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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Anyone here see the movie "Fargo".........it's a dark comedy........very good movie...


    But anyways it's in Fargo, ND and it's winter time......always snowing, etc.....


    At the end of the movie the Russian finally gets caught by the pregnant sheriff and she has him cuffed and in the back seat of the car while she's driving them down a empty road in what's basically white out conditions.......and she says something like "you ruined your whole life and look, it's such a beautiful day"....Ya....... :)


    Drove through Fargo last winter.

    It was soooooooo boring I wanted to slit my wrists!!!! :D

    On the way back from Florida I even got a speeding ticket in the middle of nowhere during a snow storm. :wallbash:


    A bit of minnow water splashed on bare ice is good enough for the x67 and if you're not into minnows you can simply spit on the ground and swirl the transducer a bit. Any clear liquid will work and you only need the smallest amount of form a bit of suction between the ice and transducer.


    I carry a water bottle in my cooler with my dead bait. (keeps it from freezing).

    Easy to refill after you drill a hole or two. ;)

  3. Smallest I have seen lately are the 4 1/2" Nils.

    Cabelas actually has the high velocity model on sale for $104 right now.




    If you have good clear ice it is easier to put the transducer (as long as it's a flat ice ducer) on the ice (shovel away snow) and with the sonar on pour a little water on the ducer to couple it to the ice and you can read depth easily. I have read depth through more than 5' of ice and I have even marked fish through the ice. :D

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