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Everything posted by pameladallaire

  1. Thanks Justin: I'll do that. I'm doing pastel demos tomorrow at the SRF Visual Arts Boot Camp. Pam
  2. Moosebunk supplied me with wonderful sunset images to demonstrate how to paint skies in pastel. Here is the first one "Red Sky". Pam
  3. Thanks to Moosebunk and his great photography, I was able to do this demonstration drawing, in charcoal, of a winter landscape. Pam
  4. Tell the website that you can't access the page you want. I did mine a few months ago and could access any page that I had already studied. They just timed the new pages. Pam
  5. I love the night sky photo Brandon. Truly majestic. Pam
  6. That is SO cool....I've never been able to photograph Northern Lights. It's great to see other peoples shots. Pam
  7. To smoke meat that has to be cooked at the same time, I just use my BBQ. On one side I put lots of charcoal briquets. When they are hot, I place on top, wet and dry mixed wood chips wrapped in double tin foil with holes in it. On the other side of the BBQ on the top rack I put frozen, or really cold meat, and a drip pan below. When the meat is cooked through, it looks like ham inside and tastes great. I usually completely fill the one side of the BBQ with frozen roasts, sausage, and pork backs and take each out as they are cooked. Sometimes I smoke jalapeno peppers above the meat. Pam
  8. I'm so sorry Simon! Pam
  9. Hi Brandon: I'm on-line from Smooth Rock Falls, finally. I love the bats in the snow. Amazing subject! And the star trails look like a picture my brother made me on the clear film used for projectors?? I'm going to make a lamp shade out of it. He takes astronomy photos. Keep up the great work! Pam
  10. Awh, I think they're Cute
  11. WOW, yup, I knew you would become a portrait photographer! Pam
  12. I love the crane head shots. Great work! Pam
  13. Very nice shots! You'll be famous in no time. Pam
  14. Really nice shots! I like the first and third one best. Pam
  15. This guy isn't supposed to be in Timmins! He must be lost. Pam
  16. Wonderful as usual. Pam
  17. Oooh, I love the eagle in the rain. Sorry I haven't been posting. I have officially finished moving houses and I'm back to normal. YEAH! Pam
  18. Nice skulls Moosebunk, my skull collection is in the living room, not on my avatar. My avatar is always one of my latest paintings. I try not to change it too often or people will get confused. Pam
  19. Oooh, I love the close up insects! Pam
  20. It looks like you had fun! I can't wait for hunting on Tuesday morning. Pam
  21. I still haven't figured out when to call 911 for a bear call. My husband said telling it to "Shoo" from looking through the screen door wasn't the best idea I had. When another one tried to get to me through the glass sliding door this spring, I pounded on the glass and it took it's frustration out on my patio swing. I now have conversation bear rips in my swing cushion. I haven't seen any bears since the berry season, but come to think of it, I have a lot of ripe berries surrounding my house. Pam
  22. I just finished this one for the Polar Bear Habitat to raise funds but it is going in a competition first this week. "Who's Watching Who?" acrylic on canvas. Pam
  23. Just watching your video posts. WONDERFUL! You'll be the next reality show. Brandon Gone Wild. Add some tips for photographing wild animals please. Pam
  24. I just finished "Great Blue Heron", the photo reference was from Justin Hoffman. 14.5 x 24" acrylic on board. Pam
  25. All your shots are wonderful Brandon! Amazing. Pam
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