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Everything posted by scuro2

  1. Surveys indicate the answer is white males who don't read. To be skeptical and objective requires reading. You get the sense that Donald Trump doesn't read either. To ask, why can't we use our nuclear weapons, speaks to a man who doesn't know basic history or a phrase like, mutually assured destruction.
  2. Did Donald Trump blow up his campaign? Does he intend to blow up the Republican party and become a martyr/messiah anti-establishment god? Or does he simply want to blow up the world? In reference to the US nuclear arsenal he stated, "Three times he asked. At one point, 'If we have them, why can't we use them?'" http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-08-04/donald-trump-nuclear-weapons-national-security-expert-critical/7688522
  3. 6 years doesn't sound ridiculous. If we go on the principle that cops are trained to kill when threatened then the first three shots are apparently excusable under the law. Knowing that he most likely died from the first three shots the next 6 takes any doubt out of the equation. So probably dead but the excess shots would be the attempt to make sure he was dead...attempted murder. Was this guy given a job he should never have had, was he properly trained to deal with the mentally ill? There are mitigating circumstances. Considering everything the judgement is not perfect but one can live with it. He serves 2-3 years but his career and reputation is ruined.
  4. Also, better call Saul. It spends a lot of time on character development and spends money on production. Unlike breaking bad, it's not so over the top...with limited violence so far. Season 1 is on Netflix
  5. ...any criminal conviction including attempted murder while on duty. Did a quick little search...US criminal charges usually are either for off duty police officers..or the few ones I found go back several decades or back to prohibition
  6. If you liked the movie Fargo you will like seasons 1 & 2. Probably the best TV series of the last two years
  7. Could this be another major difference between the US and Canada...a criminal conviction of a police officer in the line of duty for killing a civilian?
  8. https://mediamatters.org/research/2007/02/08/ksfo-hosts-repeat-embellish-soros-nazi-smear-he/137992 With those who ignorantly and wantonly propagate pure racist hate I have to ask at what point do question your own behaviour? ..or do you? http://www.jewishjournal.com/glenn_beck/article/glenn_beck_under_fire_over_george_soros_comments_20101116 “This is the height of ignorance or insensitivity, or both,” said Abraham Foxman, the director of the Anti-Defamation League....Elan Steinberg, the vice president of the American Gathering of Holocaust Survivors and their Descendants, called Beck’s attack “improper.” “When you make a particularly monstrous accusation such as this, you have to have proof,” he said. “I have seen no proof.”
  9. I was about to agree with you until that last line of your post. Trump has had four bankruptcies and been involved with 3500 lawsuits. If you have enough money and power you can use the law to line your pockets also. I'm sure the bankruptcies didn't hurt other billionaires but rather contractors who got stiffed by Trump who didn't pay his bills. He used the law to shield his millions.
  10. Isn't it completely obvious to you Glen? They constantly make crap up about people and think that is okay!...as a society we see this as a big no-no and have even created a word and laws for this behaviour and it is called, slander. Now when presented with the facts that the Fox Network consistently slanders people you can have one of two reactions, you can become an apologist and believe that lying about people is okay because they have done so much good, or you can rethink why in your right mind you would ever tune into a station that has no morals and sense of self respect.
  11. Here is example of another smear parroted by the Fox "News" crew and gobbled up by it's wantonly clueless audience. George Soros is a Jew and survived the Holocaust. I guess FishnNAutographs believes Soros tried to collaborate in his own demise?
  12. ...and that is it. Like with Climate Change the US "wacked right" just make crap up. And like with Climate change they wallow with pleasure in their ignorance. The truth and facts don't matter. If you look at the mass smear campaign through emails and FB posts I'd be angry too if all that crap was true, but's it's not. When you challenge any of these blowhards on any facts they have nothing or they go mute. What they have lost a basic civility where we don't make stuff up to smearbash and win with slander...and I see some of it in Canada but thank god we are not like the US!!
  13. A plus for aging...in pike years I'm a trophy!...and the funny thing is my comfort level seems to match that of big pike and I notice that especially when conditions go from blah to tolerable. You could take me along and go, hey he's starting to fish again, the bite must be on!
  14. A 37 incher came after hitting a spot on north after another party had just fished it. My bud thought it pointless but I saw a change in conditions. "Whim" fishing worked best on this trip as it did the last one...going to the spot when conditions changed for the better. One spot turned on with multiple big aggressive fish within for about 1/2 an hour. I too have left key spots unfished for a day or two, but who knows who else fished. Great spots would come up blank in ideal conditions. For all the trolling we did we only landed a 30 incher....many walleye and small pike. The pressure argument makes sense but the pressure has always been there...this time virtually all the big pike were caught in the first weeks. That's the difference with Kes. I'd still fish it given the choice between Kes and anything in southern Ontario. It still is a majestic lake and an awesome experience but if the opportunity avails itself I'd rather try other spots next year. Heck for the work we put into it we would probably would have just as much success at Lake of the Woods, Seul, or Nipigon for the same price or less. Finally over the years we've talked some about life changes, schooling in particular, you measuring what's in store for your future based on what's happening in my life. Here's something to consider, aging parents and retirement! One thing I will have to do before retiring is know there will be enough money to do one decent fishing trip in the year, the other is that both Leslie's dad and my mom have health issues that are keeping us closer to home. I had to arrange with my brother blocks of weeks in the summer when one of us would be near mom. Kesagami was chosen last minute as the health of both parents improved and that was the time I was "free". If you have been dreaming of family trip to a special location like BC for several weeks it might be the time to do it. The other thing is that the "girls" and your gal don't have the open agenda they did when younger. There are new pressing interests like jobs, boyfriends, and with Leslie her dad.
