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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Crappy deal.


    I had a uhual trailer pop off while traveling with a load down the 502(dryden highway)


    I felt a pop and new right away something wasnt right. Quickly I just sense what was wrong and began what had to be the slowest decline in speed ever


    Sure enough, just as I come to the intersection I cam to a stop.


    The trailer had jumped off the ball and was just held by the chains.


    Good thing too because not only was that very dangerous, it was a brand new truck I had borrowed from my father in law!


    Had the same thing happen back in the 80's doing 120 on the 401!!! :w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t:

  2. When I was in grande prairie, I looked at houses and 300,000 for a 1800 sq ft house built like s%×+.


    The newest subdivision here in Yellowknife the places are selling for $400,000-$425,000 and that's for trailers that are so close together you can practically touch your neighbour from your kitchen. :w00t:

  3. Bill

    It's just a rink, not pretty but it's not like it's there 365 days a year.

    It's obvious that there is one DH on that street that is making it their life's work to b!0tch and moan about everyone else on the street. These people are usually depressed, angry people that are mad at the world.


    I am willing to bet that everyone in the neighbourhood knows who the butt head is.

    If I lived on that street I would get the rest of the peeps together and make it my life's work to get them to leave the area.


    People suck!!!! :angry:


    When I was growing up there were back yard, front yard, side yard rinks as well as ponds to skate on.

    I don't know of any backyard rinks here but there are plenty of rinks made on local lakes as well as several outdoor rinks and two indoor links maintained by the city.


    We even have an outdoor speed skating oval training track.


    And there was the, are we going through? Are we going to make it over that? :w00t:


    Then you get to your hut,the heaters on,the beers thrown out to chill and it,s like HEAVEN we made it. Party on. :Gonefishing:


    I remember being out on the laker grounds one day.

    Around lunch there was a huge ice quake. The huts jumped in the air and water came out of the hole.

    Seems that right by the shore where we came on in the morning a gigantic pressure ridge developed.

    The outfitter brought us all the way to the ridge, and we had to climb over it to get back to shore.


    I remember being in Bombardiers in the dark in wicked blizzards wondering how they didn't get lost as it was almost impossible to see the Christmas tree markers.

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