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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. He's a UFA next year. He will be gone by July2nd of 2016. Either in a trade or by getting picked up after he becomes a FA.
  2. NWT Surf & Turf!!! Onions, corn and taters with caribou cubes cooked in tinfoil on the BBQ with fresh lake trout Tex Mex style on the BBQ. It was quite tasty!!!
  3. Got a couple of more panels up today. Starting to look like something now.
  4. All my friends are either working, lazy or injured. It's OK though the workout and feeling of accomplishment is great!! The floor insulation for the most part was free!!! All except 30% which I had to purchase to finish the job. The blue SM were left over off cuts from a commercial job downtown that my neighbours brought home for me and the pink was reclaimed from another job they did. My walls and ceiling are getting Roxul as I hate working with fiberglass, unless it's free of course. Yes I'm looking at a wind turbine down the way as an addition to the solar setup I will be installing. My solar setup looks to be about 8K and to add a 300W turbine another 2K. Currently taking an Advil break while typing this!!!
  5. No rums but he brought over fresh bannok. It was awesome!!!!
  6. Got the 16' section of the South wall ready to raise today. Should have finished it but neighbour came over and we yakked for too long. Took him out fishing after dinner for 3 hours and I managed an 8# troot right @ the end after each of us missing a couple. Bonked it and neighbour and I are going to have it for dinner tomorrow with some BBQ'd caribou. Arctic surf and turf!!!
  7. There are great paying jobs here, but the mine jobs are usually 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. Which ain't too bad. You get a 2 week holiday every month!!!
  8. Right!!! First wall is up!!! Only 3 more to go. :
  9. Going solar with generator backup. Surette 24V battery bank with Outback charge controller and inverter charger.
  10. Took longer than anticipated but got the big section 12'X16' of wall raised and the rest of the wall ready to go up. Ran into a couple of snags with my home made wall jack and had to do a little onsite re-engineering. Got er up single handed though.
  11. Thanks EH!!! PFFFFT!!! Bring RUM!!! Ribbons are for rhythmic gymnastics!!!! Just let me know when you're coming up. View from the bed room to dock isn't. You can see it from the living room and should get a heck of a view from the loft. No problem Lew. More pics tonight.
  12. Got most of one of the long walls complete today. Should have it finished and standing tomorrow as long as it's not too windy.
  13. Got the floor finished today. All insulated, caulked and painted (mostly, I ran out of paint with about 1/4 to go) Also got my basement/crawl space door jams in. Starting on the walls tomorrow.
  14. Exactly ho I do it. Jack all the way down, place axle stands with 2X6 blocks under the back of the boat then jack all the way up, block under hull forward and lower the jack to provide enough room to pull the bunks.
  15. Why? I just jacked up the back of the boat and put it on jack stands with 2x6's on top and then jacked up closer to the front and blocked it up on beams. This gave me the room to undo and remove the bunks, repair and replace with out leaving the garage!!!
  16. I can't type using on screen keyboards. Always hitting the wrong key, not so with my BB. I just upgraded to the Classic. Nice phone and have been able to get most android apps to run but you do need to tweak them a bit. Actually the BB Enterprise server now works with iphones and android devices. It enables you to secure them, have a locked work space and be able to wipe them on command just like you can with BB devices.
  17. ​These were just announced this past week. Look like kick donkey little pieces of tech. Especially if you're a music lover. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/mobile-phones/11745730/Marshall-launches-loudest-mobile-phone-on-Earth-for-music-lovers.html
  18. I like motor homes. You can pull your boat behind if wanted or can tow a small car or SUV to tool about in.
  19. After a couple of days off it was back at er today. Got the rest of my sheathing done on the crawl space walls and started getting the floor down and insulated. 3" Styrofoam SM for the first layer and 2 layers of R15 fiberglass on top for a total of R45 in the floor. Should have toasty tootsies.
  20. I used Home Hardware grey indoor outdoor carpet on mine several years ago and it's holding up just fine.
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