  15. There is the general advice to keep that to avoid tarnish you should keep them clean, avoid humidity...etc but I was wondering about silicone spraying my lures...
  16. Kes, isn't what it used it to be, judging from that week, and I've gone many times on that week. Their brag board didn't have a fish over 46 inches and there were just a few in the mid 40s. By that time I remember usually at least a 50 or two with several high 40s. I remember when Leslie caught her 46 that Charlie saw no real need to put it on the board because it was "ordinary" and space was limited. As you know due to the health of parents I had to take the convenience of Kes. You can cancel last minute and use your deposit next year. I hadn't been in two years and there were less guests this time around, and especially less guests who actually know how to fish for big pike. It should have been easy-peasy because the best spots were not too heavily fished. The weather was changing but that's the norm and we didn't get smoked by a 30+ heatwave as we have previously. We worked hard for the fish we got but couldn't even get within an inch or two of 40. It also sounded like we did better then most even those who were guided. If I can only get out once a year I seriously have to think about going back again unless it is with my wife or daughter because on the service end of things, the place can't be beat. I had may be a significant fish...gonna post about that separately. All I thought I knew about leaders has gone out the window.
  17. I should have said that summer time is when they often go without a meal for long periods of time, hence the motivation. They hunt with their noses and can smell a seal a mile away buried under the snow. Bunk is going to smell like one giant Big Mac with his love of bacon, cheese, and other fats. Other interesting facts, the large males can take off your head with one swipe of their paw and they usually kill their victims by crushing their heads in their jaws. They also like to sneak up on unsuspecting fishermen too engrossed in arctic char. They will spend hours waiting and moving stealthy closer to their prey before they charge.
  18. I'm enchanted once again in spun yarns and streams of beautiful photography. That would be good enough for me but then pic after pic of eye popping fish just leaves the jaw gapping. Flies could find a home under that awning while I read for what seems like hours. Thanks for all that, just awesome.
  19. Polar Bears...everything I have read of them makes them sound highly dangerous, even more so then grizzlies. Forget the wolves, PB go long periods of time without eating so they are motivated! They will stalk you for miles, and isn't the summer the feeding season cause those darn seals don't have to pop their heads up out of the ice? It sounds like a dream but you better be packing.
  20. Good question Dave. Is the recent warming natural variance or man made? If you see how closely temp and Co2 concentrations track then looking at the graph above and noting that it goes only 2007 you would guess that global temperatures should go up. ...and in fact they have. Since that first graph that goes only to 2007 Co2 levels have risen from from 383 ppm to 400. You could predict that global average temperatures on average will continue to rise.
  21. Ah so then the argument isn't that earth has on average been warming noticeably recently (no matter what the cause)? No one is still is holding onto totally shot down notions such as we are going through "global cooling" or there has been no noticeable recent change? That would be progress. ...and Glen, if your stance is that global warming most likely is man made, will most likely disrupt the world as we know it in harmful ways to society, and that you don't want anything altered that may cost you even a single penny more ...well then at least your honest about it.
  22. For our healthy group of Deniers who believe we are coming out of an Ice Age we had our 13th record all time hottest month in a row in May. Last month I calculated the odds of 12 months in a row at 1/40 x 1/40 x 1/40 x 1/40 x 1/40 x 1/40 x 1/40 x 1/40 x 1/40 x 1/40 x 1/40 x 1/40 = 1.6777216 to the exponent 19 ...add another X 1/40
  23. Well Glen, that's about the best you got. "Mock away" then because there isn't anything else to do when your pet "skeptical" theory has been shot to pieces and you folks just can't give up the narrative in the face of facts. Sad really....
  24. I say Dave, where do you get your facts? That Greenpeace dude said we were in an ice age. You tell us we are coming out of an ice age. I see where you are coming from...if it's been real cold, it's gotta get warmer due, "to a lot of forces"...and we aint got no control over ANY OF IT so all you treehuggers out there don't even THINK there is a problem or that we need to do something about it!! Then we come out of the land of narrative and we look at a graph like this one below. The "biblical like" story of the deniers just doesn't match up to reality, ....which is science. Hark, look over here, we are not in an ice age!!! But that would be obvious because I can step out my door and there is not a mile of ice above my head. Dave, can you see how you have been manipulated to spout slogans that make absolutely no sense!!?
  25. Just for you I watched the video....sorry couldn't get past 15 minutes because it insulted my intelligence. His past history is interesting and he is a good counterpoint to Gore. Both cherry pick facts and ignore evidence to give a biased viewpoint. Do we have to watch misinformation? No...because this is not a balancing of science with valid skepticism...it's just plain propaganda...it's garbage. I do agree on one point, it's not like much higher levels of Co2 will lead to the end of the planet...it won't. It's more like we are a bunch of lemmings jumping of a predictable and avoidable population cliff. For those who think the earth's population is to high we going to let the earth shed us of our excesses. It won't be pretty. Some of you are probably looking forward to this like all fundamentalists look forward to that judgement day for the heathens.
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