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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Happens every year throughout cottage country. You leave your dock out and you risk it drifting out with the ice or getting crushed.


    Yup, that's why mine is up on shore.

    It's a pain taking it out and putting it in every year but I have too much $$$$ invested to have it destroyed by the ice.



  2. Last month pot became legal in Alaska.

    Now there is no problem having it but they have laws on where you can partake and also growing your own.

    For instance, there is a limit of 6 plants per household and only 3 can be flowering @ once.

    Smoking weed in public is against the law and ticketable just like drinking out of residence.

    Also because the feds still have pot as being illegal big trouble can be had consuming on federal land.

  3. I would never own another kia. Ever. The warranty looks great until you need it. We had one that blew the motor at 40K and they did nothing to help.




    Got a buddy that had similar issues with Subaru.

    He and his wife both bought new vehicles and had regular maintenance done here in town (no Subaru Dealer here) and they had engine issues under warranty. One had a minor issue and they wouldn't repair it under warranty. His wife's vehicle had a major issue (defective timing belt that broke bending valves and causing $4500 worth of repairs. Same deal, wouldn't cover it under warranty because it had not had all of it's service @ a Subaru dealership.


    He ended up trading both vehicles in and buying from a dealer here in town and will never buy another Subaru and he tells all that will listen about his experience.

  4. Yep i know. I wish I had a lifetime gift card to McDolands too. Lot of good that will do you as a professional athlete.



    Vegas will be such an interesting situation. 'Recorded attendance for tonight's game 18 000.' (Pans to crowd, 600 people in seats).


    The hotels will snap up the season tickets and boxes as gifts for their high rollers but no one will go. No one goes to Vegas to see hockey.


    I have friends in BC and Alaska that fly to Vegas to watch hockey.

    They are big ECHL fans (Alaska Aces and Victoria Salmon Kings) and go down to watch them play against the Las Vegas Wranglers ECHL team. The turn outs @ the games down there are quite good.

    Well until this year. The owners of the arena decided they weren't going to renew their lease so the team doesn't have a home.

    That is being fixed now and they will be back next season. ;)

  5. You steak lovers really owe it to yourselves to get a hold of a back strap off a 2-3 year old deer. It will put any steak you've had to shame. I aged mine for about 3 weeks, hands down the best meat I've had.


    I cannot wait until November to stock the freezer again!


    Bill if you ever get a chance at a caribou back strap you will stop eating white tail. :D

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