packages for this round of cuts.

    “Target will also provide each team member with career outplacement support, access to free executive education courses, and will pay the employer portion of their benefits coverage for the next six months,” the spokesperson said.

    Employees said that a couple dozen upper managersicon1.png were let go on Monday.

    Following his meeting with Target CEO Brian Cornell to discuss the impact this will have on the state’s economy, Dayton said Cornell assured him Target will keep a strong presence here in Minnesota.

    Last week, Target announced plans to cut thousands of jobs, mostly at its headquarters in Minneapolis. Those cuts will happen over the next two years as part of a cost reduction and restructuring plan.

    They come on top of the 550 Minnesota employees Target already let go as it pulled out ofCanadaicon1.png.

    The silver lining for those whose jobs are affected is that several local and national recruiters, as well as human resourcesicon1.png managers here in the Twin Cities, are actively reaching out to Target workers who are looking for new jobs.


  3. We are low on snow compared to most years.

    I would guess it's knee deep out on the lake. There are spots on the lease that are waist deep and a few spots where it's less than a foot.


    I've been running the trail for a few weeks making sure it's nicely packed from the ice road to the property as I will be hauling a ton of lumber out there shortly. I just dropped $11K on lumber @ lunch today. It is supposed to be delivered to my house tomorrow.

    Then I have to load it on my buddies trailer and we'll cart it out to the lease.

  4. just a thought on the pex - if the pipes freeze, your options are limited for thawing. A lot of folks with the pex installs have had issues this winter.


    But when it is thawed it will still be water tight unlike copper which will usually end up split or leaking @ a joint.

  5. Nice to look forward to, we live right on the lake and it's going to be tough to move away some day. After last winter and getting buried here with constant lake effect squalls I just about had enough. Even had an agent out to do an appraisal. Before I knew it is was April and had the BBQ fired and walking down to the beach catching 25 pound plus Carp. I forgot all about listing it until the first water line froze last month due to my stupidity. You will love it Dave. I see you say "lease" if I'm not being too nosey how does that work? There is a community just east of us where they are on yearly leases. They have to be away from the cottages for any 6 months a year. All the services are up to the residence to arrange and pay for. The hydro infrastructure and telephone service is provided by the owner as well as road maintenance in summer. I calculated the lease cost per year would be the property tax rate if the cottage owner would pay if they owned the land.



    Currently the leases are very cheap @ $150/year.

    They were done through the Feds until last fall when the territorial govt. took over land administration.

    It is my guess that at some point we will be able to buy out our leases and have deeded land. They did that with a section of leased land last year. We will see what if anything happens with taxes when and if that happens. These are off grid properties so water, sewer, power are all the lease owners responsibility.

  6. This cabin building thing is putting a damper on the relaxing part of living.

    But where there's a building in place I will be sitting back on the deck looking out @ the lake and be smiling ear to ear, :D

    Planning to spend 5 or 6 weeks out there this summer working on the shell of the building.

  7. Spent the weekend playing around @ my lease.

    Hauled a bunch of lumber up the hill that I already had on site. I took a little video from my sled of the trip from truck to lease and back with the drive up the trail I cut in last year.

    Had to bring in water to hose down the trail in spots to get it to firm up enough so I won't spin the track when hauling a load. Did the top end yesterday with 15 gallons of water spread using a watering can and it worked great. Didn't spin out there today even with a full load of 6x6's.


    The video


    I managed to get my beams up the hill solo but I must say a 16' 8x8 pressure treated beam is not light at all.




    It's a lot harder to back up a loaded komatik than it is to back up a trailer. :)




    Digging out the 6x6's




  8. Was just chatting with my old man in Belwood. He is at the age that he has to do the yearly thing to keep his drivers license and this year they said no but if you have your eye doctor do this test and fill it in for you we can look it over and if you pass you can have your license.


    OK, fine. Dad goes to the eye Dr. takes the test and sends it into the DOT.

    Four days later they call him and let him know that they will have to forward the test to their medical division as they don't know how to interpret the results. If you don't hear anything in two weeks call this 1-800 number.


    After 2 weeks pops calls the number. The system says the average wait time is 28 minutes. <_<

    A little over an hour passes and someone finally answers "can I help you?".

    Dad says he was told to call in two weeks...yadda....yadda...yadda

    I want to know the results of the test.........


    Guy says we never received it. :wallbash:

    But if you send a copy to us today we can have an answer for you in about 6 weeks!!! :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

    My pop says well my license expires in two weeks is there any way to extend it?


    Mook @ DOT says no, you should have sent it in sooner. :wacko:

    So pops will not have a license and the DOT says too bad so sad!!! :devil:


    I told him to just drive without a license until it gets all settled as it certainly isn't your fault they're a bunch of inept goobers. He says but the police won't like that.

    I said when was the last time you were stopped by the police (he couldn't remember) I said exactly.

    You shouldn't have to be screwed over because some idiot can't do his job properly.


    Rant over

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled rant. :ph34r:

  9. Wow, some great responses, thank you all so much!


    Glen, we love Florida and Myrtle Beach but to take a chance and go without insurance would be gambeling our entire future. My sister was in hospital in Las Vegas for three days, the bill was over $45,000.00. Thankfully she had insurance. I have heard too many stories of what it can cost in the US without insurance, we wouldn't take the chance.


    In trying to find someplace warmer for us to get away from winter but still stay in Canada the Victoria area seems like the warmest alternitive.

    Highs for today:

    Victoria +10

    Myrtle Beach +5

    Lindsay - 10


    Mr Blizzard & Mike, I will deffinatly take you up on your offers once I have more specific questions to ask, thank you so much for the offers! Can't think of a much better way to spend a cold winter day than planning on how to spend it in a warmer environment :)


    Last year when I was in Florida with my old man he became ill and spent 3 days in the hospital to the tune of $17K.

    He has insurance from through his old company since he retired though.

    I also have insurance through my work but it only covers 80% out of country so I top up with: http://www.medipac.com/

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