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Everything posted by MarcusDiGiovanni
If I were you I would move on, By the time you get it fixed you could have a nice new one and you never know, it could brake shortly after getting fixed. We've got a couple of nice Big screens at my house that are mounted on the wall. When we purchased ours we were recomended panasonic and samsungs. Our Samsung is a 42" LCD and our Panasonic is a 52" PLASMA. We got both of them at sears. The staff was friendly and knowladgeable, overall a great excperiance. The Tv's work great, and have excellent quality HD with lots of other features, such as game mode, sleep mode etc. Marcus
I'm REALLY glad I found this, I had the same problem.
I cropped that one for a project at school, then I accidently deleted the origional
Some Troubleing News For Our Fisheries
MarcusDiGiovanni replied to MarcusDiGiovanni's topic in General Discussion
BAHAA, lol -
Some Troubleing News For Our Fisheries
MarcusDiGiovanni replied to MarcusDiGiovanni's topic in General Discussion
I think CRAA would probably prefer more knowladgeable people. -
Some Troubleing News For Our Fisheries
MarcusDiGiovanni replied to MarcusDiGiovanni's topic in General Discussion
I wnet once, In september, but I had no clue what I was doing, we went for about 4 hours totally clueless and hopeless. When I say I haven't been down I guess what I meen is I haven't been down there proparly prepared and with some knowladge of the area. -
i've got a pond that I fish at but, I often wonder how they got their:dunno:
Some Troubleing News For Our Fisheries
MarcusDiGiovanni replied to MarcusDiGiovanni's topic in General Discussion
All I can say is dispicable. Why do they need the row if their snaginf fish? -
Some Troubleing News For Our Fisheries
MarcusDiGiovanni replied to MarcusDiGiovanni's topic in General Discussion
Some Troubleing News For Our Fisheries
MarcusDiGiovanni replied to MarcusDiGiovanni's topic in General Discussion
SO true, Its a shame really -
another, im having trouble uploading srry, but I think u get the gist of it
Some pics, I took while enjoying some bass fishing near my local pond. BTW its my friends in the pics with all MY fish, they didnt know how to work the camera.
Hello, once again to all my fellow OFNers. I was down at erindale park in mid september for a day of fishing when somthing happened that I found very troubling. Two men had a bucket full of baby rainbow trout, no bigger than 2 inches long. This was right by the dame or concrete pillers, near the bridge, whatever they were they created still water which provided a place for these baby trout. A guy probably in his mid 30's was using corn and just jigging it up and down, they had bout 7 fish, all of which they planned to keep. My friend and I asked, what they planned to do with these fish, and he said "cook em up, I hear there good to eat". I was rather annoyed with the lack of respect they had for the fish. They are the future of the lake ontario fisheries and they dont even get a chance to grow. Anyways, Just thought I'd share my experiance with you all. TighLines, Marcus
Unfortunatly, Newmarket, I don't have much of a choice
BAHAAA, thanks guys I apreciate the help, and I will hold my pond Very Very DEAR!
Heey everyone, probably a stupid question to hear from all you seasoned vets but, When I'm reading a post or an article and it says "the upper credit river" or "the upper... wherever" Does that meen going up to lake ontario or wherever the trib leads, or does it mean going north? thanks again, Marcus
Hello, all. I was just on google researching some places to fish when I stumbled across Trout Unlimiteds website, they went on and on then finnaly they gave me a link to the CVC's website. From there it mentions fishing at Belfountain Conservation area, Ken Whillans Resource Managment Area, The Forks Of The Credit, Charles Saurio Conservation Area, and the Forks Of The Credit. I'm curious as to weather these Locations will hold any Brown or Brook trout, or even some rainbows. The only areas i've heard about are Bronte around the provincial park area and Erindale Park, which was a little crouded for my likings. (erindale park that is, havent tried bronte). If anyone knows of any locations or are even willing to P.M Me some spots, all information is apreciated Thanks, Marcus P.S are there any cutthroat trout in Ontario? I don't think so but I just though i'd ask
Kinda late, but when I am shore fishing for bass i like to use a booyeah bogee bait. it's a buzzbait, and its caught me plenty of nice sized largeys.
Mostly hitting Bronte or the Credit, for steelhead and salmon. would the same weight rod work for brown or brook trout? I heard the upper credit has some good numbers of browns and brookies?
HAHAHAHA, LMAO, Thats the plan!
Thanx man, it feels good having a seconed opinion
Heello there fellow fishermen.many of you prabably didn't know that I am 14. I LOVE Fishing. Best sport on the world. I have heard that a lot of the "seasoned Anglers" have concerns that the younger generations won't take the same kind of liking to fishing and bring the same level of passion. Well I for one love the sport and hope to continue for the rest of my life. The type of fishing I like is fly fishing. I've taken a few coarses on the casting basics and all that, but now it's time to get my gear. Due to Stellar mid term report card, my parents have opened the window for me to choose some fly fishing gear I want for christmas. This is what I have picked out for myself. I'll be fishing for steelhead, Trout, and salmon. Orvis Battenkill Large Arbor Reel - http://www.wilsonstoronto.com/ProductDetai...ue/Default.aspx Rio Steelhead and salmon Fly Line- http://www.wilsonstoronto.com/ProductDetai...ue/Default.aspx White River Fly Shop™ Classic Travel Fly Rods- http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...5001000_175-1-2 World Wide Sportsman® Magibraid™ Gel Spun Fly Line Backing- http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...5003000_175-3-1 Orvis® Floating Braided Leader- http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...5003000_175-3-2 How do you think this gear will hold up for Steelhead Salmon and Trout?
lol, nope, I dont thimk that anyone really knows about it or even thinks theres fish in there